Selfish reasons to control someone

Hi, I have a question for anyone who knows more about magic than I do. How much of a problem is it if I want to destroy someone emotionally for selfish reasons?
I’ll explain, man (yes, it always revolves around relationships) has manipulated me a lot in the last year, made me unhealthily addicted on him, for a long time I took him as a miracle, but it was manipulation. Last year was horrible for me, my life fell apart, I had depressions, and he took advantage of my condition… Now I’ve rebelled against him (I stopped apologize for everything, because I was more stable then before - he was making a lot of nonsense scenes I apologized for) and told him, I need time alone (because I was really destroyed by my mental health) and he’s completely ghosted me (and make it like I was the traitor and he is victim). And I have grudge to him now, and want to make him suffer - for example dreams about me, our time, the impossibility of loving someone else, obsessive thoughts about me, make his world grey, the desire to fight for me etc…

You think that’s a stupid reason to use magic? I really dont know, why, but I have urge do something with him. Can I use magic for selfish reasons? And what exactly would you recommend?


All magick is selfish. We use magick to gain advantage over others. There is no problem.


I’m that guy who whole life trying to do everything correctly, selflessly, because “others matter more than me”… and I know, it needs to stop for my own happiness…


Sorry to hear that has happened to you. You ofcourse make your own decisions, but I’d recommend you to consider carefully and I’ll explain why:

First of all, harm to someone does not make your pain go away. On the contrary, you may hurt yourself and your self image even more. Secondly:
Why wouldn’t you explore more yourself and use magic to make you stronger? For example learn to live your best life, putting and keeping such boundaries and no one can harm you in the future.

This man sounds like a horrible, sad person. I understand you want revenge but belive me, that kind of narcissists will suffer anyway. I have had that kind of person in my life too, but I’m not angry. I petty her. Also because of her, I became a better person finally to myself because I had a cruel lesson about boundaries. I also hired a great therapist to help me with boundaries and selfesteem and I know it was the greatest revenge.


I’ll add one more thing, in case you want to take the harder ”revenge road” I suggested. Now he might have ghosted you, but they will always try to come back in your life. When that happens, ypu can show that you couldn’t care less and he no longer has any power over you. That’s the realization that hurts them the most.

My friend also tried a smear campaign agains me after I finally put boundaries and cut her off my life, but woops I was her last friend and people she told these insane lies about me (getting my career by sleeping with everyone, having an affair with her husband, stealing her business idea,…) didn’t either care or they secretly hated her.

Nearly one year after this I saw her at a bar. She was alone (surprise) and when she saw me, her eyes rounded full of rage. I ignored her, but later when I was waiting for an uber with my friend she came drunk yelling to us. She dragged my friend to the side and I just sayed, you can listen what she has to say, it’s ok. She tried every lie she could in her drunk mind come up with, so that my friend would not leave with me. My friend was just enjoying the show and I calmly waited the uber. When it arrived, we started leaving but before that I said to my ex friend one thing only: I only cut you off for one reason: because you simply are a bad person. Her eyes widened with horror and she sat on a ground crying when we left. At that point, I just hoped she could face her personality one day and find peace. These people, they already are cursed by their own choices. It’s a horrible fate.


Thank you, for your wise words…
I’m trying to get back on my feet and find the strength in magic. I also have a therapies, but it is long process. I meditate a lot, looking for my peace, but that thought about revenge is strong…

Btw. I love this forum, because there are soo kind and understanding people :black_heart:

Yeah, he is empty inside, it was reason I wanted save him even more, when I had feel I’m the problem, why he is sad, but you’re right, I begun setting boundaries and stand more in the ground. It was funny, because he was telling me Im setting boundaries with others, but when I done that with him, he was angry…
I’m really curious if he returns to “save me again”, unfortunately, he is in same workplace as me… and now the atmosphere is infected with hate…

That “friend” of yours is cunt… I hope, this people find peace in their lives… although it will be lifelong psych ward…


I feel you, it really sucks. That’s awful that you need to work with him, maybe you could ask your spirit guides how to make the working situation easier for you?

You are already doing all the right things, meditation and focusing on yourself. It’s also necessary to face the feelings of hate and anger. Burrying feelings has never done anything good to anyone. Also speak about him and his shitty actions as much as you feel, it helps to process the feelings. I think what makes us the most angry, is the fact that someone has power to make us feel so bad. But trust me, at some point he will no longer have that power over you. These narcissist people want to gain power over others, because they feel so weak inside. That’s why all the manipulation and everything.

