The angels of omnipotence: lies, deception, manipulation, and false promises

Yeah, this sounds like a great place to start.

Incidentally, this is also inline with my own UPG that identifies certain “demons” (not goetic so far) as a type of small grey. There’s other types of large parasite I’ve seen feeing on networks of mages - specifically mages - as well.

At any rate, this needs to be tested and eliminated as a possibility before jumping into UPG telling everyone else what to do.


This isn’t super convincing…


For anyone curious, the most spectacular and very educational example of this on this forum, is the story around the Nadharkis experience from a few years ago. Very worth the rather long read if you can make the time.


If you read the source grimoire, The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, you will see that the only three Angels of Omnipotence are Elubatel, Ebuhuel, and Atuesuel, and they are called to bring forth Leviathan. If you have the edition that is edited by Joseph Peterson, you can find the angel names on page 100 and the images used in the sigils on pages 79-81.

Is it possible that someone received additions to the magick, like more angel names? Certainly. Is it possible that someone wanted to use popular and dramatic angels and supplement those with what are presumably additional names and powers to make a book more marketable? Certainly. I can’t speak to the effectiveness of any “angels of omnipotence method” other than the one found in Wealth Magick, which includes the spirit Leviathan and some psychological processes that are about as important as the spirit names.

These spirits cause disruption, and sometimes rather intense disruption. When I summoned them back in 2018 I broke up with my then girlfriend (whom I had been putting off breaking up with for like a year) and completely changed my career direction, which has changed several more times since then. I did see some interesting visions with the ritual. Calling me an egomaniac isn’t entirely unfair, but I think a more accurate description is ego-centric but not inflated full of bullshit.

In terms of money results, things have gone very well on that front. I did “lose” at first, but this wasn’t really losing so much as setting aside things which were not as high a priority for me at that time given that my primary life objective became money. The relationship with the girlfriend was toxic and I was only staying in it for the sex cause she was hot. Our futures were entirely incompatible and I was lying to myself because I was too weak to give her up and accept the process to getting what I really wanted.

I don’t think the disruptive chaos really comes from the angels so much as it does from Leviathan. The author of Wealth Magick doesn’t say that Leviathan is called in the working, for whatever reason, but the sigil used is that of Leviathan. I also saw the spirit in visions, for whatever that is worth. I believe the angels are called to guide the power over the course of your entire life. I have worked with Leviathan using Lucifer magick, and the sheer chaos I experienced with that method was more raw and much more dark. Both methods, in my experience, are valuable and have their uses.

The magick is certainly more forceful than many other methods I’ve experienced, but this is exactly what I asked for. I summoned the angels and the demon to force my life to become a life of wealth. I knew more or less what I was getting into and welcomed it. There were really tough moments, but the author was clear that this could happen, and for me it was exacerbated by the conditions of my life at the time, which in some ways were pretty shitty. It’s not all sunshine and roses for me nowadays but things have gotten enormously, ridiculously better, and the results seem like they are not going to be stopping.

I’m all for not biting off more than you can chew, but I also do not encourage magickal cowardice. I do most definitely encourage people to be careful about getting into whatever random magick all willy-nilly without evaluating the quality of the work. There’s a lot of good magick out there nowadays, and there’s a lot of shit magick too. You can snap your fingers, give it an intent, and that will probably work, but when dealing with spirits you should realize that they want nothing more than your time and attention. Some will give you very good results in return for this time and attention, others will not.

Do what you will, and know that you have only yourself to blame.


Thank you for your input. I’m glad you’re having success. Though, I’d like to be very clear here. I’m not seeking your or anyone’s pity. I prefer to not post publicly altogether if I’m being honest. “seeking pity” is an argument that could be used for just about any post about a negative experience. I’m just putting my experience out there for people to evaluate. If you do see the same patterns, maybe my post would help you connect the dots. Otherwise, good for you for having plenty of success. If it ever goes sour, it’ll take you shorter than it did me to recognize it.


