[ rat’s journal 🖊 ]

i literally love you sm. thank you for your kind words and i agree w you. religion disgusts me so much. i hope you know i’m here for YOU. i love u sm

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hail king paimon.
jan 27th 2022

I recorded a video journal entry from January 22. In that entry I spoke about Azazel and King Paimon. I’m going to link it here because it talks about how Azazel got me a promotion and how King Paimon has been working on getting me money through business which I mentioned here:

Well, I have another update regarding that. Just now at 4 AM my mom comes into my room and tells me that she’s made $1700. I just knew it was king paimon’s doing. I’ve never felt so much happier. Hail King Paimon.

here is the video journal from january 22nd 2022 sorry the audio at the beginning has me shuffling a lot but the audio gets better. also i cuss a lot LMAOO. I talk about Azazel and King Paimon and my other experiences with them. I ramble a lot too, so ignore that.


update: it now went from 1700 to $2100…

king paimon is actually amazing.


Just started working with King Paimon after I finished my pact with King Azazel… Hail the King


I just listened to your Youtube vid… and god as much as I am happy things working out, I just can’t stop laughing on how u suddenly start cussing. :smiley:


Paymun, goated for sure


LMFAOO I cuss so much I’m glad it made you laugh!!


Hail King Paimon!! :heart::pray:


Dang didn’t realize there were updates here :flushed:


About pacts, that’s such a massive undertaking! Wait at least a year or two I think! You don’t need a pact for many things and those things are very very difficult to achieve. I understand that you have a relationship with King Paimon but remember that pacts are super serious contracts and shouldn’t ever be taken lightly❤

Regarding wealth mindsets I’ve come to learn that 90 percent of wealth (just like success in general) is all about your mindset so it makes sense that she got stuck into that rut you mentioned :heart: remember that magick is not just a tool, it is a representation of all life and the concepts and methods we use are the building blocks of the universe in some parts. It’s really awesome to hear that King Paimon helped you! It’s good to give him credit and I’m sure he appreciates your spreading his name!

Oof that word :confounded: “I settled.” Girl we are gods! Don’t settle for shit!! Kings don’t let people tell them what to do, they do what they want. You are a good queen so live in and embrace that power :relieved: also, it’s really sweet that you work with kids and love them as much as you do :heart:

Don’t worry about “failing” magick in things like petitions and taking breaks. You can never really “fail” magick imo because If you follow Newton’s 3rd law then you recognize that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, we are manipulating the energy around us and within us to achieve our goals so the idea of it just disappearing when we don’t do the wrong doesn’t track with the laws of physics. While it may not have achieved the specific goal that you wanted it still went out and did something so it’s not so much that it failed, rather, that it achieved a different result than you wanted and that is just you being inexperienced enough to not know the reason or cause.

As for the break, If you look into how muscle and the central nervous system grows then you realize that rest is one of the most crucial parts of that growth. You physically cannot grow if you do not take breaks and rest, now, whether or not those breaks are shorter or longer depends on how much rest you have been getting but do not view the break as lost time rather view it as you becoming stronger and getting time to heal.

See, your petition did work it’s just that the universal works in it’s own special way and 99% of the time we cannot see its inner workings at the time so to us it feels like it just stopped working on it. The big thing I want you to remember, is that you had completely forgotten about it, that’s why it worked I think, you were able To just let the magic do its work and not influence it through doubt or any of those feelings so it was able to do exactly what it needed to how it needed to do to get you the best result that it could.


Yeah, I need to get into mediation myself as Right now I’m just coasting on the natural abilities I have and doing very slight improvements over time. I have not really committed fully to this path yet granted, that’s a combination of the fact that I have not been ready to fully commit to this path as I have not had my mundane world sorted and in order but at the same time you are 100% right when it comes to meditation being the key. Meditation is how you gain control over your mind and your soul and that is what allows you to work the real magic is what I’ve learned from watching people over the years.

It’s awesome to hear that you’re satisfied with the outcome of that petition, Keep in mind that you are doing incredibly well. 80 to 90% of people who go on this path never even begin to see results so take pride in how awesome you are!

