[ rat’s journal 🖊 ]

Yes omgg


wow :o

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saturday 8th 2022

i left out some offerings continuously to king paimon n azazel: mainly out of love.

yesterday was a rough and terrible day for my family regarding money. lots of anxiety attacks n comforting my mom in heaps of this i had a realization for evocation. i did not do any but i knew when i do it needs to be regarding the situation we’re in. the money issue is all related to business; trading n stocks.

yesterday i was taking to my cat bell n being cute w her. i called out her name in different ways n on the tip of my tongue i said “bell…zebub” and i was like “lol wtf? kinda cute tho but very random for me to say” n jus went on w my day. but remember this whole day was repetitive and filled w tears due to the dire situation we are in. from the morning till sundown it was about this.

i fell asleep a little early n woke up rn around 2 am. i had really vivid dreams about the omicron virus n evacuations and love and all that shit. nothing i found worth looking into but in those dreams repetitively i’d find a bee or a scene with a bee being prominent and before i woke up i had a bee on my arm but it was acting like a mosquito n sucking my blood which i happily allowed it to and was talking to me and being very sweet. the bee mentioned things about being a new witch n kept talking about magick but being very comforting n hesitant. more things happened n then i woke up.

thinking of the bee i came on this forum and searched up “bee” in the search bar. obviously hence the name similarities beelzebub came up and i had to scroll through lots of posts till i found things about a bee. many ppl mentioned how beelzebub was related to insects mainly flies etc and sometimes bees (i have no knowledge on beelzebub so i was learning lil things as i went). then i read something about how he’s good with money and i resonated that this was a sign but i took it as a grain of salt and kept reading till i found:

which sealed the deal for me. i dunno it feels all too personal and feels like a calling. im gonna research more, do some chores, meditate and afterwards conclude if this was meant to be and do an evocation with an offering. my gut is telling me yes though.


Sounds like a solid sign


ahh thank you i needed to hear this :black_heart:




errr… after writing this i slept for the entire day and my dreams were filled w king paimon to the point where in my dream the figure told me themselves they were king paimon. uhhhhhhh!


ok i was out of my sleep when i wrote this but my understanding is that i am confused whether i received these dreams bc king paimon wanted to clarify that my initial dream was regarding me contacting him n not Beelzebub. best thing to do is an evocation and ask him.


As a previous disowned muslim… I can’t express how much I relate to you.

Hail Azazel

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king paimon evocation regarding business.
jan 9th 2022

12:00 am
i began meditation for 20 minutes. the first 10 minute was a guided meditation and the remaining other 10 minutes was to binaural beats. in the remaining 10 minutes, i spent with clear thoughts - focusing intently on king paimon; his enn and his sigil being present in my mind’s eye. i had earlier before starting my meditation burned king paimon some frankincense. after i was done meditating i got up and lit a white candle. i focused on king paimons sigil in my mind and chanted his enn whilst also looking at the flames. i felt a slight presence approx 15 minutes in. i continued chanting while scrying at the candle light. after i felt i did enough i thanked king paimon and let him know what i wanted: help for my mother and to help with money. to gain money through her business and once i learn how to trade in business for king paimon to be my side and give me guidance and to help me understand the business better and to receive success and wealth for my family and whenever they pursue trading. (i’m still deciding if i should do a long-term pact regarding this goal; even asked king paimon for assistance). i also asked king paimon to assist me in my astral senses. i then thanked him and asked for his presence to linger after the evocation. i burned out the candle and now i’m sitting here.

i have a lot that i want to achieve. my main goal is to work with azazel and king paimon and to sharpen my astral senses. i know that i am capable of a lot and i want to do good. i miss being able to tune into my senses and gut feelings like i had in 2020.

i hope i make good progress in the upcoming months. i’ve also been thinking whether i should do a pact regarding my families business and wealth with king paimon. since this would be a long-term goal perhaps a pact would be better. i shall wait and see. i have asked king paimon on advice on what he thinks might be better for me. we shall wait till i sleep and wake up in case he appears to me in my dreams with an answer.


