Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

Check this bad boy out a citrine/ lapis lazuli with a piyao charm for wealth and business for my buddy @Kindraathe

This is mine an onyx and lapis lazuli bracelet to bring in money and protect my money.

I feel like the maestro in his laboratory


I just had a visitor of my foster mom commission me to make a garnet bracelet and a red tiger eye bracelet.

I just made my first 25$ woohoo

I’m having great time with this


This looks fantastic, looking forward to it!

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Spirit of the day

Andras again.

I shuffled 3x cut 3x,
…I don’t know what’s going on

Looks like andras is reaching out.

Hmm well Hail andras I guess :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Today I’ll be working on bracelets. :grin::grin:

I made myself a garnet and red Pechay bracelet for love and lust and sex. I’m going cat fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Here’s a black onyx and white shell stone for protection and grounding

Now this is your classic tiger eye. This stone according to legend was worn by roman soldiers before going into battle. It stops Injury and sudden death. It also makes the wearer wise to spot deceit, lies, fraud and bad business deals.

This piece is a peridot. It actually makes me feel profound sadness that this bracelet isn’t mine but has been commissioned by a wealthy matron’s daughter. Being separated from these stones will hurt in my heart and soul. :sob:


Mike, they all look gorgeous, well done:clap:

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According to Feng Shui rules you can wear up to four bracelets. If you’re right handed you wear on the left side or vise versa.

Onyx & lapis lazuli with a piyao for money and prudence.

Garnet and red Pechay love lust and sex

Tiger eye, black onyx, hematite
Protection from illness and evil spirits

Blue agate with Wu lu
Speak with spirits

Sold 40$ today so far


Here’s what I got done today.

Here’s my personal pieces

Tomorrow there will be a celebration here at the house and there will be many prospective buyers. It’s almost Chinese new year and everyone wants thier good luck charms.

Tonight I’ll be evoking Prince mammon. I’ll be charging him to help me expand my business.

This will be done during the witching hour.


Spirit of the day

President Foras

This spirit Reaching out to me when I’m doing so much work with semi precious stones is interesting. I’ve worked with foras on a few projects before but nothing related to this. Duke Bathin was great at making me remember the meanings of three stones and teaching me a few new tricks. I wonder if Foras would like to instruct me also.

My glass is empty and if a spirit has knowledge to fill my cup then I’m all for it.

Getting ready to evoke Mammon. I’ll be working indoors because my outdoor temple has been my workshop and needs a cleaning.

I’ll update after


A musing…( Very long winded and chock full of HOT UPG). You’ve been warned :grin::grin::grin:

Now THIS is what I’m talking about.

Wow this is exactly what I needed to make coherent sense of this subject.

I’m super surprised that the original author is VK Jehennum. He really surprised me this time. I’ll tell you, I stopped caring about what VK was saying when I read his synopsis on Prince Orobas. He said he wasn’t a beginner friendly spirit, very impatient. Something about he’s the messenger of the Goetic spirits and possibly Hecate as well. And on and on.

I’ll be frank I can’t relate my 21 of years of experience with Prince Orobas to anything he was saying. He’s super beginner friendly and patient. Prince Orobas wants to network and make friends and build bridges. He usually likes most people except the habitually dishonest. As far as being the messenger, he tells me he’s NOBODY’S messenger.

So who do I listen to? My own experience or someone else’s Upg? That’s a no brainer. Obviously my own experience is more valuable than another magicians Upg. Unless that other magician can actually fly, or turn lead to gold then I really don’t care about his upg. Its only a reference point or a guide. It’s great when Upg becomes SPG though.

Back to the link above a self initiation through the tree of death. The Qlippoth , Sitrah Ahra…wow.

Now I’ve read this and it looks legit to me. From everything I know if performed exactly as written it would produce the desired results.

Now the question is do you really want sitrah ahra…do I really want Sitrah Ahra…

NGL it pulls to me hard in my soul. Since I’ve cut off contact with the angelic the pull to sitrah Ahra has been much more intense. I know this is a very dangerous task. Anyone who says it’s not is simply misinformed. You can die, you can lose your mind.

Going through Qlippoth initiation is by nature a harrowing, frightening experience that’s going to break down doors of your perception.

So I wonder, do I have what it takes to do this and come out the other side? This is where the rubber meets the road.

