The angels of omnipotence: lies, deception, manipulation, and false promises

This is one of the reason why I always say most of these angels are Archons in disguise.
They always want human to be under their control.


Well for my experiences (and from other folks from this site) the archangels and Omnipotence Angels are way different when approaching and have a different signature energy than from “Archons”. Most of the Archons will just make promises and false demonstrations of powers, which is exactly the opposite for the Angels of Omnipotence who will take you completely out of your comfort zone (“Archons” want you trapped and meek). In a new book of Gallery of Magick they give a little more insight about the Angels of Omnipotence, they say the’re servitors created by strong magicians in the past collecting multiple energy signatures from angels and archangels, hence why they are close to the angels but not entirely and why they will fulfill the task in some brutal ways don’t having much caring for confort zone.