Am I pregnant with my incubus?

I don’t have an incubus… Is it a must have and I don’t know it? But as far as I know, they don’t “suffer in Hell”. That’s how a Christian could see it or what a parasite would tell you to bind you through your emotions. Pity does wonders and gods know how many people with parasites we got in here that didn’t want to get rid of them because they were “crying” or told them they’ll “behave”.


I can try.

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Wrote down everything and then go back and see if there are things in common. Sometimes seeing all written out will help you see the big picture too. Since now you are viewing from the outside looking in.

And okay i already the common lists

  1. Not talking as much( even if ask to or to resolve a possible situation in the future or argument .
  2. Changing repeatly ( mood swings)
  3. Leaving more than stay
  4. Luust more than comfort
    And thats all I got so far . But ither way he has been good more than bad to me …and yes sure he wasn’t there to concert me when at times I cried bc of my dad’s abuse and his gf as well but idk …he can change I have faith he is more than that and he is trying…

Well my situation hasn’t been going on as long as Jamia’s but this being has been here with me 6 ish months and he’s very voraciously sexual. Like wants to do it everyday all day sexual and I’m just not sure if that’s a characteristic of Incubi/succubi’s. He’s not very interested in doing anything else with me besides that, I mean, he says he’ll help me with spiritual things I want to achieve but nothing yet. He does drain a little bit of my energy when we do it, but it only just makes me feel sleepy. I don’t really know much about him, not even his name, but he has told me about his family and the realm he comes from. He’s not very physically affectionate apart from when we do it. He doesn’t talk much. He’s just sexual. Not very romantic which he used to be but not really anymore. This is only the most important information, but does that sound like a parasite to you? I need to know if u should banish him.

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Yea i can relate but and he doesn’t drain me tho

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What’s he name my incubus name is kongye or kongya but i found it thro myslef in the spirit somehow I knew his name lol and my incubus never told his family …i had to find out myslef but excluding his mother for some reason …that only and last time I ask about her he was ahsmaed or just looked away in shame or whatever so…but his dad is just like him but abit worst his dad is childish and had possessed my little 4 yr old!! brother at one point a time and told he was my incubus’s father and he was very annoying and rude and not to mention lustful.

Ok so as you go on let’s make sure these are still there. Does that make sense?

Yes and it is but like I said it can change anytime later and i know his original name too in tough or demon language…but idk how it just manifested thro my mouth while in the spirit

Umm actually no lol. Was I right??

Let me read this In The morning with a first mind.

…done yet??? Lol

I have to look it all over in the morning.

Okay lol

Ok my story has alot of misspelled words and wrong placed words as well… so here is the main thumper from my mabye misleading story bc of my errors😂.
Ummm he has been somewhat helpful along the years (as in for 3x during those 3 years ) but bc of those times i have changed into a better person , as well as of the bad times I have became a stronger person and smarter bout my choices and stuff. But anyways , despite the results u give me …he was not all that bad…to where I would fully agree to him being a complete perisite…and im sure that’s what they want me to believe but i love him and care for him and will always forgive him …i have to try to get through to his caring and loving ect…side to change even just a slit bit . I can’t give up on him :neutral_face:even if he hurts me badly …what hurts me more seeing him like this and stuff that is what hurts me .I have to try …even though I’ve been trying for 3 yrs to get him to communicate and introduce himself proper and stuff …i just …i love him!:flushed: I can’t see him like this I won’t allow it I have to try. It hurts so bad u don’t even know !:disappointed_relieved:.

Take that back …he has comforted me before by putting me to sleep and waking me up to not be late for school or whatever and also when I was trynna contact him and had contacted him …he was gentle and sweet …arranging my sleeping positions to were its more comfy and or just watching me sleep :joy: randomly . So yea srry for that. But its just as time had gone by he had behaving badly or began to be less what he was before and more like a jerk lol .it could have been anything or just about what i had said and was doing out of fun/sin during some of my time with him … cuz i was doing summoning demons by name out of the random that were dangerous or lustful and that cause him to be mabye more closed up a bit towards me and thar he had to protect me from bc of me in the first place ,but this was one i was with my dad and alittle before I lived with my dad …so I may have somthing to do with this frustration or sudden change recently from him …so uknow tbh . But i did promise him that it wouldn’t happen again that i did before and i had kept that promise since than. And i also do be having outloud conversations with him ( in return no response now) so yea…and said somthing but things I felt and were at the time assuming bc of his rude actions and doings so I just basically had let him have it . But like i said at the end of the dat he is good ppl and meaningfully of what he dose …i have know him for 4 yrs! So ik him pretty well to say the bad he has done had been for a purpose not an excuse nor just for fun.for sure!. And i have also admitted to him about my realizations of my own wrongs and misleadings too …so uknow and have been reasonable now day of my actions and sayings and very carefully in case i may push him away a little bit to far or farther away period from me than he already has by himself bc of me . And also when I had said 3x during those 3 yrs I mean 10x actually srry.

You can’t help someone if they don’t want to help themselves :woman_shrugging: So since you refuse help then there’s no much we can do. As I’ve said above, many people came here with a parasite and refused to banish it even after they realized it was one, nothing new here. Having a parasite while thinking that is a legit spirit, is exactly the same as the 5 stages of grief:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

Some people never reach acceptance and just go back and forth from denial to depression, and some other who reach acceptance they relapse back to denial. :woman_shrugging:


It hurts . All I wanted for him and need form him in return is things that i had given to him out of respect and honesty. He was my everything, my husband , my incubi, my brother , my dad , my child. And for him to treat me like some sex doll or sex slave or just another pathetic victim to his collection. I really loved him and cared beyond what i should have bc it was forbiden to be with him as us being two different beings ,in different worlds . I don’t even know where to start with all the stuff I had done and give up darn near for him …i literally, did everything and said everything for him and to him …so he can see or know how much I really care …it just so painfully to think about after 3 yrs . -for him even one he hurted me bad …i just its break me into pieces …i had given my all .:disappointed_relieved: knowing he is part of my family curse only makes it worse…cuz my entire family had to deal with same things i had but mabye had a better experience than I had experienced . Mabye They were better in some way of whatever that i didn’t give to him apparently for him to be utmost disrespect. And on top of all the red flags and warning from ppl and the higher power thst I had abused by shut it out …i didn’t want that or anyone to define him bc I felt he could change and that there is more to it than that about him …make excuses for and always forgiving him for things that he may have felt was good …its just alot but i understand ur point and again thank for ur reassurances and help .

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Oh baby… For what I hear your story… And you are so very confused soul… I sense you are experienced with spiritual psychosis… You need meditate and learn to know and sense that what is your real spiritual vision and what is your psychosis (i said is not all your experienced is psychosis)… You need doing more inner work and don’t attach to much what you feel and think… Need more observe and calm your mind than searching the answer… You need connect and dealing with the fear of the unknown… I sense that you are have a problem with this unknown experienced… You feel doubt and frustrated about what you experienced it… This is spiritual pregnancy or not? Is he manipulate me and a trickster? Or maybe you have a soul Contract with him and have a karmic in the past… For my suggestion… Do inner work for yourself first not focused too much to him… If you find that he seem to block to doing your inner work… Build spiritual boundaries… I know you love him but still he is a karmic to you… If he really love you… Even if Incuby… He will transform himself and being evolved… Cause I am dealing with a demon who want falling… Is mean demon who want leaving the evil and bad things and start doing evolve… I call them fallen demon… I know that new to hear… But I know you can transcending yourself and maybe you can break the curse generation… You can use your spiritual alchemy and use negative energy into power… I hope for the best of you…

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