[Journal] Various Incantations - Ongoing Subject

First of all thanks to the Moderators for allowing me to post my incantations in this journal format without having 90 day activity.

This is a down to the point journal where I share with you various incantations and what my experiences are with them, without any unnecessary bullshit

Every few days I will share atleast one more incantion, to keep things fresh and to make sure that this post stays on top so that alot of people can benefit from this. I have at least 30 incantations of various tounges that I want to share with you all, so this is gonna take a couple of months :smiley:

So let’s jump straight into it.

Mulutuul Natiil
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Commitment to Life
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: This one helps me tremendously with getting out of my depressive state of being and entering a joyous, confident state in myself and my recently created schedule. One to three recitations are usually enough for me to get back into my flow state and to say YES to life instead of saying no to it.
Usage advice: Imagine your body being filled with yellow, joyous energies enhances this one alot. Whispering it in the presence of others really lightens up the mood if there is a huge down, even during trauma work or shadow work.

Ilif’tara Nef’lish
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Open to miracles
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: Ever since using this one, things have fallen into place. It has become alot easier for me to relax, detach from the outcome and to trust my guides, the process and the universe without obsessing over how thing should work out. It also has brought some drastic changes into mutliple relationships of mine. Where there used to be deceit, there is now authenticity, emotional intimacy and mutual caretaking of both’s best interests. It has also made some goverment agencies come into alignment with my goals.
Usage advice: Just speak it, that’s it. Not special tricks to it. You can focus it on a situation if you only want one specific area of your life to improve, but I advise you just speak it so as to project it’s energy into all of your reality.

Be aware that this will most definately put you into situations where a drastic change of your perspective is almost forced, as to you properly open you up to what you perceive as impossible.

Re’bresh’k Sah’luta
Waleva Dihl Est Nok
Se’krula Va Ishta
Kantantu Rakatu
Va La Itza El Vantep

Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Activate, Heal, Connect and align with your wing chakras
Created and or Channelled by: King Bael
Experience: Wow. It’s hard to describe, it feels blissfull and very healing on a Soul level. I can feel myself connecing more with what’s actually true to me and I have an easier time making decisions, even if the situations seems foggy af.
Usage advice: Minor physiological symptoms are possible. This is just your system getting out the crap that doesn’t serve it anymore, so don’t worry, chill out, do your best and allow yourself to heal.

Note: Not everyone has wing chakras for some reason. If you don’t then this may align you with receiving them in this life. I am not sure how this is determined or what the conditions for this are. But you can always imagine your future wings being there. This will cause a drastic change in your personal expansion so be ready for some drastic changes within and outside of yourself.

Se’sheloresh Goresh Noresh’kuhn
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: To bring one’s Soul Strength forward
Created and or Channelled by: Emperor Satan
Experience: Massive shifts in confidence, self assurance and readiness for taking action. Having an easier time making tough decisions, going for what I want regardless of other’s perceptions. Also my flirt game got really strong. My heart chakra tends to make a pulsation on first recitation.
Usage advice: Imagine yourself filled with powerful energy. Default color should be black or white. You can also use other colors in terms of Chakra or energy meanings. More abstract imaginations like imagining your body being filled with money also works for embodying strength to go for and attract what you desire.

Shera La Helia
Malesikala Sehv’lanata Zek
Oburonis Musak’teli Ovin
Ubacha Uganza Mel Flektelev

Tounge: unidentified type of divine light language
Incantation purpose: To raise one’s vibration
Created and or Channelled by: Thoth
Experience: Transmutation of bad moods into open, happy ones. Seeing the bigger picture, improved health and more synchronicities, exhileration for life, laser-sharp focus, conflict dissolving rapidly. Desire to learn more about myself and the world, less identification with my ego and an easier time integrating it.
Usage advice: Speak it a few times without specific intent to raise your general vibration, then focus it on something specific. These can be but are not limited to: Situations, own mood, ritual energy, energetic cleansing, etc etc. Basically anything that requires an amplification of the vibrational resonance of something. Get creative with this one.

