Just dont think anymore, anything you do think just turn it to being happy shes yours and let the magick do its thing. Give it a few months and if nothing repeat. Or set a time limit say do the ritual over 3 days etc starting on Friday and ending on Sunday for instance if you need to drain as much intent into it as possible and then forget but whichever your gut tells you.
Where can i contact you i want to hire an ritual
You can contact @C.Kendall on the Infernal Obelisk Facebook page. Or, if he sees this notification, he will contact you here.
The thing that mind boggles me with Connor is how potent his shit is:skull:great work brother.
I want to definitely try this asap but I’m just wondering I’m a total beginner, does that matter? Also what if the person is long distance, does this also just give feelings of love or will it make exes or lovers return for actual commitment? And as I don’t know what this is is it evoking a demonic entity of some kind ?
I didn’t want to have any negative backlash or attach some entity to me that I don’t know of so wanted to be sure, what kind of cleansing did you do for it before and after?
I just wanted to know the source of where this love spell came from to do some more research, do you have a name of what it’s called?
Are you serious ? How long were you in no contact and did you just do this ritual or combine other rituals and spirits to help you?
Can I use white candle or any other colors? Thanks
So I just did this yesterday but it was a Sunday… I thought I read somewhere to never do spells on a Sunday but didn’t realise until after I finished the spell. It was very energy draining and exhausting to do so I’d really rather not do it again but does anyone know if it’s ok I did it in a Sunday ?.
I found the enn calling on YouTube for Astarte, and I also found out that the verse above 'alashtu etc…"is used to call to form a pact with an entity…so not sure how I feel about that
Do you know if it’s ok to have done this spell on a Sunday ?
Should be fine, dont sweat it to much just make sure you put the intent in an feel like you did your best but if it really bothers you a lot do again on a Friday but personally I would now just forget and see what happens. If you feel your put your all in then great that should be it. I dont always observe planetary days to be fare and one could wait until a certain planetary election and then do a ritual to have no result if half arsed so I rather do it when I feel fired up and ready to just do it with the eagerness inside and fire to drive its power.
Can you please do it for me in reasonable rates?
Thanks for the response. Did you do the spell yourself and saw any results ? I’m a total beginner but I get very energy drained when doing this as it’s all energy/intention work I felt like collapsing even now the next day, and not in a good way I feel like complete shit after doing spellwork i don’t think that is healthy or normal? I wonder if this is normal for beginners to experience though.
I definitely would rather not do it again but if the spell does get more powerful on a Friday I may give it one more try… I’m just trying to forget about it though as you suggested , even thought of doing a cord cutting of negative energies between me and the target as I feel like I get more obsessed as the castor after doing it but doing a cord cutting after a spell like this doesn’t sound right either
Just means you put a lot of energy into it which means you put effort into it and exhausted the intent hopefully in the process as much as possible. I havent done this one myself. But I wouldn’t do a cord cutting. Just look up the middle pillar ritual or lesser ritual of pentagram to gain some energy back into you and refill your energy back up. You will be fine and try your best to forget the ritual and an outcome of it. If you do think of it just imagine your happy as you have what you want and fake it to change the thought to a positive.
Hey guys.
I tried this spell and like an idiot I put out the candle right before it burnt all the way down. Should I redo the whole spell or not?
And I apologize for asking such a simple question by the way. I’m not sure at what point a mistake means the whole ritual will fail or not
Hi, in my opinion “spell failed” is dictated by you. If you really think that the spell will fail because you put out the candle too soon, it will fail. But imagine that you have a candle that is supposed to burn for 20 hours (like mine…) and you need to go to work in 12 hours. Do you really think that the best option is to leave the candle unsupervised? I would blow it out, maybe put it out with my fingers, and close the ritual properly, thank the spirit that I have summoned to help me etc.
So don’t worry, I think its okay and it will work for you, just give it a time and don’t lust for outcome.
Here is another topic for you that you should consider reading if this spell was for you and your ex to return them to you:
Hi everyone, been a while since there was a comment on this thread.
I do know for a 100% fact this spell works as I preformed it a few years ago on an ex. However, I’m just wondering, has anyone had success where the two parties stayed together happily? My ultimate goal is to make the changes in the relationship to be happy with my partner forever, but our love definitely needs a major boost such as with this spell.
how long did it take for you, for this spell to work? I have tried it twice, doesn’t work.
It was several years ago, I was young and “in love” with my ex. It took three months to fully manifest and it 100% worked. He came back, and kept saying “I’m so obsessed with you, it’s like you have put a spell on me” (something he would of never said normally.)
It didn’t work out as the relationship stayed the same, I made no effort to change and the original reasons we broke up came into fruition again.
Magick 100% works, but when you say it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
Can you use this spell to attract a general woman if you don’t have a specific target in mind but just any women perfectly suited for you. If so, do you still put your photo on one corner and on the other corner just write down general attractive women? Thanks
Welcome @dragonsmoke It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc: