Q and A with entity, really?

are you trying to provoke me :smiley:

Mythology can hold a grain of salt to it but also a chunk of entertainment based purpose and religious 1v1. My own experiences with marduk are there but somewhat off topic, explain the black body and nadi locked and what not. If you’re up to it anyway.

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well shortly, i am first world being, i have spaceship, blackbody is thing what connects your physical vechile to your soul, bit like stickfigure, inside your physical body, if you understand

spaceship is kinda hard to explain, its box of black matter which contains my conciousness and immortal parts of my soulgroup

Are you going to tell the grey aliens to anal probe me?

im not working with greys


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I believe you.

My apologies, I should probably just ignore this guy. I think he’s dangerous though.

I’ve heard the first world being concept before, although it was usually used to pertain to the Primordial Gods like Tiamat, Apzu, Khaos, Shiva and such and the Titan Gods. That’s interesting however.

This is the thread I was talking about. Its not to ridicule the OP but I think you can totally look up HOW different things can be read and interpreted and how important it is to actually have some kind of sturdiness in the way you’re communicating with spirits. I get a lot of riddles thrown at my ass and believe me: if I would just take them LITERALLY things would have got fucking weird in the meantime.


Kali, Satan Ra etc has these “boxes” “spaceships”, we are more like “systems” you know, my godsoul is actually system, but i am living being with physical body and personality

and i dont even wanna know how i “operate” as deity yet, since im having physical experience, i dont wanna be god anyway.

(this is much harder to explain than i thought, lol)

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What kind of riddles?

Go and get your own whispers.


Care to elaborate? Don’t say boxes or stickmen, say exactly what you mean.

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i dont wanna have discussion with you, sorry

Like this?

Well, i kinda could give you name Anu, or An, but there are alot of imposters of this being, so i dont think he is any use in occult, so to say

and i could say also that being you would call Anu, is incarnated in physical reality as i am currently.

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This sounds like the JOS interpretation of Sumerian mythology.

Yeah that is the danger.

You are exactly like marduk btw, always showing up uninvited, always bad jokes, always talking…