Power sensing topic

Basically I gather from this she wishes to imbue- you, I assume- with her blessings and hellish might… For some reason? It suggests I jumped into something already well in motion. Like I was missing out on something that had already taken place.


Thank you,
But I just wanted a more general reading.
I think that might reveal more.
I may have some clue about what she might be referring to.


This is scarily accurate


Heeey, Austin, Texas, yeeeeee! Saddle up partner, and ride with me!
When we ride shotgun, we don’t forget the shotgun cuz that’s fun, chick-chack, blam blam, hangin out the window on the run!

Of course, we speak metaphorically as to the magickally oriented, situationally speaking, disoriented ambiguity of place and time in history that We seem to find in he.

Of course, ah cuss, a curse and a little worse, perhaps, for a lark, when they first embarked on this particular path of the dark. It’s fine, all’s forgiven, you did your time and you’ve risen. The lesson you’re left with is understood and the guilt is shriven, or it well should, time ya gotta get livin’. Hit the books and forget ambivalence or the worst of what coulda been.

Tic tac toe, three in a row, red X’s defeat the O’s. Straight down through the middle, 6 games in a row.

Were you ever told about the road of gold that goes to that place of old, the one you saw in the dream with the frog and the fuckin man from mars or some such weird shit that would leave most of them scarred? We had an answer for you on that one. The house is the soul and the windows were barred or broken, the place was cold. If you go lucid and speak to fair Lucy, go back and behold the changes manifold.


Ok, I can try doing it myself now. Usually better for that. I see the color red at first. Then purple. Then a black blankness followed by a white flash. The scene repeats rapidly a bit. There is a picture like of saint Jeanne De Arc, it looks like a cathedral stained glass mural. But there is a moonlight shining into it from behind and makes the colors different, blue and somber cast. She woman wears a chainmail shirt beneath what appears to be a baldric of some house insignia, colorful, over a leather top of some fashion. She looks rather peaceful however, and instead of a weapon holds in both hands a book, as if offering it reverently to someone. I get the feeling of such peace and yet, the scene suggests something isn’t right, and then I notice that I feel a fear somewhere in there, but its vague and doesn’t seem too distinct, like a ghost haunting the room with this mural. Its strange. Sort of sad.


And awesome.

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Just like the beast in the pool of blood you saw last time… You’re very good


Thank you. Sometimes I hit, but, I do miss from time to time as well. Various things can be thrown into the mix but, let us face it, its a lack of practice on my part.

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O.- oddly enough i think i have an idea of what this is about lol. Thanks for the read.


I should also note that the crow is a trickster, and if I didn’t know any better probably shit on one of the aes sidhe. But seriously, do you do any work with Azathoth? Or my personal fave form of his name Azagthoth.


@Dinmiatus may i read ya? :slight_smile: could use the practice, and such

Go for it :face_with_monocle: :grin:

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This makes me smile. I’m fond of crows. And I can be a trickster, from time to time.

Not intentionally, as of yet. I’ve kept away from the Mythos stuff because of its roots. Don’t get me wrong, I love HPL’s writing. Devoured his books back in high school. I do get the idea that he’s essentially tapped into old shit and assigned names where there may not have been names before. That, or they could be sumerian/akkadian entities, etc.

Why you ask?

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Your readings come out of something I see him spewing lol. Especially with the wordplay and rhyme schemes. And I get the ideas of the color yellow and just his overall kind of aura. The crazy part lol. And I also agree with on the Lovecraftian thing, but, thing is, Donald Tyson is a very modern practitioner who wrote The Grimoire of the Necronomicon, and it has the best applicable wisdom to get into the works with the Old Ones. And he really expands upon the very same idea of the Lovecraftian thing as well, along with more he adds. Its glorious.

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It is good work my only issue with it is where he tries to splice the old ones into the kaballic workings :skull: no good comes of that lol trying to apply human duality to things removed from duality least as far as humans Understand it.


True, true; much simpler to go into it keeping a firm grasp on the ideals of them in their entirety as fleshed out by Lovecraft, just because something so alien should be kept as that in the mind. Or you will likely go nutters fast.


got an image of you as a student in class taking notes, scribbling madly with your left hand
at first i felt like you were literally left-handed, but then i thought it may just represnt your dedication to your sinister path

saw you playing some skiing game on a playstation. you were smoking. there was a woman to your right, she was annoying you so you flicked your smoke at her. she picked it up and started to smoke it for you. lots of smoke everywhere…

saw you out on the street, following a path being paved for you as you were walking it. Strangely enough, it was a famous pair of cartoon characters, a dog and a cat, that were paving this path… Feels like maybe you received inspiration from cartoons and, for a while, tried pursuing a career (or at least a serious hobby) in illustration…

suddenly, you veered off the path, got in a brownish, beige car, and began driving away in the opposite direction. You drove off a cliff and fell into some kind of void. There, you began to levitate and elevate yourself on a pillar of your own making. It raised you up to Neptune and you started learning from, and working with a mighty dark god. I see you extracting, manipulating, and depositing energy, matter, and even equations of the laws of physics out of/into the universe… reminds me of a telephone switchboard operator of the past, constantly making new connections and (re)directing the flow of things… hard to tell if youre learning these things to amuse yourself, or for a practical purpose… maybe both…

tried to get a feel for your power, but, of course, “its over 9000!” came into mind, and then things got kinda fuzzy and i dont remember what i saw or felt after that… then i snapped out of the trance :expressionless:

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Want some practice reading?

So for future reference you are making progress cause i could feel ya reaching out. Came back to the thread like 2 seconds before ya started typing lol cat noticed as well :joy:

Accurate :point_up:i can get a bit extreme with my dives lol

I do get random inspiration from shows i watch that oddly work out lil over half the time :joy: the rest of this i have no clue. May meditate on it later. Garfield came to mind for some reason which was a favorite show of mine :thinking: but ive always been more of a “how does this work and how do i take it apart guy” :joy:

:point_up: bit of both lol :japanese_ogre:

:rofl: too funny and seems to be the consensus of the night :rofl: which still surprises me lol

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You’re off to my left… Something… Is

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