That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

That is truly amazing. Hail Belial!

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TMW you take a halfway good picture…


TMW, as an elder goth, you hear the term “elder emo” for the first time. :eyes:


TMW you order off of Temu for the first time and actually really like the canvases you got.

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TMW you realize that you’ve been working out with BALG weights. :muscle:t3:


TMW you go on a somber guilt trip, from wanderign the forum for a bit…

Damn. This feels rough.
Yes. After i cursed the rapist and his spawn
not just did this person misscarry and the rapist get murdered, she also had various family members die off rapidly.

Perhaps i was the real curse all along.


(may Tiamat forgive me… :sweat_smile: )


(not sure why im seeing this now but ok)

this is adorable :pleading_face:

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I was thinking of my sexuality about wanting to “own” women for myself. I was thinikng that maybe it’s too demeaning?

Lilith chimed in.

" It’s not ownership if she likes it, Epsilon."

That line made me chuckle.


There’s a whole kink community for that it’s a Master/ slave dynamic. So there are women out there into that.

based goddess being based >:3
but, im sure her Lamashtu aspect probably would not mind unconsenting subs either :thinking:

(but i guess that depends on how you see lilith)
i personally hold the view that that lilith is the “dark”/wild side of inanna, while others say that lilith is a metagoddess, made up of the entirely malicious and non-sexual Lamashtu and the hypersexual Inanna.

TMW you re-assume the mantle of a chaote, and just start to go mad and see various signs, hyperventilating until a entity or group tells you some shit

just a little reminder to not be that guy…
(…yes i’m aware of the timing…)

TMW signs get a bit too “on the nose”


No. Just no :blush: ok?
We talked about this…

kind of fits the abrahamic faith… -since it planted the seeds for atheism, materialism and various kinds of political ideologies (that i wont go into rn)

so i guess “the false lighT” is a thing, but only as a side effect not as anytihng of true substance

How’s everybody doing lately

Welcome back to the community :slight_smile: What have you been up to lately?

Oh lots of different stuff just expanding my mind throughout the world lol

THIS is my gift for everyone who needs a little chuckle, to release some negativity and stress.


this too <3


" What do men do to women, Epsilon? They fuck 'em! They fuck 'em! That’s all, Epsilon."

Holy shit, I feel bad for all the women whose brains have been fucked out by men, lol.