hail azazel <3

i am glad to kno that i am not alone in this. it’s truly utterly such a lonesome and tiring experience coming onto this path after being a muslim. i prefer this path over islam for sure - it’s just so painful knowing how much i am hiding from my family under the same roof we live (they are devoted muslims and have no clue i do black magick LOL).

i will be here for you if you ever need to talk or vent. when i first finally disounced islam in 2020 and came onto this path… i was scared shitless and also so shocked. when i first reached out to lilith and azazel i was so shocked how fast they responded and how much comfort i got from lilith. it shocked me sm because i remember how much i’d cry growing up towards ‘allah’ and i got no response. i felt so ignored. i have so much love and respect for mother lilith and azazel because they gave me the comfort i needed and made me feel seen and heard when i never received that prior.

you are never alone on this path! if you ever need somebody to talk to, i am here. :'D


I know how that feels, even though in my case I got to a point I exploded and came out to my family about my religious beliefs. Some still in contact and some hate me for it.

It is hard and painful indeed. Thank you. I will keep your offer in mind and same goes to you. If you need to talk shoot me a pm or @ me wherever.

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that’s such a courageous thing to do whether you believe it or not. hopefully i can be the same eventually at my own time. <3

i will keep your offer in mind as well. you can PM me anytime, regarding anything. :')


january 10th 2022

evoking king paimon into my life has been utter comfort. very sweet and calming presence. i feel safe. king paimon’s presence continuously seems to be around me. had a good sleep today, really nice sleep. feel like i owe that to king paimon. have a good feeling about mom’s business and wealth. gave king paimon an offering of his incense and a song played for him. i gave him the offering forjust being around me and making me feel very safe. it is nice. very vivid and frequent dreams as well. hail king paimon. so much love for him. great guide as well. super prominent now in my life since talking to him. he’s good at connecting people. masterconnecter lol. i adore him.

btw this is the song that reminds me of king paimon. the softness of the song and this timestamp exactly and this verse:

azazel. azazel. azazel. sometimes i don’t know where to start. think azazel is pushing me to my core with meditation. i at least do it once a day. only 10 minutes maximum… i can’t stand doing meditation most times but the benefits are too good to not. been more intune with my feelings since i woke up today. being intune allowed me to sense azazel a little. i appreciate it. i forget how overwhelming his presence can be. i sang to azazel today and lit him his incense. i sang this song to him:

feel as if the lyrics and passion immerged an interest from him. i saw a vision of his form with goat head in my mind and also just saw him with long red hair resting on my bed in front of me as he… ate grapes? lol. super serene though. it was just a vision i was portraying though nothing as crazy like when i saw him for the first time forreal.

i did a chakra meditation. i been focusing a lot on my chakras especially through meditation which is nice. super rewarding.

dunno who to evoke today between king paimon or azazel. i wanna switch up how i do my evocation’s and try someone else is method; see if i get more of success or not.

i do not feel azazel as much as i feel king paimon. i have a lot of work and proving myself to azazel i must do. it just feels nice though to feel king paimon’s radiating energy. very much needed.


“masterconnector” :joy::joy::joy:
true tho


LOL seriously. He’s too good at connecting ppl😭


Well apparently she never left because you are still incredible! :heart:

That’s so cool, It sounds like it really helped you jump boost your self confidence for a bit there. That feeling of being the sexiest motherfucker in the world is amazing and it’s something that Ive felt for a decent amount of time. It ebbs and flows but I know I’m damn attractive and a fucking steal of a friend and partner.

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Hey im just putting this out there. If you ever need anything at all. A shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, anything, don’t hesitate to shoot me a message okay?

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Everytime I see women in traditional wear I feel so sad and upset at the fucking disgrace and abuse that they’re being forced into covering their faces. It’s absolutely disgusting.

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