Okay, first I apologize that I’m such a neophyte regarding this topic. That being said, which is it? I thought I heard EA talking about how people associate the left-hand path with Satanism but that they’re not the same. I appreciate any clarification on the topic.
As explained by himself:
black magick is focused on utilizing the chthonian or saturnian currents to achieve every conceivable and inconceivable magickal goal.
Satanism, in contrast, is a path of devotion to a sepentary system of attainment, focused on devotion to the Gods of Darkness.
One is a religion, the other is a philosophy.
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So Satan would be considered one of those gods as would be Belial, Lilith and others?
October 23, 2018, 9:11pm
You may be on be on the LHP and not be a Satanist.
Here below you will find more explanations.
A very good definition of what LHP is
In the past few days I’ve seen a lot of conversations and crossfire on here, about why people identify with the LHP, why LHP people don’t like RHP people (and, of course, vice-versa), so I wanted to put some definitions up here, because I think a lot of the time people are talking at cross-purposes, or simply not understanding what a person like me means when we say we embrace the LHP & actively, passionately, shun the RHP.
This isn’t to lay down the law as to what people can mean when they say…
And here explanations why they are not the same thing.
You are LHP.
Muslims, Jews, Catholics are RHP
Warlocks, Theistic Satanists, BALGers, are LHP
You can be a LHP and not be Satanist, but that all depends on your definition of Satanist.
Our new friend @anon32062581 is a Satanist in the truest sense. High Priest Hooded Cobra deals with Father Satan directly. You probably aren’t a Satanist according to the HP’s definition.
Others see Satanism as simply opposition to Christianity and don’t see Satan as ‘real’. This is a definition many of us fit…
Thanks, I appreciate the clarification.