I’ve asked Orobas can I do this, he said “yes but things are never going to be the same after you take those steps”

This will cement my link to the infernal and possibly assist me in lighting the black flame inside.

Here’s the good news, most of the entities being called on in the ritual are spirits I know from working with them or meet and greet. So there is that, I’ll see alot of spirits I know very well and I’m on good terms with.

For most people Sitrah Ahra ( the other side) is a door that should never be opened.

I’ve consulted with Lucifer and he says “come and take your journey and take your place”. So he’s giving this a green light too. Still there will be serious dangers in attempting this. I’ve seen several magicians lose thier minds or thier life completely falls apart and turns to shit on them.

I need a little more time but my heart wants this and intuition says I need to take this step.

On the surface the ritual seems easy. A recitation and a meditation on the sphere in question. Probably one every two weeks. My intention would be to practice daily and take close notes on the synchronicities and intuitions that I experience.

I don’t want to go too quickly through this I want to make sure I get out of this what I really need.

For those of you who don’t understand the kabbalah very well there are two worlds. Our universe the tree of life, and there is a parallel universe called sitra ahra and the tree of death.

All things every thought word and deed comes from one of two places “kedusha” or holiness and “sitrah ahra” the other side or as the RHP would say “the impure”.

According to kabbalist theory the divine providence partitioned this place sitrah ahra off from the tree of life universe in order to stop sitrah ahra and the beings that reside there from corrupting and destroying this universe.

We as humans made in the image of God with freewill have the ability to choose between things of kedusha or Qlippoth.

The kabbalist wants to glorify the ALL through his thoughts words and deeds and allow the divine providences light and mercy into the world.

There are some big differences in the goals of the RHP and the LHP. We for example recognize and celebrate our own divinity and seek to transcend the cycle of life, death and absorbtion into the ALL. This is a huge difference between RHP Kabbalistic philosophy and LHP points view. They want to be reabsorbed into the ALL. We wish to retain our minds and personalities after death and be free to go where we wish and do what we wish.

There are a great deal of differences between practicioners in the LHP. Some work with both LHP and RHP entities, as is their right and perrogative. I myself was a left of center practicioner for many years and I worked with both angels and demons but after the 72 project I decided that the infernal entities were the class I wanted to focus on. I still maintain ties with the Archangels but aside from that I don’t need any of their meddling.

Some say the LHP and RHP only exist as differences in our minds and perceptions. This could be true. I don’t understand this view though to be honest. But what’s clear to me is Sitrah Ahra and kedusha. Night and day, war and peace, light and darkness, heaven and hell, as above so below.

To be clear I don’t think that the way I practice and how I walk the LHP, and how I see things, are the only legitimate way to do and see things. There are many practicioners much more experienced and stronger than me that see things very differently than I do. My methods and views and way I walk the LHP are a product of my experiences and the evolution of my practice.

In the eyes of good devout Kabbalists anyone who works with the infernal , the Goetics, are already tainted by sitrah ahra already and should be avoided. They fear LHP magicians greatly.

What is to be gained from this project? A deepening of ties with the infernal hierarchy. New insights, perhaps stronger Clair’s or other abilities. Really though it’s just time I open those doors boldly and stride right in and find my place in the other side.

Ever since I got kicked out of the RHP Kabbalist school for evoking Orobas I’ve been aligning with sitra ahra. I think this is just my destiny and there’s no need to be afraid, only thing to do is embrace it and accept it for what it is.

End of musing.


My personal true stone bracelets

This is lapis lazuli and onyx, the lapis lazuli is a stone of wealth and commerce, the onyx is protective in nature. The lion dragon is pi Yao he is the pet of the Duke of Jupiter and brings luck with gambling, the law, money and business and work.

This is a composite of tigers eye, hematite and onyx. It’s very protective of one’s energy body and health.

This is garnet with a red Pechay charm, this arraignment brings love, lust and romance.

This is citrine, the merchants stone, it brings success with business and commerce and cash flow. There is also onyx to protect from bad business and shady cheats. The charm is a money bar hat that lends skill in business and money.

This is blue agate, a stone known for making it easy to communicate with the unseen world and spirits. The charm is called wu lu and it absorbs negative spirits that cause sickness and promotes good health.

This is black onyx and white shellstone, this guards my astral and etheric bodies and keeps away misfortune in general. The charm is a Sanskrit prayer. Om Mani Padme Om

These are my personal bracelets, according to Feng Shui rules you can wear up to four at any given time. For aesthetics I choose one or two depending on what I’m doing that day.