Neslo Rahk’darai
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Gaining proficiency with trance states
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: Trance states have become easier for me to enter. With persistent usage, I am now able to enter light trance instantly and medium trance within 2 to 3 minutes
Usage advice: Use it before doing trance work, training or ritual based. It also seems to work well when developing psychic senses and with getting deeper into divinations, especially using water and mirrors.

And for the last one, something simple :slight_smile:

In’shenu Rula
Tounge: Angelic
Incantation purpose: Forgiveness
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: Droping unnecessary aggressive stances and finding mututal resolutions.
Usage advice: Focus it on yourself to forgive yourself, then focus it on the situation that occured. It will bring all people into alignment with forgiveness. I recommend using this in conjunction with Connors chant for omnipotence (chanelled by him from Etl’liosh) when dealing with major conflict.

There we go, I hope you enjoy using these incantations. Have fun and enjoy using these. I have checked and used them time and time again and they work very well for me.

Next post in here will include an incantation for the Void State and one by King Paimon.

Excited to share my stuff with y’all! Have a great one :black_heart:

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Welcome to the forum. Hope you will enjoy your stay here and thanks for your contribution.


Thank you, I certainly will

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Welcome :grin:. Thank you :fire:

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Thanks to you two :slight_smile:

Let’s continue!

Se’elesh Ma’le Ke’lesh
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: To access, connect to and draw from the hidden current that flows beneath all everything.
Created and or Channelled by: Azazel
Experience: Rapid shifts in my enviorment which forced me to adopt new perspectives and behavior patterns, people calling out my subconscious bullshit more directly, surges of energy, the feeling of “that’s too much energy flowing through me wtf”
Usage advice: This current is literally beneath every single plane, even the Soul Realm. It was mentioned by Azazel in the book of Azazel. It will connect you to the current permanently even after one recitation. An unstoppable transformation of the self in alignment with these infernal energies then beginns. Be careful with this one, I had to make alot of adjustments in my social and self approaches in a short amount of time just to not get swallowed by my own psyche. Being even remotely connected to this current reveals truths about yourself, others and the world as well as other magical systems that are… challenging to confront and to deal with to say the least. Nevertheless, it’s totally worth it. Once you’ve mastered this current, you can access it for various means of transformations, energy charging, insights, magic and alot of other stuff I am not going to mention. You can also interact and communicate with this current directly, though I advise you to have some strong spirit translate, preferable Azazel himself or one of his Nethers like Ant’harratu.

San’ash Alku Itz Waleep’aye Kantantu
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Raising power to the omnipotent degree
Created and or Channelled by: C. Kendall channelled this one from Etli’osh
Experience: The power, raw omnipotent power. My air manipulation has become so precise I can summon windblasts outside while I am sitting on my laptop just by having strong thoughts. It is also really good to raise your emotional state of being, but don’t overdo it on that one.
Usage advice: Go for it.

Link: Etli'osh From The Book Of Azazel Teaches Me Method Of Raising Power To Omnipotent Degree Using Devotion

Shu’serul Les Rekterel
Mala Ishta Sah Vankah
A La Ishta Sehl Truna
Mah’kanta Laratza
Va’la Ishta El Vantep

Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Getting into the Void State
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: Immedate dropping of thoughts and emotional states, I feel like a blank, empty slate when using this one. Increase in manifestation power due to no fuzzy thoughts in between my ritual steps
Usage advice: Repeat it until your mind goes blank. Stay there for a while. Then repeat it again once. Stay there for a while. Rinse and repeat until the room blackens and you become one with the Void :black_heart:. It is really good to implement new thoughts and thereby believes into your psyche. Find your limiting believes, write down the positive opposite and speak it once you’re so deep you feel like you’re gonna loose consciousness. Of course this one works very well for any sort of meditation that involves darkness. It also has great usages for manifestation magic.

