Enochian Tablet In Evoking Eternity - DO NOT OPEN If You're Not Ready!

So, I’ve had a few people ask about a tablet that I had purposely excluded from Evoking Eternity.

To quote myself: “This Operation is dangerous to employ, and it is said that the square itself is dangerous to even look upon unless the Operator has been prepared for immediate Ascent.”

So, you can see why I wouldn’t put that on the pages for any numbskull to destroy themselves with!

Nevertheless, I understand that some of you want - even need it, and so it is attached here.

Honestly I tried to find out where I had gotten this from, and I can’t find one exactly like it. It bears slight similarity to parts of the Air Tablet, but then deviates in specific areas.

If any of y’all might know where else to find this, I’d be curious as well. Either I got it from another resource, or I got it from the spirits themselves. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if this was one of the things I discovered at the end of the Abramelin Operation.

9.2.pdf (5.48 KB)


Can you elaborate on the purpose of this tablet?

"The second square which you will open and use for the evocation of multiple spirits is an entirely forbidden usage of the Enochian Tablets, merging aspects of the element of fire with that of air, creating an unstoppable rain of flames from heaven to achieve a single magnificent goal (figure 9.2). Elemental seniors and angels will spill into the Temple, merging these two polar elements in one space and time, creating an explosion by spiritual fusion which will destroy all things with brimstone and fire, after which all things may be created anew. This Operation is dangerous to employ, and it is said that the square itself is dangerous to even look upon unless the Operator has been prepared for immediate Ascent.

The Operation is conducted by the exact same parameters as the previous one, substituting only the square, the conjuration, and the names and words repeated during the materialization of the entities.  
The conjuration is as follows:

“Oh mighty Spirits of the Great Art of Union, oh Grand Angels of the Divine Law, enter now into this Temple as witnesses of the Universal Decree. Fill this Temple wall to wall and hear the voice that commands all things. Come now into this Temple. Come now into this world. Come now from your palaces of wind and flame and answer the call of the Eternal.”

Heaping incense upon the braziers and thus filling the Temple with enough smoke to give base for the materialization of the spirits, begin to chant the words and names that appeared while opening the square.  This very recital will bring to life that which once was null and will cause the spirits to rise from the dust in beholdable image before you.

A roaring may be heard as the spirits enter the Temple, as of a furnace churning with heat and flame in the moments before it bursts.  As they materialize fully before you, you will sense – if not be completely overwhelmed by – the struggle to balance the opposing forces that are summoned.  The battle will not be one between the spirits themselves, but between their inherent powers and energies.  As before, wait, filled with omnipotence and swooning in rapture, and the universe will balance itself.

This specific ritual of evoking legions through this square is to be used for only the most pure goals, and only those that such a mega-powerful source such as this will do.  Those acolytes who have previously put the Enochian system to use in their lives and in their Ascent will likely stray from this square altogether, and will rightfully warn others to do the same.  The greatest tool and weapon sits in your hands, on the altar, within the Circle and just outside of its boundaries.  We can either use our arsenal to destroy ourselves to the point of eternal winter, we can pull the sun just close enough to boil the oceans, or we blossom Eden in our own lives."

Excerpted from Evoking Eternity, Chapter Nine


I do not own “evoking eternity” as I am still awaiting my “complete works” so it is the first time I have laid eyes on this description. What beautiful words, pure poetry ! It would be very interesting to read if any other members on this forum have done said evocation and their own experiences, thoughts, ideas etc.

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Eric Well you be teaching us how to master the squares, in your mastering evocation program?

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@EA–When you say “This Operation is dangerous to employ, and it is said that the square itself is dangerous to even look upon unless the Operator has been prepared for immediate Ascent,” exactly what do you mean by being prepared? Do you simply mean that initiating the conditions for your immediate Ascent will throw you into chaos as your life and physche are totally re-ordered, or do you mean that if you have not undergone certain transformations already, you face physical harm? Suppose someone was brave enough to go through with the hell in order to get the immediate gain–are we talking possible death, or just a really really really chaotic transition? …because it seems like it would be worth it.