I’ve had this weird idea lately: People are introduced to our lives for a reason, so what if these experiences are the paths to the points we manifest?

For example, I was bullied as a child and I wanted to become a person who can stand her ground. Then over and over again I met abusive people and over and over again fell short to same mistake: not putting boundaries. It took years, until I finally learned my lesson. Now, I’m surrounded by most loving and good people, and we help each other to be the best version of ourselves. I feel enpowered! My spirit guides definitely had their hands in the process, and recently in a dream I was put in a test situation where my abusive friend was back in my life pushing my boundaries and treating me like a servant. I told no and said, I dont need to. My choices are my choices. That was the moment I realized I finally got to the point I was manifesting so long.

I also have a warning story from my past, where I selected spiritual revenge. When I was a teen, a guy completely broke my heart and I couldn’t let go. I was obsessed and only made my own life miserable. I swore back then, that I’m cursing him (alltough I didn’t really understand spiritual world back then) so that he’s never getting over me and always will regret what he did to me. Years past and I had forgotten him, moved to another city, living my own life. He started contacting me on a yearly basis, begging for forgiveness ”before it’s too late”. He even started a family but never stopped stalking me on LinkedIn and sending me these long, sad messages. Every time I responded reassuring everything is fine and in fact I don’t think he even ever did anything wrong. People thought he’s insane.

Finally I remembered that this was exactly what I was asking for, and I was mortified. I immediately preyed he’d be released and wouldn’t feel regret because of me. The messages finally stopped, after 10 years….


No, but my best advice if you want it, is to go no contact. The worst thing you can do wo manipulators like this is ignore them. They need your attention, it’s like food and sunlight to them, they need to control you, so when you act like they are irrelevant and don’t matter, that hurts their weak sense of self more than anything.

Then you can use magick to enhance that. E.g., Put a binding on them to lose all friends and get fired. Stuff like that that is personalised revenge… but it also protects others that they would target for the same treatment.


If I’m not mistaken, Naberius is also good for restoring things taken by abusive people (dignity, property etc) from them and returning it to you… Or is that raum?


You are right, the guide will be better alternative for my life. I have to say, spell of protection works more for me, than doing evil one (first and last black magic was against one woman, maybe I really didn’t want to do anything bad to her and that weaked spells, after that I done own ritual for my protection and for her to find her path, and after that she left our collective and find better work for her, and I’m really happy, she is happy, gets better, has something special for her, because all her toxic energy was that she wasn’t comfortable and happy. I realized, she was also destroyed by surrounding, childhood etc, and that evil she made was her defensive mechanism). So, maybe protection from some spirit could help me more than do direct evil :thinking:

I trust that people come to our life for reason! I think it changed me a lot - also in positive ways. And our paths could connect earlier (whole 7 years), but we met last year, when I was really down (deep bipolar depression)…

How long it took you to realize and learn that? Because I feel similarity in your life story. Boundaries was ever my problem, I felt like other people were worth more than me long time, and I was scared, if I set boundaries, they leave… Now, I’m beginning heal, but with love ones I have still problem with setting :smiley:

I’m afraid of spiritual revenge, this is totally sick! It had to be really strong spell, and your energy had to be really high.

I’m really happy for you. It’s maybe strange, but it makes me so happy to see that a person has overcome the bad times and is now happy.


So far, I support you.

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Awwww, he has dogs head! I love dogs! :smiley: Both of them are cool! I only recently learned that, demons aren’t only evil and misery, they are very interesting, and they could be very caring.
I’m thinking about evoke Lucifer to show my path, kick me in the ass :sweat_smile: if I will go back to the old ways. I hope, I will meet more spirits on my life way…


I’ve worked with Naberius. He has a very heavy energy so he’s not for the inexperienced IMO. After my meditation and setting the ritual as he requested it to be done, I had to leave the room because his presence was THAT powerful. It took the air from the room. Truly amazing spirit

He’s very matter-of-fact and straight to the point, but he does his job well. He doesn’t respond to dad jokes just so you know lol. And he delivers


Unfortunately, I can cut only my attention to him, not whole contact. But yeah, it will be best way. I probably won’t do evil for now, maybe I’ll do a ritual to keep me calm so he can find peace.

Cord cutting rituals don’t necessarily mean cutting _physical_contact. They can just separate emotional bonds of that’s a help for you


You might like to look up the “grey rock” technique. Bullies need reactions, so if you can control your reactions and basically become as boring as possible they’ll go get the stimulation elsewhere.


