Stop treating this forum like Wattpad šŸ™„

Yup, I must actually agree with Purple. Occultists always were the weird loners ,because they were either prosecuted and executed for their beliefs and practices , or pushed aside by people who found the craft unnerving, ā€œevilā€, ā€œsatanicā€ etc.
And while today, we arenā€™t afraid for our heads, I donā€™t think most occultists feel confident talking about their craft. Iā€™ve seen people in here seeking advice on how they should ā€œcome outā€ to their friends and family, so you get a pretty good ideaā€¦


As someone new who is working hard to get ahead I agree. I have a hard time sometimes knowing what are realistic expectations.

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Exactly. Its not that in trying to harm anyone but if you want to learn I can make that happen, just maybe not in the way you want?

Shoot for the stars and when you are brushing the dirt away from the fall you will realise that the journey has changed you.

Maybe I should start larping as an all-powerful gatekeeper or an extremely black dark magician from the 27th layer of hellā€¦seems others are doing it.


Impudent fool! Im from the 28th layer of hell YOU KNOW NOTHING



That kid wasnā€™t larping, in my humble opinion. He was just too high and probably had some mental issues. Iā€™m not defending him, by the way, but yeah. That dude needed help nobody here can provide.

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The problem arises from the fact that a forum is a place where freedom of speech (according to legal frameworks) is promoted, and magic itself is a matter where freedom of speech is not that usual irl.
If we were to consider that the ā€œfanficā€ is not appropriate content, then we need a ā€œmagicā€ police to clarify what is fake and what isnā€™t.

That means that there is going to be some level of disagreement and discernment, now that magic is a broad spectrum of spiritual practices from all around the world.

There is also this problem with ego coming from lots of magicians (including myself).

If someone (not troll) says something that they donā€™t agree with, people tend to shame them -accusing of lack of knowledge or larping- or they explicit or implicitly threaten the person via public message or pm (normally these latter ones tend to be newbies in the forum or trolls).

Even though I see your point, OP, I think that the problem of the ego still is there and it is unfixable.


Instead of finding a go to revenge spell maybe ask spirits what would help these people the most and try to lift each other up and grow as a species.

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Wow did not expect to go all touchie feely there.


Thatā€™s exactly it. Reality policing in some official capacity is a slippery slope. So itā€™s up to individuals to learn to exercise discernment. I have my own metric for determining what ideas are useful and which ones tend to lead people into fantasy land.

The metric that i use is somewhat binary. Does it contribute to a tangible result or does it not. If not, then I will disregard it outright. When that cannot be answered with some degree of clarity then I am going to look on it with suspicion. This is something that I apply to my own stuff too.


A strong intuition will give you more information than anyone else can.


Awwww :yum:

No, I donā€™t think this is necessary.
We donā€™t need a ā€œmagick policeā€ or anything like that at all. I agree, some stuff is hard to label as ā€œfakeā€ or ā€œrealā€ ,but at least we should do something about the topics and claims that smell like bullshit from miles apart.


@4hmagm May I askā€¦ What are you talking about? Are you throwing quotes in here? (I like them, but I wanna determine if theyā€™re targeted at some one specific or not cause I donā€™t get itšŸ˜— )

I had not taken this into consideration. I agree.

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Unfortunately, thatā€™s subjective. Even if majority see something as bullshit, thereā€™s bound to be a few that see that shit as roses. And once again we arrive at an argument of whoā€™s spiritual insight and opinions are superiorā€¦


No one specific just saying what comes to mind does appear that not all are my thoughts though. I would have not said anything about growing as a species.

Okay, yeah you got meā€¦ :pensive: Youā€™re right.

Itā€™s ok, do your thing. I enjoy reading those.


I tend to believe that thereā€™s majority subjective, but then thereā€™s also things people should know is straight bullcrap, like I do get the live and let live, but thereā€™s a point where you have to be out of your mind to not smell the fresh cow crap.


@anon48079295 and @Akashiel
You both have valid points and I really canā€™t determine whoā€™s ā€œmoreā€ right.
So I value your opinion
What do YOU think would be a good solution for this problem?
Ignoring/Muting such posts?
Likeā€¦ I thought of that also, but I feel like we ought to help people see right through false claims like these that could affect their practiceā€¦ Thatā€™s all Iā€™m sayin.