Stop treating this forum like Wattpad 🙄

I made a thread, but it was immediately removed because it was somewhat in contradiction to forum rules. You’re certainly not the only person who feels that way. I’ve talked to multiple people who feel this way.

But it’s worth staying here and getting along for the few cool ones that aren’t LARPers or trying to start some cult.

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I understand, I am on board with your message.


More of an estimate. I’ve seen a couple of “calling out role playing etc.” type threads disappear and a few more not disappear while I’ve been here. I’m not here all the time, don’t read as much as I used to and have a lot of stuff muted, so I’m guessing there’s more that I miss.

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Ow the edge. Reminds me of myself though lol


That doesn’t mean good magicians wont though. Everyone has their own moral code so a serious edgelord who thinks they are a god of destruction take pleasure out of fucking up newbies. They dont always outright say theyll curse you sometimes is clouded in sarcasm and subliminals like you said.

On the bright side, gettin pummeled as a newbie made the learning curve quite steep and learning from all that came from it made me the magician I am today.

As cringey as it maybe if they dont do it they may not realuse how dumb they may seem.
Ive created my fair share of cringey psychosis induced posts, at the time they were great but in hindsight I look at them like “wtf was I on”.

Ill definitely be doing some deep scrubbing of my profile in the next months to come :joy::joy::joy:


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life


Where the fuck to begin with this topic…

The mysteries and the sacred wisdom of the occult have long fallen out of fashion and favor In the modern civilized world.

The modern occultist is by consequence an oft-maligned and desperate creature, deeply lonely and despondent, a misfit, turning to the strange and pathologically irrational when all more normative means of improving one’s lot in and outlook upon life have failed.

Such a marginalized existence makes unreliable narrators to say the least. Psychotics, neurotics, schizos, depressives, addicts, megalomaniacal and narcissistically insufferable pricks, infuriatingly talented trolls, and a still more unreliable sprinkling of recluse basket cases with occult training and bad tempers who very likely suffer some or all of the above afflictions in tandem with the horrifying ability to curse, kill, maim, reweave fate, or engineer a Holocaustic supernova on a whim, comprise every active internet occult community I have frequented.

The above listed facts entail some hard truths about the costs and pains in the ass involved in maintaining an active occult community on the internet, and probably anywhere else too.

-Your genuine, trained, practicing occultists are never your community’s postwhores, magnetic lovable personalities, or the mad shittalking banes of the community’s existence.
This is in part because they’re typically grumpy introverted bastards, who’re out practicing magic most of the time and aren’t taking the time to sit on a computer teaching anything worth learning for free.

-Your community’s postwhores, magnetic lovable personalities, and mad shittalking megalomaniacally prickish insufferable trolls generate more community activity and discussion than your lazy ass basket case practicing occultists ever will, because they are not grumpy bastards.
Without some manner of post hearting welcome wagon ethot to charm them, a troll to make them see red and unleash all rabid hell on the keyboard, or a LARPER who effects some strange nuanced emotion in between and a desire to steer them towards real magic, an occultist will check their snobbish dead discussion boards of like-minded lazy anti-social bastards once a month and read Paracelsus by the daylight in their dingy cave while subsisting on a diet of circus peanuts and shitty vodka the other 353 days of the year.

In summary the day your mods go too hard on the trolls and the larp is the day your occult community dies, as far as I’ve ever seen.


What amkes it fantasy? Ive always found imagination and creativity to be the most important in my practice.


I feel we should try to help them first then if there is no resoning with them then they need to be silenced or removed.

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So I just woke up and my brain is currently dumb, but can you give an example of LARPing?

Again. Tired. Brain dumb. Human speech hard to comprehend at the moment.

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Gah I’ve experienced some things here myself that makes me go “Dude what?”
I’ve been asked before to channel Lucifer and Raphael by someone just because they thought their life in danger and it’s just you know: You invoke these entities yourself and not have some middle man to do it


It’s not my fault vampire freaks and xanga totally sold out mom.


Jeez, ouchie :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Oh and for anyone who might be interested
Lady Eva removed the guy from the community.


The day that we start relying on trolls and larpers to keep things alive is the day this community SHOULD die a much deserved death imo. Quality over quantity.


Thanks Faustus, for putting it better than anyone would.


Ah now I know who it was xD

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Every real occultist as always been like that. At least now we will not be burn at the stake for practicing.

I get the feeling you believe the old occultist of yesteryear was this sweet smelling loner genius? He never was. He was a crazy recluse that smell like pee living a vase or some rich asshole’s shed.

Being an occultist as not changed. We don’t need to painted in any rosey tint.


Oh yes, I remember you commenting on a topic of his… “I fear for your mum’s sanity” :joy::joy:

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