That Moment When 3

There are a few of those

Thought so, other people just saw the red maga and went ā€˜ermahgerd politikā€™.

I think Iā€™ll name it Red MAGA though, it sounds menacing like a type of viper or something.


I think flesh eating diseases really lower life expectancy anyways so he might not even be around. If so it would likely be Casa Grande area.

Edit: fixing autocorrect fuck up

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In mesa. But then again if hes old then heā€™ll die out on his own.

I wonder how many of us are down here? I figure it may be hard to find me.

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Iā€™m in oregon right now. Hoping to move to California, Boston, or Florida depending how things play out.

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Tissue necrosis can cause serious complications from infection and sepsis of the blood, so if he didnā€™t get to a hospital fairly quickly, thereā€™s a fairly decent chance it was his end.

Ohio has a pretty low cost of living. Some pretty good sized urban areas and a highway system that can get you almost anywhere you need to go.

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TMW your left to watch a relatives dog while they gallop about on a holiday for two weeks, which is fine accept when i try to meditate he feels the need to join in with his own particular form of itā€¦Licking his crotch as loudly as possible as close to me as possible, (did i mention he has sinus issues too?) :unamused:

Well, I suppose if i can tune that out and stay focus on the candle, it will mean i can meditate anywhereā€¦Although i do worry iā€™ll get use to it and then need the sound of tongue to balls as background noise. :thinking::man_shrugging:


If you can learn to tune out whatever is in the background, and learn to tune out a lack of background noise (which is easier than the first thing), then you will be set. So donā€™t fret.


Wait, wut?


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TMW youā€™ve finished the most powerful elixir youā€™ve ever created :zap:


It looks like hot sauce lol. Can I ask what it does?

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Oooooh cool!

TMW you dream of fucking daemons and not people ( perhaps because the satisfaction isnā€™t there)


TMW Facebook is so fucking boring but its the only place where you find openly non-muggles

Same with the demons lol

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TMW you thought you would receive answers but instead there are just more shiny new questions.


Thatā€™s the fun of it all!

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Itā€™s like going to one of those dirt road restaurants and the one employee is the manager, health inspector, and town sheriff.

I get that same feeling.


TMW you get woken up by a hell hound barking in your earā€¦ seriously chill man, my alarms not due for 5 more minuites :expressionless: ā€¦ :weary::sleeping::roll_eyes: