

Welcome to my profile, stranger.

What am I?

I’m an empath, I guess I have some skills, others say so, but a lot of it has to do with feeling energy. Plus, I can exude energy very strongly.

I wouldn’t say I’m a Satanist or that I have a particular religion. I define myself as an agnostic. But lately I started experimented with tarots and my prediction came true, then I’ve become very interested in demonology, and I’ve started meditating and experimenting with this idea. Ever since I turned to Belial and Lucifer in my despair (after severe depression and a suicide attempt) my life has been turned upside down. They made me better. I had and have a healthy lifestyle (what Belial appreciate a lot), but my illness (BD, ADHD) has made my life quite complicated, and after last year I need a guide to start a new life.
Demons helped me a lot, I stopped have anxieties, my pills starts work.

My goal is to make direct contact with Belial and Lucifer.