Suruk’drus Kehre
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: improving the ability to move energies internally
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: I used to have a hard time moving energies from one Chakra to the other. No more of that. I can move energies easily through my body now. It’s a really enjoyable child’s play at this point :smiley:
Usage advice: Speak it before, during and or after your energy work. If you speak it afterwards, reflect deeply on what you’ve just learned. You will understand alot more that way.

He’sulia Mashela Ihva
Tounge: Angelic
Incantation purpose: To know and follow one’s Soul Path
Created and or Channelled by: One my angelic guides
Experience: I felt lost even when I knew my goals. I just didn’t see the way. Using this one, I finally see not a light at the end of the tunnel, but myself as the light that illuminates the area. The tunnel was just an illusion, generated by my fears and worries. Nevermore
Usage advice: Speak this whenever you feel lost. If you struggle with depression and afflictions of any kind - even physical - use this one. Relax into the feeling of knowing-ness. Then take action. You already know what to do by that point. If you want to really get deeply into this one, recite it 77 times.

Nurakta Naraktah Nesh
Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: to develop all necessary traits to develop with all Demons
Created and or Channelled by: Me with some help by Bael
Experience: I used to be scared shitless of Azazel. Now I am confident enough to work with him.
Usage advice: Focus internally on what Demon you want to work with. Recite this incantation everyday in the morning and in the evening, right before and after going to bed. It sets into motion a growth process which will cause you to align with embodying all personal traits needed to work with your chosen Demon. If you don’t think about a specific Demon, it will work as a general “I am developing all traits necessary to work with Demons”-Energy. If you chose a specific Demon, wait to work with him unless you feel that absolute unshakable confidence of “I can handle this one no matter what”.

Hesh’lev Malika Eshtu Navlah Tehl
Alifa Ma’sahk Ru’eshta Sigla De Reh Ha

Tounge: Phoenixian. Yes that’s a thing. No I didn’t believe initially either.
Incantation purpose: to unlock all creative talents
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: By the Gods, I can’t imagine living without my creative talents anymore! I picked up digital music production again, painting has become alot easier and I generally feel more creative when finding solutions. Less discouragment when facing “problems”/challenges. Apparently, creativity is inherit in every Soul and each progressiv thought and action is an expression of creativity. And yes, as you can read, also a deeper understanding of creativity, myself and the world at large. Also self love has become alot easier to do :relieved:
Usage advice: Go for it. Speak this one. You don’t give a shit about art? Well fuck whatever, use this one! The sheer insight into life and the Universe is worth it. Speak it whenever you need creative insights and problem solving. Speak it before, during and after creating art. It’s awesome!

That’s it for this unloading. I hope you have fun using these!


Good morning
I use these two incantations ( se’lesh Ma’le ke lesh and suruk’drus khere )in my energy unlocking and healing works. They are very intense, really powerful!


Glad I could help! :blush:

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I tried selesh mal le kelesh my head and brow centre started vibrating


I just have to share this one cuz it’s way to fucking powerful for me to withhold it.

Nurektahl Kala La Ishta
Uganza Nev’turehl
Uru’brehk Eshtra
La Kla Ihva
Les Lek’terehl
Va’ma Suhn
Sesh Goria
Vala Itza
Meh Seh Kleh Tah Ha Nah Vla Tah Nah Ha
Tounge: Demonic variation of the Draconian Tounge. Big wtf, never knew that tounge deviation from one to another was possible. Great stuff, fuck yes!
Incantation purpose: To call forth/evoke the Primal Draconian Current
Created and or Channelled by: Me, proudly
Experience: Big energy build ups, a very primal and ancient “older than time itself”-energy makes itself present. It’s like the Entire room gets filled with a collective merging of the most primal Draconian Gods and Goddess. This is a very strong and wise current. Talking to this energy is fucking amazing and downright terrifying at times.
Usage advice: You can use this for anything. Tread this incantation as if you are conjuring the very primal essence of the first Gods and Goddesses as a sentient being. Cuz that’s basically what happens. Then you talk with it, infuse it into something, let it empower you, use it for magic and rituals. Heck you can even use this to fall asleep faster. Allow yourself to be creative and go nuts with how you use it. Be aware of it’s power though.