Not at all. It is good that you bring this up, and there should be more discussion like this on the forum about potential danger.


Negative effects happen in magick. We have had folks come here to this forum that were being harassed by angels, and some of the more popular demons. It happens, and is definitely something to keep in mind.

However, what I sense from that pdf is distinctly different from my experience of the Angels of Omnipotence. The rituals might use the names of the angels, but in my opinion, they’re something else. They seem to be some sort of hybrids. For example, it’s ELUBATEL- DYLU, not simply Elubatel, and UBISI - ThYNU, instead of just Ubisi (and some of the names are misspelled. It should be UBLISI, not Ubisi, and UIAZEL, not Uizel. Makes me wonder if the author didn’t drop letters from the names in order to make his gramtria work out to what he wanted :thinking:).

Edit to add: I’m very curious now, so I think I’ll use Tempest’s pathworking and talk to Uiazel about it.


The structure is a bit odd but these names are supposedly their “summoning agents”. They apparently help you call them. The spelling is different, but it gradually changed as the work was slowly updated.


I withdraw that comment @shinri as I made a mistake. There is a difference between Angels of Omnipotence and Omnipotent Angels. All the angels are found within the Seventh Book of Moses, but only three hold the title of Angels of Omnipotence as you stated. This would be a lesson of really reading the old grimoires carefully for me. My bad.

It is interesting that all seven are viewed under the same title in the Tempest book.


If I were to guess, I’d say this was inspired by Pera’s post. It’s one of the very few posts grouping all 8 together, and mentioning Uizel.

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Could be, or even what I just did reading the source grimoire a little too fast. I am also curious to see if these angels are in the Sefer Raziel HaMalakh I mentioned earlier, as parts of the Seventh Book came from that earlier grimoire. If so, the Angels could also be in the Sefer Razim, which influenced many grimoires (including the Raziel HaMalakh) and is the oldest text on Angelic Magic we have today.


I thank elubatel, the angels of omnipotence are incredible, but they can and will shake up your life and you do need to be prepared for that.


You’re pretty correct so far. I also have permanent Angels of Omnipotence attunements through Jarreth Tempest which made me energy sick for about a week which hasn’t happened in decades. Ever since working with the energy I’ve been lightening focused on my goals and I have been less tolerant of bullshit. It tends to be a common side effect.

Jareth’s success since working with the Angels has been pretty remarkable. He closed on a house. Has a top Occult book on Amazon. 60k+ in Etsy sales over the last year. and a few other streams of online income. He appears to be doing pretty damn well as far as his goals are concerned from a third party perspective.


Interesting :thinking: I’ll have to keep this in mind for a time when I can use it


I haven’t read Tempest’s book so I can’t really speak on it. I’ll probably buy it cause I just love buying magick books (it’s my favorite thing to buy very easily) though I’ve got other things going on with my magick.

If the magick hasn’t been shared before just keep that in mind but I can’t be out here claiming to have received magick and deny that others have done the same.


Hey man I really appreciate you posting this video, I have had a lot of similar experiences to this guy. Ive been working with angels more and more and have felt no sort of trickery. I was super left hand path but have now grown an appreciation for the angelic variety and the power of God. Now when I work with Demons I will constrain them and use the authority of God to deal with them. Like he said its just in their nature, one can still work with them you must do it properly.

Everything has an agenda

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The original authors of the work apparently warns us against contacting these entities

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@rickardo28 Stop posting the link to that blog. We’ve already dealt with that drama when the author himself showed up. We don’t need it again.

If you’re not here to troll, please follow the rules of this forum and properly introduce yourself, as it is required here. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:



Thank you for the information DarkestKnight! Not a troll, have been practicing Kabbalah magick for a year and have just began working with sigils in the book.

Experienced that weird depression as well, so wanted to research more, and stumbled into this very useful thread.

If you may be so kind, can you direct me to the thread where the drama was resolved please so I can look it up?