September 30, 2018, 1:32pm
Second… Since you are a beginner it might be a bit toughie to actually talk with him. You need to learn a few things first about the mind states and practice! But, don’t get disappointed, you can always just meditate to connect with him.
Normally I’d tell you to use the magnifying glass top right, but since I’m feeling extremely large today (lol no comment please ) I’ll give you some links that will help you on your journey!
Heads up this won’t be a “I know all” post, its just a beginner sharing with beginners.
I’ll finally make a post that has my lists instead of just leaving them in comments or pms. Guided meditation and ambience for self guide.
Both of those help although with the ambience I would reccomend whatever helps YOU relax because what’s in that list just works for me.
I started out with guided meditation before I felt well enough to walk on my own so I began to sleep with an ambience on: This one and…
Almost everything you need for black magick.
First of this is for the beginners.
Items i’d suggest you acquire.
Candles - Black, Red, Purple, Green, White etc.
Incense - Sandalwood, Dragons Blood, Lavender, Opium, Frankincense etc.
Crystals and Gems - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Black Onyx etc.
Journal - to write notes, spells, symbols, rites, sigils etc.
Athame / Knife - To use for rituals and energy manipulation and blood letting.
Black Mirror - To scry and train your sight.
For th…
I decided to go ahead and cut and paste some of my psychic development methods in it’s own thread as to not have to keep sending it via individual PM.
I will start this off with the Original Void meditation. It’s what I have developed it to be the best sort of universal meditation to get you in the “zone” from where one can astral travel, spirit eavesdropping and many other activities one needs to be in a theta state. Binaural beats can be used to enhance the meditative state.
This is it, thou…
Since it seems like people are having trouble getting started, I’ve decided to set up a small beginners routine that could help you develop the basic skills necessary to get started in magic. Because of the differing time constraints I won’t post any set period of time to do any of these, nor will I post them in any order, simply work out what would be best for your schedule and incorporate it into your life.
Go through the list of events that have ha…
I thought I would post this because I have seen several people mention lately, those newer to sigil magick and consecration, that the sigil never does flash for them yet they see a colored aura like a glow around the sigil lines and then the lines disappear.
I think there is some misconception about what exactly sigil “flashing” means. I am not trying to single anyone out, just trying to be helpful because a few people messaged me that they were afraid they’d never be able to activiate the sigi…
Scrying 101
What is SCRYING ?
Scrying is the act of imposed fascination on an object/ outside medium that is usually smooth uniform and plain.
Plain in terms of - there’s no blemishes on the surface/medium and it has nothing else to distract your attention.
So what is fascination and how do you do it ? Easy …you already do. Each time you feel yourself drifting away when you were bored/tired and you found yourself daydreaming of something. Something that seemed to take you to a diffe…