Spirit spouses

Success…but it’s just so hard for me …how can u except me to give up on him …im not that kind of person …to just abandoned…im srry but i just …idk!!! I know what is right for me but for shit sack I love him!!! And my emotions for him r crazy strong . If what’s wrong with me …my emotions are just always in the way and idk ! Ok…idk!! I wanna move on and i have tried to move in recently…just 10 seconds ago …to banish human…but I always fail and bc of my emotions …ik u guys r right …i understand but for God sake ! I feel like a murder if i leave him dry like this .let me try and get some answers from him first and if it turns out 100% bad than ill banish but for right now …i have faith in him and i have promised him that too… cuz he had helped me in my past …so I owe him some respect or time to explain at least!

I’m soo confused in myslef …im srry for going back and forth Im just am so stuck between my emotions for this spirit and what’s right for me…ik it should be easy and quick but 3 yrs I’ve been with him and in love with him and caring for him and he to me …and i feel that he has been changing badly bc of me and if that’s the case I have to fix this or figure out what has him in the sudden change .

I understand it’s not easy but it would help if you finally made up your mind.
Members here are helping you so patiently.

And ik that …and I’m super srry iam! But God it hurts badly

Just give me and him some time to try and sort things out if it doesn’t work than ill banish but i have to give him a chance to e!plain or talk …through a better Communication than before

takes deep breath

Sorry, but you delivered a full blown explanation about why you should give that thing the boot once and for all in numerous other postings already.
You are gaslighting yourself, congratulations. Dude doesn’t even have to do anything anymore, you are making a victim out of yourself by now.


Ik. And again ik ur right…all of u are
Im just really emotionally stuck is all

There has to be simple explanation tho …like he wasn’t like this before …2 yrs ago he was good and cuddly abit and now his different and i feel lile it could be bc of what I may have said or done for him to recently change lile this.

Again in srry for wasting ur time on my complicated and stupid ,sadistic story , im soo stupitd and emotional that im literally throwing myslef in between a possible parasite and my new life without that …i hate this as much as u guys do! Trust me but uknow even I get confused about my mood- swings and shit …idk what the hell is my promble ! One moment im banishing him and then nexT thing u know im apologizing …fuck! I’m so fucked!!! I’ve been like this even before I found this forum. So ik

Okay, people, enough.

OP already understand that she is food for this parasite and that she has to banish his ass ASAP.

OP, whatever you do, DO NOT TRY TO GET OTHER SPIRIT COMPANION. Work in yourself. Period. No more but, no more if. We can’t tell you what you want to hear.

And now go and fucking banish. It has to end here.


It’s gonna take a mouth, so i was told to banish which is not helping my hope on getting this done .ugh! …okay I’ll try it my best. Imean i really dont want my mood swings to get the best of me before the end of the mouth uknow im scared and fucked at the same time


Start now. I don’t know what banish methods do you know, but there are several. So start with one and research as much as you can about the others.

Also, try cleanse yourself. Start by taking a shower with the explicit intention of purging this fucker’s energy from you. Just average water will work for now. You can research more tomorrow.

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Do u think my mood swings or feelings are love spells or emotions from him onto me …just fucking great!

I’ll cleanse myslef first and do the next thing…tommorw cuz its super late

I don’t know the first thing about you, so I can’t know.

What I do know is that it would be better to not get paranoid. Apply Occam’s razor to everything and do not think this asshole has more power over you. Otherwise, you may end up giving it more power.

But I know who the stronger is, and that one is you. YOU can kick it back into whatever hole it came. And kick in force, so it never, ever thinks about coming near again.

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Oh i told him before, that im more powerful than him and stuff so he knows and i know for sure!! Its my mercy and forgiveness shit that gets the best of me toward him.

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That’s great. Now prepare yourself for whatever attempt to bargain on his end, such as telling you that he is a high ranking demon, or that he “changed” because he loves you too much or whatever other stupid fucking thing that only a stupid fucking moron would believe.

There will be an attempt, but I know you’re smarter than that.

Okay. I promise , to my soulmate and children and myslef and u guys as well. lord knows we all in a break from this shit ! Abd thx againa for ur support and help!:hugs:

If the babies are possible alive then i want to say to them I love them and explain abit of why momy and daddy r not together or why they don’t have both parents as I was wanting for them …cuz alot of children are going through with that uknow and is want my babies to hate me or to look at me like a bad person or lile i had abandon them . It’s the least I can do before I leave completely…is this smart or is it a mistake to make?? I luv my babies…and idk if their alive and but like u said they couldn’t have been miscarriages! Right? Their spirits so if that’s so I must see my babies and hold them one last time or say goodbye and i luv them. Is that bad ?? And ik they won’t need mommy as much as dad …but still I wanna show my luv it compassion for them and give them appraisal uknow for their existence and being me and dad justice by being born and giving dad an new life and secuss.

I want at least one visitation right to my babies if never again. I mean hell I did give birth to them !