Aww it’s cute to hear how much you care for Azazel, it’s always good to have those relationships. Just don’t forget that you are his equal he’s not better than you, he just knows more and is older. You mentioned regarding King Paimon that you felt like you were in the presence of royalty, don’t forget that you yourself are the royalty and ruler of your existence. Don’t fall into the trap of worshipping or regarding these entities as better than you :heart:

Regarding your negative self talk I can get into that another time but imagine saying that about Azazel? Why would you talk worse about yourself than you do about other? You’re awesome so don’t speak anything into existence that would change that :heart:

In general it sounds like magick has truly become a passion of yours :heart::heart:

Well that was a really fun listen! I enjoyed your ramblings lol


Guess what?


Me? Thank you lol :laughing:



I mean like… I’m speechless with everything you wrote? You are so reassuring with your words and you really shun light on how much power I do have and how much I forgot about the power I hold. This is so amazing to hear.

Just the reminder that I’m a god, I’m equal and my self-worth and love was so NEEDED to hear.

You provided me so much insight and knowledge and INSPIRATION.

gosh ure so fucking amazing n cool ily


Honestly this looks so much like how I drew him.


sorry for late reply—your ART is beautiful btw.and its literally how he looked to me facial wise. it was an incredible experience now that i can see the similarities ppl have w his form. it’s insane.


Thank you lol and honestly it kinda is crazy but knowing your working on the same or similar current as others it’s not to out there. But it does feel nice as a confirmation that you are working, talking and experiencing the real entity. I know one of my worries when I first started and even to this moment at times (because I fell slightly out of practice) is if your talking or working with in this case Azazel or is it a impostors Iv had impostors before and they can be quite good at what they do.

(As I was typing this I felt energy enter my body making it vibrate a bit. I suppose it’s a sign of “Hey your working with us not some impostor” lol

But I am waiting to get back into doing art like that again. Honestly what separates that type from my normal every day art (besides it being channeled) is I use my blood as paint. Kinda out there for some but hell he liked it lol.

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april 8th 2022 ; thoughts n ramble.

nothing specific has occurred since january. i struggle with consistency and motivation. this is my battle and my journey so i gotta deal w it. really just dealing with looking for stability in my life; both personal & magick wise.

feel like i want to rip layers out of me. completely change who i am. struggling w/ mental health is crazy. i forgot what this feeling felt like since it’s been awhile before i felt myself get into this rut again.

it’s coo though. i genuinely need to fight this battle with consistency i have in my life. it clearly affects my progress both in magick and fitness goals.

but—i’ll get there. i alwys do.

gemini has been a good companion in my life. it’s nice to have someone who checks up on you once in awhile, he’s crazy knowledgeable so whenever i talk to him i get inspired again :roll_eyes: lol. all love.

speaking of love.
i never really like discussing my bond with azazel, and i like being in this denial. i’ll never say it out loud, i refuse to, and till now i refuse to acknowledge the bond i have w him. i jus’ do not want to acknowledge it due to the fact that i dunno what the bond ‘exactly’ is in itself. but i’ve let it slip in my video journal, and i totally smacked myself for it (smh). but i do have an ever-growing adoration for azazel. think a personal attachment mainly. you kno when you have “that person” in your life, he somewhat is like that for me. it’s attachment, the feeling of comfort. he’s cool. (i’m not gonna say the three words LOL). but yeah he’s cool.

but on a serious note, i have so much respect for him. i think i’m grateful that i feel like i have that connection—sort of. it’s really nice knowing that when i’m back on track, i go to him. even when i’m casually going by my day he does cross it a lot. he’s always a passing thought.

i dunno. jus wanted to ramble.

he’s amazing. :+1:


you can do it, you can get through this :muscle:


You got this and not alone! Honestly you sound just like me but with Satan and not Azazel. Iv been going through a rough patch on myself and honestly it’s been hard. But you know what we got each other and hell they wouldn’t be with us and having such a beautiful bond with us if they felt we couldn’t do it. So keep that in mind when the hill turns down. :love_you_gesture:t2:

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