I’ve recently ventured very deeply into the Satanic current (literally) without planing to do so.
Koetting and McGreggor recently released “Ars Zoetia” and the synchronicities leading up to it were crazy.
They have basically extracted alchemical elements from Demons so you can put them together to create a new “Demon”. The term Demon doesn’t even feel correct here anymore. It’s like a dark consciousness that is beyond Demonic.
They tapped into the secret river that flows beneath all planes. Azazel talked about it it in “the Book of Azazel.”:
"As you see this encompassing spiritual force in the
universe, the All, the Magickal thread, there is likewise
a secret current beneath even that. The Infernal
Empire, the whole of the astral realm, the mental, and
the physical planes, even the soul plane, are all just
masks for this other current running through all worlds
and all dimensions. You have aptly pierced into the
heart of an illusory truth. Go now deeper.
You will learn to travel not to the backside
of the tree, but to swim amongst its roots.
The tales are true that I was never to reveal this,
because even the angels and the gods have not seen the
secret passageways that I will show you.
Perfect the body, perfect the mind, order your life, and I will show
There is no name to the secret current, as none know it."
A year and a few months ago, I made an incantation to connect with that river. (See my Incantation Topic in my profile description for that one). At one point, I drove to our local small lake and called out to it, asking it to reveal itself, to show me its secrets and its hidden power.
Between this and EA releasing Ars Zoetia, I’ve had urges to merge Demons but didn’t quite know how. I tried a few approaches but nothing seemed to “fit”.
Until now.
I have the Ars Zoetia in my possession since two weeks and I already devoured the entire thing, some passages multiple times. It all makes so much sense to me. I even found two new elements simply by feeling into this black river. I can feel it, it speaks to me.
A few days before the book arrived, Satalos stood next to me in a humanoid form while I was falling asleep (was listening to sound bowls for vagus nerve release, link at bottom). He/it usually shows itself to me as a multidimensional, nine-headed hydra, with no body, just heads and necks. As he stood next to me, I had visions of… coming closer to the core of Satalos’s origin in time and space, where it emanates from eternally. It felt like a cold, “nothing else exists here” gust was blowing and I saw it’s root chakra.
A few days later, the Ars Zoetia arrived.
A few nights later, Satan woke me up, told me to summon him. Did so, he told me to take the current process (Loding) more seriously. I went to bed, tried to fall asleep again and he told me to get up and summon Satalos. I could already feel his heads creep out of my Mirror, trying to scare me.
And he did. Those heads can be terrifying. At one point my knees were shaking. But I did. I summoned him in pitch black darkness in my mirror. He was so terrifying but also so beautiful. I love him very much
Anyways, I was instructed to walk to his root chakra. I passed multiple of it’s heads, each terrifying and magnificient in it’s own, unique way. A few steps away from Satalos’s Root Chakra, one of his heads slithered in front of me from the side, very long piranha-like teeth, glistening black snake scales and a headshape I can only descripe as serpentine and not of this world.
He pierced into my soul with his eye, looked at me from a side-angle of his head and asked me:
“Who are you to approach me in such an intimiate spot of my being”.
It took me a few seconds to respond, I was terrifyed, so I gathered all my strength and courage to say:
“I am a King” But it also felt like I was saying “I am Me” and “I am a God” at the same time.
He then looked at me with… Admiration? Surprise? Respect? Testing me with one final gaze. I did not falter. This head then shifted away and I saw… It was so powerful.
I have no idea what kind of root chakra this was. But it was powerful, very ancient and almost brooding, but in an otherworldy, weirdly peaceful way.
Satan instructed me to “Seal it’s power inside of you”
I then held my hands around it while saying “I am absorbing and Sealing Satalos’ Root Chakra inside of me” thrice.
I then went to bed again. The heads where still coming out of the mirror. Not being able to sleep, Satan called me a third time, telling me “You need to invoke me (Satan) into Satalos and vice versa”
So I did that. For the third time in the very same night, I stood in front of my mirror, summoned by the Devil himself. I just let my mouth flow: “I thereby invoke Satan into Satalos and Satalos into Satan” thrice. They merged and became very small, like a very small doll.
“Swallow us”. I did. I heard a very distant “it is done” and finally went back to sleep.
This was in the middle of last week.
Today I went to a place where I made a Godself out of me a few weeks ago. I sat there and meditated until I noticed a tree. I just knew that it was an emanation of that black, hidden, dark river. The river that flows beneath all planes, even the Soul Plane. The Blackest Current without a name.
I was instructed to “Unlock its power”, so I intuitively chanted Demonic until I saw it’s core. I pushed myself further and unleashed it’s Black Core using the Demonic Tounge. I then went there and sacrificed my willpower stone to it, by digging it into the ground close to it. Proceeding by hugged the tree very deeply, I was suddenly deeply connected to that river. Very deeply.
Ever since I sometimes feel like I am a wood-giant and this river is my veins. I feel this darkness pulsating in my blood. If I look at my arteries, I can see this black river pulsating inside of me. Sometimes I find myself in split-second daydreams, only to realize that I just swam in that river. And I see how it has been planting seeds and signs all over our plane. But they are hidden unless you are connected to it. It is true, even the Gods don’t know about it. Even the Gods that are always with me can’t remember it. If I ask any of my Non-Demonic God/Goddess Guides about this river or my recent transfigurations, they seem to be confused for a moment and then ask what I was asking. The river is emanating some form of cosmic amnesia to those it wants to stay hidden from in a very selective fashion.
I can see myself knowing all of the alchemical elements by body, heart, mind and Soul, as well as the tounge and the essence of this river and using it to creating triadic incantations (perscriptions) on the fly. A vision of my soon-to-be self.
I have always desired to work with the most secret, most hidden, darkest things. And finally, a big cycle ended and an even greater one has begun: I feel so excited to work with this current!
I am currently reading (or rather listening to) Atomic Habits and it’s great. It helps me so much with eliminating bad choices and creating reliable systems that propel me towards the future me that I want to embody.
I am also writing my own gnosis in the form of a beautfiul, paradigm shattering book.
And I just generally feel proud of who I am and even more of who I choose to become with every step.
Big ups to @Xag_darklight for the additional inspiration via his Empire Building post. Glad you are doing well brother He posted this one a few days ago:
Stuff that I am or have been using to become who I want to be:
My self-made incantations:
How to learn Demonic:
Vagus Nerve Relaxaition (gets you out of survival mode and into creativity):
Atomic Habits Audio Book:
(there is also another, slower, better pronounced version avaible. But all I care about here is fast info)
8 Hours of Free Reiki for 12 different things:
Ars Zoetia:
My message for you: clearly define who you want to be and find ways to be that be-ing.
A new wave of Magic and a new level of Magicians are emerging. Are you rising to become who you want to be?
Things are moving and changing fast. Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually and Astral. Not just for me, but for everyone of this planet and for the entire Universe. The Universe itself is raising it’s frequency exponentially and we are faced with the choice of “What vote are you casting for yourself and others” at every corner.
This is our chance to create the life we have always envisoned for ourselves and the world while shedding the skin of who we considered ourselves to be.
I encourage you to find a way of being that is symbiotic with both yourself and the world. Simply because the relationship to ourselves is the defining center of our lifes, but life outside of ourselves literally consists of relationships.
In fact, every correlation is a relationship. Even those we consider “enemies”, we still have a relationship with, a connection.
We will not experience the transcendetal utopia in this lifetime. That is out of quesiton.
But we can make choices, choices that affect our future, the future of our entire species.
Each decision is crucial right now. You will come to this planet again.
What are you voting for with your choices?
Count your blessings. And be grateful for each of them.