Because some people are first worried into getting what they want in life, pleasure things before real evolution, ascension. And ascension sometimes wont be that heaven for you in life, but hard lessons and stuff to go through.

That’s what i understand.


[quote=“Divinator, post:7, topic:920”]Because some people are first worried into getting what they want in life, pleasure things before real evolution, ascension. And ascension sometimes wont be that heaven for you in life, but hard lessons and stuff to go through.

That’s what i understand.[/quote]

AND the experience could drive you insane or kill you. Think of the possession stories throughout EA’s books … Dante’s and EA’s respective sacrifices from their lake of fire rituals, for example.

Powerful rituals, when fully executed, can have powerful effects. If you’re at the point that you might be ready, you could probably ask your spiritual allies for their assessment. If you don’t have spiritual allies to ask, you’re probably not ready.


[quote=“Divinator, post:7, topic:920”]Because some people are first worried into getting what they want in life, pleasure things before real evolution, ascension. And ascension sometimes wont be that heaven for you in life, but hard lessons and stuff to go through.

That’s what i understand.[/quote]

Very true.

Some are more than willing to live in a state of familiar pain than to take a chance on the potential of the unknown.



So yeah I opened this the other week, I’m not sure how much in contributed to what happened the other day but my occult teachers freind called me up asking me to come to secret ritual he was doing. Not going to say what it was exactly but lets just say I now see where the horse in the second half of this cartoon is coming from Catbug (Bravest Warriors - Ep. 11 Season 1 on Cartoon Hangover)

One thing I will say though, prior to my experience the other day I had a theory that it is possible to overwrite physical reality with new data, What I mean is for example you could make it so that your freind who has hair is bald and everyone but you remembers him always being bald. One thing I confirmed in that secret ritual is that it is possible to do something like that.


Dude that clip was fucking nuts, like adventure time on steroids!

Also cool data on the ritual


pony lords battle aquarium!!!

catbug’s a loud, annoying asshole, though.


that fucking horse is AWESOME!!!

i want to get a tattoo of that horse…


Oh yeah, love the horse, especially when he does that monologue at the end.

Anyway aside from the other stuff that changed I notice that I weigh alot less then before the ritual. I mean usually I wheigh around 200 lbs , but I noticed I just seemed a bit leaner the next day when I got on the scale I was 185 with my clothes on.

Anyway I guess its ok for me to say the main thing I noticed being alterted, it was the color of the pillow and blankets on his bed, they were just plain brown before the ritual but afterwards they had a sort of dualistic plant pattern on them. I took home one of his pillow cases as a momento of my first overwrite of reality.

But really there’s no limit to this, I had always assumed overwriting reality would probably be among the hardest things to do magically, but that’s not entirely true, shape shifting is actually a type of reality overwrite that brings other peoples conciousness intot he mix, this sort of reality overwrite only interacts with your conciouness however, other people won’t remember things ever having been different. So in that respect its an easier type of reality overwrite then shapeshifting.


defectron, any negative aspects of opening the square? i like to know what i’m getting into before i jump in, or at least try to get as much info as i can, even if there isn’t any.

i ask only because the notion intrigues me, but after the lake of fire ritual, i’m a little more cautious than i used to be.

kind regards, james.

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well the experience I had was kind of scary at some points, but nothing lasting. Though I expect what you get will vary with your cercumstances.

oh hey, looks like I’m back to weighing the usual amount today, that was weird.

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I glanced at the square for maybe 3 seconds and immediately felt it “pulling me in”. I had to look away because I thought I was going to pass out. It definitely has some power, and after reading defectron’s experience, this may be what I’ve been looking for. I’m already in the chaotic and tumultuous phase, and I’m hoping this will help regain some balance and order. I’ll report back with results


any updates?

I tried a few times, and not much happened. I had the wall next to me start bending and waving around like it was made of cloth instead of wood.
I noticed last night though that I had drawn all the letters in capitals, and I looked at EA’s version, and noticed that there are very deliberate uses of capitals and lowercase…i really have no idea as to the purpose for that, but there must be a reason, so Im remaking my square and trying it tonight!