I’m so glad I was able to make something for myself.


The evocation of Prince Mammon, Ruler of Pandemonium

He came strongly and quickly. His presence is like a field of strongly charged etheric feeling energy. He makes your stomach feel like you went down on an elevator too quickly.

He knew right what I wanted to talk to him about as well. His offer 8 months ago to assist me in building a vibrant, positive enterprise. I asked him to over 3 months help my business grow but to also help me make the right choices and have discipline and willpower to implement the plans without greed or laziness. He readily agreed and I gave him myrrh incense, a candle, a cigarette and blood and public praise.

Excellent evocation, great spirit everybody.


Tarot reading/ spirit reading for my next 4-6 week forcast.

This is my spirit guide through this period of time.

Duchess Bune - The Sun

This is a very positive, powerful start to the reading.

Card 2: the demon or forces that challenge me

Duke Gusion - 3 cups

Duly noted I’ll make offerings to appease him and lessen and mitigate the opposition.

Card 3 - Events of the near future & my goals

Vapula - the world

Success, achievement, fullfillment, wholeness, a new chapter.

Excellent yes this is a very very positive sign

Card 4 - what abilities I need to achieve my goals

King Bael - The emperor

I need to be stable, dependable ( to myself especially) use logic and reason, be practical, exert my authority.

Card 5 - influences leaving my life

King Belial - Judgement

I have turned a corner and passed through a major set of trials, now I enjoy the spot that I’ve earned.

Card 6 - spirits and forces that wish to assist me

Duke Amon - 2 pentacles

This card represents balancing life, work and money and family. Change is the only constant.

Card 7 - my heart and soul

Duke Focalor - 8 swords

I will struggle some under my set of responsibility. There will be some anxiety and sense of restrictions, however the reading is so positive I find this will probably be minor.

Card 8 - spirits or forces affecting my environment

Duke Bathin - Knight of wands

There could be a rebelious young man that comes into the picture to interact with. He will be adventurous and fun, maybe a new friend or it could be a coworker at my new office job.

Or it could just really be Duke Bathin hanging around helping me with my business.


Card 9 - The best I can hope for

President Amy - 6 pentacles

There will be success materially, gifts, sharing, kindness, gratitude, prosperity, power and authority

Card 10 - the spirit I owe for my positive outcome

Prince Orobas - 3 pentacles

Awesome and it’s so perfectly fitting. OMG thank you PO you’re my best friend, my most wise counselor and trusted ally. Thank you for everything. We’ll have a feast in your honor.

This was a tremendously positive reading. I’m very happy and excited to embrace the future.

Thank you to all my spirits in the infernal court. Your friendship is priceless to me.


That tarot spread was utterly spot-on!!

On the Sitra Ahra, get a copy of Karlsson’s Qabalah, Qlippoth, and Goetic Magic. The goetia might be interesting to you, but it’s pretty much Crowley.
However, the mantras are priceless.

I would take VK’s Self Initiation, and yes, it can be dangerous.
But, following that, I would take Karlsson’s mantras and repeat them for that sphere. My opinion. Karlsson breaks down the Sitra Ahra and the Qlippothic Initiation up to the universe B, so yes, this book should be in front of you. My opinion.


Duly noted @Nightside. Thanks for the reading recommendation. I’ll put it on my to do list.




Look what I just got delivered

My first pentacle of Jupiter.
Awesome this Thursday during the hour of Jupiter I’ll charge and consecrate it.

And I got my masonic ring.

Way way Cool :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Oh my god

I just had a visitor of my foster mom, a lawyer buy my entire stock, 35 bracelets.

I’m sold out

Hail Mammon!!!
Hail Prince Orobas!
I turned 200$ into 430 $ in two days


Spirit of the day

The Earl Raum

When you think of Raum typically you think of a destructive spirit but he has alot more to offer a practioner then just that.

In addition to destruction he can cause love and reconciliation between foes. He steals the treasures of kings…now that’s very interesting I wonder what does that mean exactly. I may perform an experiment on that sometime soon. Seeing him take something that wasn’t mine and deliver it to me. That’s a very handy power.

He also tells of things past, present and future, that’s wicked awesome.

Destroys the cities and dignities of men. Now there’s something you don’t see very much of frankly a destroyer of dignities. We see many spirits give dignities but not many strip them away.

