"The second square which you will open and use for the evocation of multiple spirits is an entirely forbidden usage of the Enochian Tablets, merging aspects of the element of fire with that of air, creating an unstoppable rain of flames from heaven to achieve a single magnificent goal (figure 9.2). Elemental seniors and angels will spill into the Temple, merging these two polar elements in one space and time, creating an explosion by spiritual fusion which will destroy all things with brimstone and fire, after which all things may be created anew. This Operation is dangerous to employ, and it is said that the square itself is dangerous to even look upon unless the Operator has been prepared for immediate Ascent.
The Operation is conducted by the exact same parameters as the previous one, substituting only the square, the conjuration, and the names and words repeated during the materialization of the entities.
The conjuration is as follows:
“Oh mighty Spirits of the Great Art of Union, oh Grand Angels of the Divine Law, enter now into this Temple as witnesses of the Universal Decree. Fill this Temple wall to wall and hear the voice that commands all things. Come now into this Temple. Come now into this world. Come now from your palaces of wind and flame and answer the call of the Eternal.”
Heaping incense upon the braziers and thus filling the Temple with enough smoke to give base for the materialization of the spirits, begin to chant the words and names that appeared while opening the square. This very recital will bring to life that which once was null and will cause the spirits to rise from the dust in beholdable image before you.
A roaring may be heard as the spirits enter the Temple, as of a furnace churning with heat and flame in the moments before it bursts. As they materialize fully before you, you will sense – if not be completely overwhelmed by – the struggle to balance the opposing forces that are summoned. The battle will not be one between the spirits themselves, but between their inherent powers and energies. As before, wait, filled with omnipotence and swooning in rapture, and the universe will balance itself.
This specific ritual of evoking legions through this square is to be used for only the most pure goals, and only those that such a mega-powerful source such as this will do. Those acolytes who have previously put the Enochian system to use in their lives and in their Ascent will likely stray from this square altogether, and will rightfully warn others to do the same. The greatest tool and weapon sits in your hands, on the altar, within the Circle and just outside of its boundaries. We can either use our arsenal to destroy ourselves to the point of eternal winter, we can pull the sun just close enough to boil the oceans, or we blossom Eden in our own lives."
Excerpted from Evoking Eternity, Chapter Nine