Power sensing topic

Ok, one at a time. First you. As told this time by Astaroth: "I see in the 'fuge of Time’s hold a great Flame colored as if burning the blood of the earth’s freshly wounded. It twas the pelt of a fang’ed beast, o’er teeth that clamped and gnashed on bones hung eyes like the devil of man’s imagining made real, a fastness of war to pull in the children and spit out men of Sparta and Rome and Albion and Sumer and Akkadia, lands of older. Lands of reknown for their heroes. Three horns adorn the crown of the beast, etched into each a sigil stating the life of a defeated hero. "


Now you. Wait. First the actual poke. Then a read.


Could you read me? I feel like Astaroth is trying to connect to me as I read a little bit more about her and see my similarities with her stories and in what she provides.

Thank you

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Hey kids, get up and sing, it’s the OG motherfuckin KIIIIING!
King of the Beast, king of the Wild, that bitch be wild for sure, rich in the thick of the fight, and shit, expectin a child? Of body, of light, of darkness shinin bright?

I dunno man. But he has a plan and a stand to make ready, stand bold, take action, nothing retracting, ever onward into the black space again, maybe with some friends, a retrograde enhanced pact with the faction…

Blue-black, fuzzywuzzy, yin and yang, snarlin and frothin muzzle, orchestrating a love/war song
Time to ride little puppy…almost. Almost ready for the host to deliver the most elated toast and ride into the night, beats bumpin the battle drum just right.

First, let us contemplate the final three steps - a grey cloth for dress, the runes to write upon the tin and the candlelight, March eighth is the date to make fate.


Narsonix or KingofHearts, care to read me?

Now, there was the poke.


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Wanna give my energy a go? Been an interesting evenin so far :face_with_monocle:

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Pm me?

Now for the read! I see a black landscape traversed by a solitary crow, but this crow is white with a black crest ruffling its chest feathers. The creature alight on an old oak branch, bringing to life a small but powerful path of moonlight. It does mere crow things, but this in turn brings the forest to life, and slowly but steadily the faerie king and aes sidhe begin to dance about the roosted beast. They begin to say a name to chant merrily, but where the bird stayed it remains no more, and again continues to journey ever onward, doing this.


I think you are the crow.


Ok now you, my apologies for the slowness.

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Alpha C, numerically, another sequence presents itself to me and thee and thine and it’s unrelenting in time, the endless, yet consequential yearning for learning in the intricacy of this programmatic gnosis

It’s like pi on acid, the 3 to the infinity, visually distorted capriciously, and upside down and twisty. A cube - bent back - angles gone akimbo - whack whack - let’s see how low it goes, can ya do the limbo?

This bent room we find ourselves manifested in is made from within, walls a slurred grey in a place where light and dark don’t exist, nor sin. In the middle there sits a single sphere patiently risin, floatin in the nothin that is this thick sense of air, just spinnin, emittin a wavelength of somethin…
The opposite of matter or dimension, the essence of void and focused acumen.

Try to see beyond these weird walls fitfully…

Ambrosia, they said, the nectar of the Gods
Anything to add to that, Yesod, main mod of the keepers of the rod?

Silence then, that’s fine, we’ll find solace in women and wine. Just y’all wait til I come back up that vine and take what’s rightfully mine.


I had to read your post almost 4 times before I got it.
Nearly broke my head bro.
I’m still a little confused but I think I get the gist of it.


fuuuuuck omg i love your readings so much! :love_you_gesture: :kiss:
and it’s so unbelievably relevant! just look at what i just spent half an hour spewing forth

theres so much truth in your reading, i have to analyze it more, but hot damn you hit the nail on the head and i really needed to hear that, thank you so much :heart: :heart: :heart:


For this one I ask only Astaroth what she sees. "I see a veil. It is colorful in waves and shimmers with a vision of a night sky behind. The veil is pulled forth and the face of the vision is forced down into the face and eyes of a might demoness, other hand holding erect the largest spear you have ever laid eyes on, the end of which is hidden beneath a bright blue flame. Her eyes are yellow and seem reptilian; her face the ideal of womanly beauty set permanently in a rictus of rage, a scream of war and hate piercingly echoing from everywhere at one. Her hair and skin are like lava and fire, a deep burgendy and bright red for skin, hair rdds and yellows and oranges shifting constantly. She pushes the viewer to the ground, and we now see she is a woman herself, of a build suggesting beauty, though we see not a face as there are no reflective surfaces to glimpse. An ancient dress, possibly Roman or Greek in origin, adorns her form. We also see the entirety of the demoness. She is sheathed in a horrible plate armor of deepest night, spikes adorning it all over, each holding either an eye, tongue, or ear of a victim. The demoness points the spread down at the woman, but instead of running her through, the whole of her shifts into the spear, the whole of its length and her becoming fire. This hits the prone viewer, and she hears a dark, sultry tone in her ear as she burns. “Let us stay close for now child, that I may beget from you a most joyous student. " with this, the viewer is revealed, sunburned, and yet adopting the traits of the demoness. This is what I have foreseen and of which speak.”


I can make a drawing of the bizarro soul room if you like.


Yea sure :+1:

I see a man lost at sea. Its inky black under the night sky. A boat approaches. A man reaches out… Take his hand you fool… You’ll drown

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Pm me?