Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

Well I had to minimize and relocate my temple to my main bedroom in my house. I’ve consecrated the area and moved everything I need inside in a southward orientation on a smaller yet serviceable altar. Here’s the new hook up.


Spirit of the day

Five of cups.

The Duke Aim is a great of friend of mine. I’ve worked with him I think four times now. He always gives great courage. The kind of courage it takes to overcome big problems, challenges or conflicts.

Great spirit really. I like using the alternative name “Harborym” to call him. It’s like thunder.

The Holiday was more miserable lol 🤷 I spent wayyy to much money. My family argues and bickers alot and spending anymore than 20 minutes around them makes me wish for alcohol to take the edge off.

I’m glad it’s over the holidays are always hell for me.


Spirit of the day

Duchess Vepar

Had her come up fairly recently as I recall in another reading.

Nothing much going on this morning. Just chilly here. Watching the sun rise and listen to the chickens squawk.


I’ve spent the last two days sleeping. My dreams we’re not prophetic that I know of but we’re more like little snippets of different lives. What’s very interesting is that while in the dream that is my reality. It makes me wonder if our lives are…just a dream too.

A small miracle I called my cat to come here by using his name and he actually came. Wow


Anybody played this game before. It’s called diplomacy.

Absolutely fabulous game set in WWI era Europe. Each player controls one of europes 7 great powers: england, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia and Turkey.

This is traditionally a board game but it has an online version. The turns in my current game are set to 48 hour turns. There is cooperation, betrayal, it’s quite abit of fun.

I finished my Christmas shopping for my son here’s what he gets

The hardcover original of Prince Orobas and Solomon’s 72 spirits…

A pendulum/rune Divination mat.

A rider Waite radiant tarot deck.

I hope he enjoys these gifts.


These are some wonderful and thoughtful gifts.


Oh my Mike, those are sweet and awesome gifts!!
I hope he realizes how many would salivate over an authentic copy of a real grimoire.

And way to go Mike!!


Spirit of the day

Prince Gaap

The star

This is is a spirit I’ve only worked with once. I’d like to get together with him again at some point.

I ike the meaning of the card the star. Hope. Having hope.

I’ve decided to burn some cedar for this prince and exalt him for a few minutes this morning.

Edit update I just looked carefully at the card and I noticed prince Gaap has a human rider behind his head. I can’t tell you why yet but that’s very interesting.


I just successfully taught my cat how to speak. Now he howls on command. :laughing::laughing::laughing: I love it.


Omg my brass vessel has arrived.

This is an incense burner made of brass. Fantastic! This will sit right on my altar and be absolutely perfect. A brass vessel like the legend of King Solomon. How cool is that ?!?

Mine doesn’t have a lid so there will be no binding spirits inside of it.


Spirit of the day

King Bael

The King of kings the prime among 72.

This is a spirit I’m pacted to. Today I’ll burn frankincense for him and place his seal out when the daybreaks.


Just bought this for my outdoor temple

This is a copper incense burner with a lid.

Way cool


Gettin some nice ritual bling, man. Bit jealous :metal:


@norse900 I think it has to with how poke Runyon and Lon Milo Duquette influenced my style into the mold of Solomonic ceremonial Magician. I love the tools and regalia and implements. It’s nice actually being able to employ these tools instead of just having it for show.


For sure. They’re nice looking pieces, just waiting for soot marks, oil or coal remnants, and the discoloration of actual use!


Yeah that’ll happen. I need to get an apprentice for temple cleaning. :laughing::laughing:


I just completed this ritual.

@Veil this came to me with precision perfect timing. I’ve just completed the ritual following it to the letter. Check out the spirit of today… King Bael. Trippy.

Well because I’m pacted with him establishing a strong connection was easy.

I’ll let you know the results soon.


Always love getting a synchronicity from a fellow BALG member so glad to be the bearer of assistance :grin:

This ritual has (as far as I know) never failed me, and I’ve used it a good deal of times to great success, even though I am not close with Bael. I’m sure he’ll come through for you :clap: interested to hear how it turns out!


I’m going to share a little secret from my private practice. During the license to depart I say “Spirit X return to your home or abode in a way that me and mine are unharmed and may the peace of God ever remain between us. I now bless you in the name of the Tetragrammaton.”

The spirits absolutely love that blessing…

Now why is the question…,:thinking:


@Veil It gave me goosebumps and stomach rumbles. Very powerful ritual, I did substitute myrrh for opium incense though.