TMW you listen/read (and also realize) for each of the 3 GP that they “happen” gradually e.g. in general you may eventually see entities and find yourself out of the body. Got it
TMW your innate good nature and fabulousness makes you share a cautionary tale:
Tmw you plan to open up a Etsy shop & things are coming together nicely
Tmw you look up a image of Solomon’s pentacles & a random picture of marbas pops up after I gave him a offering
TMW you’re thinking about making the world dance for your amusement and benefit. Dance fucker, dance.
That moment when lucifer and the morrigan start saying certain people are no good for me and the next morning they all drop off the face of the earth and the rest seclude themselves.
ROFL guess those blocks didnt even need to be dealt with.
TMW you think Enochian Tablet In Evoking Eternity - DO NOT OPEN If You're Not Ready! could just as well have been titled Enochian Tablet In Evoking Eternity – DOWNLOAD, Open On The Bus, Make Into Your Phone’s Wallpaper, Print And Hand To Friends & Family Lol!
Because black magicians always back away when told something is too hardcore…
Reason why I only intentionally reveal the forbidden stuff to those I think can handle it… or people I don’t like much and want to watch blow themselves up.
For the record I did exactly that. I’m not really in the system and I didn’t want to cause any problems, especially since there are small children in my house.
I’m just not an edgelord. If someone gives me warnings, I take them to heart.
It took me a while to learn my lesson tbh
They don’t say curiosity killed the cat for no reason. But I will admit those events did mold and somehow turn me into a better me(?) and I do think I can handle a lot more because of it. There are just some things that you can never really be completely ready for. Despite all the mind fucking though I’m alive somehow and yea… definitely don’t take warnings as lightly anymore.
Well just because a rat can’t handle a snake doesn’t mean the mongoose can’t.
It’s fun to push boundaries every now and again and often the fastest way to grow and see where you stand compared to the others.
That moment when you successfully beat a death curse, but your nose continues to run for over a week afterwards.
Haha yeah, that’s interesting. There’s a saying from Cato the Elder:
“Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise.”
There were a lot of things that I never did because I knew then to be bad experiences. I never touched my tongue to a metal pole in winter. I never let my friendships get before my safety. I never let myself enter into a relationship with abusive patterns no matter how I felt about the individual. And I missed out on so many negative experiences, because Iearned from others mistakes. While in school, I didn’t have many friends (because they couldn’t make me go along with their schemes, so I was only friends with genuine individuals) but as an adult, everyone admires my strong will.
I’m still very curious about knowledge, but I’m not curious about experiences, especially if I’ve been warned about it or I’ve experienced it ruin someone else.
But, then again, when I was in grade six, i was tested for my IQ by a professional psychologist, and I got 160. Which means I’m more intelligent than 30,000 people I meet, but I always enjoy meeting individuals that are stimulating. And most of my close friends irl are all really smart individuals, like attracts like and all that.
I’ve diddled with enochian a little bit, but I knew enough to be careful about it, some people I knew we’re doing wierd shit with it and it fucked some of them up really good.
Pm me if you want to hear some stories I’ve got of it.
I have never worked with a angel but once before I was practicing magick I asked one out loud where is King Solomon’s ring, I got the worse headache I have ever had
Thats beautiful!
I have a black one.
Nice sigil of baphmet makes some really beautiful pieces like that
I actually did the same, I downloaded it just in case I ever wanted it but did the same otherwise, for pretty much the same reasons.
Thank you! Belials, is on its way and i already have Azazels