The angels of omnipotence: lies, deception, manipulation, and false promises

No, because it was removed by the mods. Please do as I asked, and introduce yourself by clicking the link i posted.


Sure, I have posted a short introduction. Can you give me some advice please as to the conclusion of the drama? I have now unsure whether the AOM as introduced by Tempest are safe to work with…

For added context - I did a tarot divination asking whether I should continue working with these entities. I got an interesting reading - star, 10 of pentacles and 7 of swords (outcome). My tarot spreads have been accurate, and it seems like a warning - with promise of wealth and dreams fulfilment, yet ending with the 7 of swords: betrayal/deception outcome. Or maybe it means that I will sneak out and stop working with these angels, so in a sense it is safe but I am the one ‘leaving’ due to my fear.

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Tempest’s book has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of that guy’s blog post. The stuff that guy talks about is actually some weird mishmash of Enochian, the Angels of Omnipotence, and some bizarre grematria that he got from the “experienced magician” he mentions (someone sent me a pdf from said magician, and it was pretty nasty stuff. Very slimy and parasitic).

Tempest stole nothing from him. He’s just butthurt because Tempest found his initiation ritual, used it, and then went on to build his own connection to the angels using his preferred technique of pathworking. In my experience, and those of others, Tempest’s book is pretty safe. His glyphs greatly limited the flow of power.


Thank you very much Darkest! Appreciate your advice, and this sounds reassuring.
The blog post did state that his study group had some bad experiences though. However if it came about only because of the weird mishmash workings, then maybe it is indeed separate from Jared’s work and the real Angels of Omnipotence

This thread has some interesting info as well: Angels of Omnipotence. Elubatel etc. - Studio Arcanis

My tarot read still gives me abit of pause though, and yes that mild depressive spell. Shall think about it further

Thank you! :pray: :pray:

Take into consideration what Jareth says in the book about worthiness. A lot of the issues with the Angels, especially Elubatel, come from people asking for big changes, but their lives aren’t set up properly to accept such change, so it has to be shaken in order to make room for it. In his book, Tempest mentions an article by Jason Miller on how to be worthy which I think is really worth reading;


Same stuff I saw?


Yeah, that stuff.


If you’d be interested, I also did divination on the safety of the method here:

It seems to accurately reflect the experiences of others who have practiced it.

But on your own reading on whether or not you should pursue it further, personally I would take it as a no. The 10 of Pentacles is fortunate, however the 7 of Swords indicate that it may not be what is right for you currently. It may not be enough to bring the change you desire currently, or your circumstances are too great to change, or even your force of will isn’t strong enough for the matter at hand.


Appreciate this very much, thank you! Personally I will continue working with the elements and planets first for a stronger base before coming back to this as an advanced work


You’re a student of the kaballah you said yes? This is very helpful to a magician. Have you worked with the Goetia or enochia?


I have a book called “A Dictionary of Angels, including the fallen angels” by Gustav Davidson that lists all 8 of them as “angels of omnipotence.” That book, it’s worth noting, was copyrighted 1967 and sites “The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses” as the source. So there is apparently at least some precedent to grouping them together. Interestingly, Uiazel is not listed in that work. The closest I could find was either Usiel, who is one of the fallen, or Uzziel, who is a direct subordinate to Metatron.


I feel the same way

TBH, in my experience, none of them work as “promised”.

Very interesting thread, I will just say that even if the OP used an unsafe pdf it doesn’t takeaway from the fact that some people have had negative experiences with the books he listed. I have every book mentioned here like @shinri I like buying magickal books. The books mentioned by the OP I haven’t gotten much success with and I have said time and time again that Damon Brand’s books are dangerous.


How did you got rid of them

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What’s the book club called , I’d like to join it


It didn’t work out cuz I’m a moron and didn’t follow through with the club.

I did receive my personal results and followed those who tried after I abandoned the work, but eventually everyone else also moved on, I believe.

I did garner my result, but it had nothing to do with the group as the project since I left it.

The current thread holder has been offline/busy in life for sometime as far as I know and I haven’t seen any activity on it in quite some time.

We have a group for a current servitor project aimed at transforming our lives for the next year, but it’s nothing like this at all- I’m sorry

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They must be angels… but fallen angels.

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Can you expand on why you think Damon Brand’s books are ‘dangerous’ ? I’ve used GOM books extensively, including Brands. I’ve never had anything dangerous occur. Although sometimes the books have not worked for me. But that’s it.

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Jareth Omnipotence system is powerful as it works, I have done many test with the book and the empowerments ( see the book for informations about them). Many people have some fears about the fallen ones. This system as any other effective magic can causes deep changes and shift from within, for some people these shifts can be difficult to handle or even impossible so it can be a good thing to seek empowerment to be more balanced with the omnipotence magical system as here you will work directly with the angels energy ( this is not to replace the book). Just for information any people who have attained level 3 of omnipotence initiation and trained for some time can offer such transmission to another. After initiation you can activate the energy of the chosen angel by chanting it few times or as a mantra to go deeper during a session. This is very closed to a sort of reiki in its use. For example you dont understand why so many blocages and bad luck plague you on daily basis. You want here to use Uiazel first to shine light on your shadow and expose it to your consciousness so you can see and understand the issues then on other session you can use Uiazel power to meditate on trauma to free them and see real changes to your personality and from here you will be surprised with yourself and what you are able to accomplish, bad luck will be gone for good ( as often this is something wrong within ourselves) and blocages will be removed. Each session you will have to chant the name Uiazel and then let the energy working on the problem until energy stop by itself, at another time you can also add a well chosen book ritual to your magical strategy