I guess to me Raums image of a carrion bird is highly appropriate.

Recently I did a channelling of Prince Orobas for a practioner and during the channeling it was revealed that one of this man’s hidden spirit allies was Raum. Fascinating.

So really he’s the total package, divination, destroyer, thief, reconciler. He does it all.

Hail Earl Raum

I’m still in shock my customer bought my entire stock in one sitting. Guys if you don’t know Prince Mammon make an appointment to get to know him for a meet and greet. He takes his business, and your business very seriously.

Hail Prince Mammon!

As we were talking about dignities just now with Raum I’d like to let the readers in a little secret. I also asked Prince Orobas to imbue my wares with dignity and the appearance of great value. This is a technique that can be used on your next job resume, club membership application, while showing your goods or making proposals to prospective clients. Any dignities spirit can add value to you or your proposal or wares. ( I think Prince is the GREATEST among dignities spirits though, but I’ve had good luck with Duke Gusion too). This technique makes your resume stand out from the rest of the pile that the hiring manager is reviewing, makes people more apt to see the value in what your proposing or selling.

Looks like I’m going to have to go and buy a fresh stock.of materials and begin fabrication of my next set of inventory today or tomorrow maybe.

My plan is to invest a small but steadily larger sum back into the business from its profits each cycle of buy, build and sell so that the business inventory is on a growth oriented trajectory.

Wish me well in this endeavor.


Its funny, Earl Raum was on my mind the past two days. I like what you wrote on his powers, its what a lot of people miss.
Ipos, being in Scorpio has very Martian qualities, not surprising because of Scorpio (Mars was original ruler). But when you really look at a spirits power, especially if it is just one or two, they could say a lot more like you pointed out, as well as the appearance of a spirit, perhaps animal symbolism for one thing.
Ipos’s classic image: An angel, with the head of a lion, feet of a goose and tail of a hart.
Makes men witty and bold.
Okay, so we have someone with royalty, regal qualities, Ipos has held six different ranks, highest as Prince. I wondered for a moment about the ToL and ranks, but I digress, someone aquatic or qualities of a goose, quickness and smarts of a rabbit?

What you wrote on Raum is quite high quality information on spirits in general, let alone Raum.

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I wish you well in this endeavor.

When I had the idea about Feed the World, a project that became a dream, was originally someone else idea, I fleshed it out for him and it became mine as well, not to be competitive just mutually interested.

I was in a network marketing company called Life Leadership, and the millionaires seemed nice enough except for one, he was a not so much. Anyway, my idea to keep it from embezzlement or poverty is self replenishing funds, which is what the LL Life Coach rank would cover the expenses of the dream project. I like the idea on the investment method. Self sustaining business, that should be the future.

Today was very productive. I evoked Prince Orobas and did a channelling session with him. While he was present he consumed two shots of brandy and smoked three cigarettes in a row. He really enjoys drink and tobacco.

@Kindraathe was my cooperator for the ritual. Prince Orobas was in affable spirits you could say. He answered our questions to satisfaction.

Hail Prince Orobas.

Tomorrow I’ve decided to begin the ritual of initiation into the Qlippothic spheres. If I seem pensive, or spacy or out of sorts for awhile that’s probably the reason.

I’ll do my best to document the synchronicities and intuitions and gnosis I receive from this process.

I’m going to shoot for one sphere every two weeks while a working each day and a meditation.

I’ve read through the ritual I posted above and I feel better seeing that I know and have interacted with and enjoy positive relations with most of the spirits being called on.

If evocation is me inviting them to come to my world, then this ritual is basically them inviting me into thier world.

Hail Sitra Ahra - Things will never be the same again.


Spirit of the day

Marquis Amon

This fine spirit is excellent at handling love related requests. I employ him frequently in bringing separated lovers back together.

Excellent spirit.

This morning I’ll be consecrating my first pentacle of Jupiter.

This morning also marks day one of the initiation into the Qlippothic spheres. Ritual one is complete.

All night I dreamed about sitra ahra this material is penetrating my consciousness and going into my subconscious.

I have asked the faithful Prince Orobas to be my guide through this journey.

Update: the targets of my baneful work report they cannot keep up at work and are financially drained and exhausted. Withering on the vine…:laughing::laughing::laughing:

Hail Lucifer hail Marquis Leraje hail King Bael

And it’s not over till I say it’s over