The Daily Becoming of a god - My blueprint of self transformation

Hello all,

Today I want to talk about the daily self transformation, which is done and needed for spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is demanded in order to align us with higher powers.

As you ascend, you will see magick is not only for you but for other people in general. It may be your family,loved ones and even strangers that you see on the street. This is a natural change that surfaces as you get more blissful and powerful in spirit. Your very presence of bliss may be a blessing upon them. On a more personal note, this ascend will make you feel like you live in a sort of divine purpose of duty upon earth.

There Indeed many ways that this spiritual ascend can be ignited ( path workings and even meditation alone) but one thing that I struggled with is making those changes stick, to make those changes not relied on the beautiful utopic feeling of ascend. I myself was a very emotional orientated person and very mentally fluctuating indeed.

I was…
Now I am the opposite of this and I accept the truth that indeed life can get in the way and destroy your inner peace. And I accept that this bliss was experiencing at the time was seemingly real because real stillness doesn’t at all moved by external or inner events. This is when the element of discipline comes to play because you Will need to push through these waves.

Once you reach this point, you will sort of feel your mind being a seperate entity and feel it’s foreseeable end (samadhi). This notion of yourself is needed in my opinion, you must see yourself as separate from the inner stillness.

I felt the need to give a sort of background information before getting into the actual purpose of this post as described in the first paragraph.

Godform assuming: yes I do believe the purpose of magick to become a living god. The price for all power and to do all things that you want to do comes heavy and it will cost you your current self. Mind control is something that I consider very important in magick and godhood because I want to be and not just talk in so doing I am in the notion of, the mind is your current self, it is the shadow that you will leave behind. So daily becoming and transformation is literally your godly act here and now.

I consider my ability to lead myself and make the changes that I impose to stick my superpower. A super power over myself.

Here the two counter actions that I did to achieve a growing self, the becoming of the godform.

1. The King ritual
The grimoire of Baal by Koetting (free chapter). Trust me , if you truly stay consistent with this ritual and make it your own then you Will have real results.

2. Pythagorean Meditation
This is a far more simple action that doesn’t need anything, just a few minutes of your time and you can even do it while waiting on the bus etc.
My source of this is by someone who goes by the name of Δαμναμενευς in social platforms. His method is quite different from others if you look for this meditation online.


Simply calm yourself by a few breaths.

(I aslo added an extra step on this according to my needs, here it is.)

Contemplate and feel: if you stop all current activity and imagination, where would you go? What would be the result?

Δαμναμενευς method (traditional)

Contemplate: what I had done wrong today?
Contemplate: what I actually done today?
Contemplate: what I can do better now?

There many benefits to this, as said before I do these practices to bring my best self to earth, create a living god here and by grounding him and sacrificing my current self. These benefits come from the king ritual.

Pythagorean Meditation reprograms your mind and counters the thought of: who I am without worldly things?
And it clears and organizes the mind.

Remember, this is the inner game of magick. Don’t forget to go hard on the worldly labour in order to reap the fruits.



Lit up post :fire:

Love the recommendations, I am doing meditations where I connect with my Personal Void to access that “stillness”.

You could totally write a book on becoming disciplined


Yep Indeed, I do have something else that I have not yet shared about self transformation and aligning yourself with the optimum self. I included it to a ongoing book dedicated to Beleth and his Field Marshals (Nethers)

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Oh fuck yes do give me a heads up before you drop that one

I also really like your notion of Optimal Self.

The ascended master Muhammad (not Mohammad) is all about keeping all levels of the self in an optimal state of being. You two could have a nice talk about things.

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Thank you brother, it would be interesting indeed.

Maybe we three could be enjoying a nice cocktail or two in a skyscraper bar in Dubai! But till then we must increase our magic to manifest him forth :rofl:

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Nah we just need to Theta Gamma snyc properly or let him possess a mannequin :rofl:

But totally let’s drip from the top level penthouse brother :black_heart:

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Hello. I am struggling with an addiction to social media. Do you have any suggestions for beating this particular type of addiction. I think it’s the only major weakness I have and I would like to get rid of it

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Good question.

Addiction can take many forms, it can be listening to songs too much, porn, drugs all stem from one inner cause.

These surface actions are not the problem but rather the symptoms.

My advice is set the timer for ten minutes and look at a wall, keep your phone around you. Allow yourself to feel the need and compulsion to check it. Question yourself what is making you that way, what do you get from it, what do you lose.

There lies a deeper reason that is filled by those addictions, that you seek a false sense of happiness.

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This is great advice. Thank you for responding.

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and in the during the wall staring, do not give in checking the phone. Fight it. Meditation is your weapon.

That’s how I fought my lust and masturbation addiction. When the compulsions rises, seek refuge in the stillness and breath. You will see that the next compulsions will begin to be weaker and weaker.

And I only 10 deep breaths when that compulsion appeared.


very impressive work @Xag_darklight
and inspiring for so many of us struggling with different problems situations addictions etc.
It does seem reassuring to know that problems can be dealt with and lends us all the confidence needed to restore and revive the self.

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where can i find this free chapter ?

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Thanks for finding significance in my posts!

Here it is:

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thank you. can i DM you about some doubts i have ?

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Of course, I am happy to help!