You seem a very understanding person and intuitive. Not many can step in other people’s shoes. Perhaps you should give the same understanding and forgiveness to yourself. We do seem to have a lot in common! Coincidence? I don’t think so.

My ex is bipolar too, but now he has also started to get much better and working his self-beliefs. I’m so happy that he’s really doing well, with a new exciting job and mentally. I also asked my spirit guides to look after him (we are still close friends). He also had childhood traumas and it affected his self-esteem. Vulnerability is not a bad thing always, it may help us to make big realizations.

A couple years ago I really started working my self esteem. Previously I had faked good self esteem, but it backfired and I wasn’t speaking nicely to myself. I also had this idea that people will leave if I don’t do or act the way I think they would like. I finally understood that acting that way, I had completely lost myself. I started to speak to myself nicely and telling in front of a mirror that I love myself (weird I know, but it helped). After starting to set boundaries with small steps, I realized no one leaves! On the contrary, I got rid of people who were toxic and I started to attract many more good people in my life! Ofcourse, therapy, meditation and stuff like that helped. I also noticed writing was efficient for me. I wrote down bad experiences with manipulative people, childhood bullying traumas etc. When reading them, I imagined that happening to my best friend (who I should be for me) and realized ”wow! Those people didn’t deserve her”. After that boundary setting started to be easier too. I also asked help and courage from my spirit guides. The progress can be slow at first but it’s totally worth it!

I saw you considered Lucifer. Lucifer is excellent spirit guide when you want to increase self love and courage. He has been with me since I was a child, but I didn’t know it was him until recently. I also had this idea of him being evil, but on the contrary he’s really loving and understanding. But, have to say, with him the results are amazing but he doesn’t offer them on a silver plate. He might for example introduce more abusive people to you that you start making the change yourself. But also he can help softer ways, e.g. very insightful dreams. He’s all about knowledge, but you need to be ready to receive. He also offers protection, for example my life he has saved many times. He can also show you insights from future and help you to manifest anything. He is also patient and doesn’t require so called worshipping. Knowledge and ”you decide yourself and you have right to learn and form your own opinions” is his thing, at least it’s truly my experience. Can be that Lucifer introduced us through this conversation :wink:


Ahh, I will look into it. Cut that bonds will set me free from all negative emotions :thinking: Gray rock technique sounds really interesting…

I need a mentor to watch over me in discipline and give me a little push. I’ve been insanely chaotic my whole life, and it was always going well until bipolar kicked in.

I have the exact same experience with self-esteem, I’ve always faked it too, but this year has really destroyed me, and talking to myself nicely in the mirror is insanely hard for me because I feel like I’m lying to myself. I call it being lost in own game, I’ve been wearing a mask for so long that I don’t know myself for who I really am.
But the beginning of setting boundaries is pretty hard because the toxicity of toxic people increases, you have to be strong to handle it. Journaling is a great thing, it’s helped me a lot in the beginning of my recovery. Your journey is great. I adore you.

Hey yeah, I was interested in Belial first, but they classify him as harder to work with. I did a little ritual yesterday with the sigil of Lucifer, red candles, enn chanting, blood and obsidian. When I meditated before bed, I saw a blue light under my eyelids. I don’t know if it’s just a neurological phenomenon or a sign, but we’ll see. I hope he takes me under his wing for a while. I don’t want to get results easily, one has to go through a certain path to get them - for example, I want to lose weight, so I’ll run, but I don’t have that much energy and I have trouble kicking myself away from work, so he can help me with that. I would like to have lucid dreams.
It’s possible it is his made, our experiences are quite similar.

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Remember to give yourself some slack too. You definitely have a lot of goals and ambition, but don’t try everything at once! One thing at a time. But sure walking and running are good ways to have some own time and ease the stress. I luckily have a dog so she forces me to do that haha :smiley: I’m sure you’ll get to the mental state you want, you are already in a right path by realizing you need to start appreciating yourself. Also nice to hear you are journaling too! You could also try to write your hopes and dreams down, it helps with manifestation.

I’m sure you’ll attract spirit guides, because most importantly you are so willing to work with yourself. Just remember that the journey is long and even if you wouldn’t see progress for a long time, it’s still happening. And most importantly, ups and downs are part of life. How could we appreciate good times if we never had stress and difficulties. I can feel you have a lot of potential and warm, love radiating personality, so there’s no doupt you’ll eventually get to right point and attract similar people to your life.

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