I have noticed that this current LOVES to be called before any ritual to provide assistance and guidance :black_heart:

This incantation is my biggest achievement so far within tounges. Even consider it to be greater than the one I coined for accessing all magical and non-magical languages. I am so proud of myself :smiling_face: It also has a very nice ryhming flow to it which is just extra spice for my inner artist :art: :fire: :dragon_face:

@truewerewolf use this one for your Draconian Workings. I know you don’t work with that yet, but you soon will.

@DarkestKnight , @Mulberry , @anon97554939 , @Lux_Anguis , @LTheAlchemist, @Miggy29 & @anon45013244, I would love for you to use this one and to hear your results with it :black_heart: :fire:

Hail Thyself :black_heart:


I will be sure to test this and let you know how I feel. Great Work!!!

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Im new to the forum and I stumbled upon these incantations, and I’m very excited to give this one a try. Things like this have been hard to find for me. Mostly I’ll find stuff like Scott cunningham and that’s not my path. But this is right up my ally. If able let me know if there are more places I can find this kind of information. I digress, usually with spells and incantations from my knowledge have a cost, and the cost varies spell to spell between costing energy from the caster or require a sacrifice of some kind. What would be the cost to cast an incantation like the one mentioned and the others on this page?

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Welcome @Rift_Swift It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have on magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


I’ll try :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

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There is no cost to it. Just repeat it as many times as you want to. In the beginning, more is usually better :slight_smile:


What do you mean I’ll be working with the draconian? Who said that?

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I just have a feeling that you’ll end up walking that path too, one way or another. Call it intuition or imagination.


Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose*: Simultaneous Invocation of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers
Created and or Channelled by: The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers
Experience: It does what it says. The energy is really heavy and dense, dizzying at times. Transformation initiation.
Usage advice: If you haven’t worked with any of them then using this Incantation is either a really good or a really stupid idea. They will probably ask you to put the dark seed inside of you. Research this before you agree to it. I’m a fan of “dive in head first and figure it out as you go” so I’m cool with being reckless with this Incantation. You may want to be more careful. Nothing bad can happen from this, but the intensity might be too much. And it’s easy to mindlessly agree to things when you feel overwhelmed, especially when invoking Nine Great Grand Ones :black_heart:

List of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers:

  1. Belial
  2. Lucifer-Amaymon
  3. Azazel
  4. Abaddon
  5. Lucifuge-Rofocale
  6. Beelzebub
  7. Bael
  8. Asmodeus
  9. Satan

@Lux_Anguis I’ve heard you like invoking these Nine Great Grand Ones. Go nuts :black_heart::fire::four_leaf_clover::crown::milky_way:


I had an enchantment that I channeled directly from Fastos to give you more abilities of a warrior demon and be dominant with masculine energy. I combined it with one of yours and it was a brutal explosion of energy, the enchantment is

Bazla Mandaj Shenduva
Baznik Imbolenkuz
Jabzu Bazten
Se Sheloresh Goresh Noresh kunn

Another guy Fastos gave me is to visualize my tongue as a snake while reciting the Demon Tongue Charm.


Shit that’s awesome I’ll try those right away! :black_heart::fire::four_leaf_clover::crown::milky_way:

Edit: you’ve spelled kuhn as kunn. Please correct that, we don’t want beginners and strangers to pick up inaccurate Incantations. Thank you :slight_smile: :black_heart:

So how long should one repeat this for at each session round about?

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