Powerful Love Ritual

In my case, since I’m not completely blocked and the target did talk to me, I try to frame it as him being confused because he’s overwhelmed by his feelings for me and eventually will come to me as intended… throwing a bit of LOA thinking there. I’m not obsessed with the idea of him being the one and only anyway so I hope you can somehow find relief for your situation.


Hi can I say those words Quitly or need to say it aloud? I live with my parents so if I say it loud they might hear it

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If it did not work, how did it backfire?

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do it when they sleep.

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My target ghosted me and went on trips with their ex. No contact ever since.

I’d call it a backfire. Though I had also done a ritual from Magickal Seduction, which I think is the actual cause of the backfire.


I say those spells quietly, because my parents sleep after my next room. Hope it works

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good luck

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How long ago did you do the spell?

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11 months! Can’t believe it’s been so long! Lol

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Hi how can I contact you? I need help with a ritual

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Do you included your name along with the target’s name?? ( Name of both people) how did you say it?

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How did you say the spell (Name of both people) do you included your name here? Also in Astartes name …(Name of both people)

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Did it worked for you?

Can you tell me how exactly you did it?? (Name of both people) do you included your name here? And say all word 9 times again?

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Yeah it was something like “(my name) and (target’s name) you shall fall in love”

“In Astarte’s name and power, may you be linked, (my name) and (target’s name)” – repeat 9 times


Hey thanks for the spell. I performed this to bring back my ex girlfriend who dumped And blocked me 3 weeks ago because i fucked up one too many times. So i performed the spell around 3 weeks ago too. I didnt contact her until 2 days ago, things seemed like they were going well, she didnt block me when i reached out And apologised, she read the message straightaway And immediately changed her WhatsApp status to ‘i Love you’ And her Instagram bio to ‘ i heard u r Happy without me’. I left it alone until exactly 24 hours later she blocked me again. I asked her why And she basically was extremely Cruel to me. What went wrong? And how can i fix it? Thanks in advance


You didn’t really let the spell do much. You messaged her and that wasn’t magick that was your mundane action only. The magick should make her come or reciprocate to you but if the opposite its not working yet. Also if you did the ritual with any residual anger running through you or doubt or anything within it will make it harder. Most of the times with an ex the subconscious mind screams no while your conscious mind misses them. This means unless you break the subconscious minds no you will be stuck a bit as your subconscious is the processor here.


Thanks for your Feedback. Would obsessing over the target cause blockages too?

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If you obsess over them in a way of them not being with you yet then yes. If its seeing them as being with you and integrating in your life or as memories like its already happened then not really no as long as you know KNOW its done.


Oh Yeah i was obsessing about her meeting new guys, visualising her getting fucked in hotels etc. If i stop obsessing now can the magick still work, or is It too late . Do i have to start again?

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