Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

Love to hear it. I think most incense would do, but I chose opium because of the associations with dreamlike lapses in consciousness, forgetfulness while high, and so on.


@Veil I saw your correspondence intention. Very thoughtful. I substituted myhrr because it causes the astral veil from our world and the spirit world to become thin. This made it very easy to contact King Bael. I used the myrrh and blood for the sacrifice and I know it was accepted.


Interesting. When I give the license to depart, I usually say “Go now. Return from whence you came, and may there always be peace between us.”

Nice touch with the blessing at the end.


@DarkestKnight That was experimental for about six months. I got it from nomad. The spirits are almost lulled into a state of reverie during this license to depart. Strange but it works.


I decided to formally consecrate and decorate my chalice tonight. I don’t use one frequently but I do need a representative of the water element for altar balance and as a vessel to hold water or liquor or wine for my spirits.

I used an old navy blue paint to create a water triangle and crescent moon on my chalice.

Not pretty but it’s serviceable.


Spirit of the day

Earl Furfur

Furfur I consider a kindred soul. He’s wild, passionate, playful, deep, pensive, isolated, sad, proud…he’s many things.

He was instrumental in getting me back together with my ex. For which I’m appreciative.

I’ve honored him in the witching hour with incense and liquor and praise. Hail Furfur!!

He represents the 10 of cups. I hope that means I have a real nice day


My tribute painting to King Belial

It will look like this when it’s done.

This is to honor his history as a fallen angel.


Ode to Prince Orobas

Through my own soul I called you forth mighty Prince.

From the underworld you sprang lifting me up on fallen angel wing and infernal hoof.

Where I go you see, and you see far.

What I know you know, as you know all things

May we rode together always, carry me to the forbidden heavens, we will lead a courageous charge.

(Tribute to a great friendship)


I had chain dreams last night. I woke up to get some water and use the bathroom and went back to sleep and continued the dream I was having before. This happened twice so in total I re engaged the the original dream twice. I know Goetic spirits were in my dream. Like atleast two maybe three. Damned if I had my dream journal ready for action. What a pity.

I have a real problem with how biological science describes the phenomenon of dreams. I constantly find myself living completely different lives while I dream. Each life is linear, self contained and self consistent. Anything as logical and rational and continuous in my book isn’t “simply my subconscious regurgitating” as science would have me believe. I just don’t buy that. I’m going to call a spade a spade. It’s a different reality that I’m engaging with while dreaming. Maybe it has elements of subconscious regurgitation but I can’t possibly think it’s limited to being just that.

Anyway let’s move on to the spirit of the day

Prince Gaap… again so soon.
This is what I consider to be a spirit reach out effort.

I’ll make the time today to reach out to him also.


Well the spell work I did with King Bael on the task of targets forgetting certain things appears to at first glance have a been a success.

I’m guardedly optimistic about things going forward.

Here’s was the post I’m talking about


Spirit of the day

The mighty Foras

A wise counselor and virtuous teacher. A good friend to have in the world of spirits. He represents the 9 of cups. Let’s all make this a pleasant day.


The painting to King Belial continues…

I do realize King Belial probably doesn’t give a rats ass about a painting. I do think he cares though that I cared enough to sit down and do this for his honor. That I think he will recognize. I hope that in my next encounter with him not coming to him empty handed will make a difference.

I see sooo many people on Balg trying to swing from Belials jock like a bunch of groupies. “OH ITS THE GREAT KING BELIAL, WITHOUT A MASTER OHHHH” :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:. "King Belial, RAVISH me!! ( I actually had a balg member send me a very steamy transcript of love story larp with her and Belial…wow…):laughing::laughing::laughing: I’m sorry guys I’m never going to be his groupie, or ride his jock, but I’d like to establish friendly relations built on like, trust and respect.

I fucked up on my first encounter with him and was too lazy to keep my end of our deal. He didn’t keep his either though. So let’s reset and restart relations I’ll take the lead in that endeavor. I do recognize I need Belial as an ally if I wish to deepen my ties to the infernal. So we continue.

Let me add this for too in case there’s confusion. Belial doesn’t want or need groupies he wants partners and equals not starry eyed part time occultists who want something from him for nothing.


Interesting. I pulled the Nine of Cups for the day today.


A musing

Machiavellian philosophy…

“It is better to be feared than to be loved, if one cannot be both.” He argues that fear is a better motivator than love, which is why it is the more effective tool for leaders.

Mmm…I don’t think so…

I think it’s better to be loved than feared. People will exalt you and give any endeavor thier all if they love you. If they fear you they will do the minimum to avoid punishment.

No it’s better to be loved than feared my friends.

This is the message that Prince Gaap wanted me to understand yesterday. This was also an invitation to evoke him to make me even more loved in the circles of my association. My feeling is if Prince Gaap wishes to use his powers of office to my benefit I certainly will take him up on his offer. If he wishes to express himself in my in my universe I gladly accept him and will welcome him with both arms open.

Without further Ado,

The evocation of the great Prince Gaap!!!


Download the video. Seriously.

The soundtrack is enough to do so and it becomes increasingly hard to find.


Now, let me state that I saw the WHOLE video. Not this tidbit.

Edit - try this BBC Imagine: Who's Afraid of Machiavelli? - YouTube


An excellent evocation. He certainly did want to help and his request to me was not unreasonable. His advice, love others and behave lovably and know that are loved.


Update edit: guys prince Gaap is really really strong. I just less than five minutes after the evocation had someone tell me “I love you”. This Prince is deceptively strong, like pipe hard hitting strong. Get familiar with Prince Gaap, and that’s real!


I put this on now while I paint. Thanks for the link.

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Middle path. Useful for any. I loved the soundtrack more than the messages.


This video is why I started watching and reading Game of Thrones.


I’m about halfway through it now and I loved the part about Machiavelli’s arrest warrant in Florence. Fascinating. Great content man!:+1:

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