Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Hey fantom, can you read me? What do I need to do

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I could give it a whirl. Itā€™d be my first time trying but I think she needs a break.

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I can give it a whirl I think she needs her rest

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Anyone care to swap a read or two, specifically on the source of this goddamn pain. Idk if itā€™s chakra related, attack related, or my body is just being a bitch


Hmmā€¦ I saw a few parasitic beings but I took care oh them.
As for chakras, your Heart, Sacral,Minds-eye, and Feet chakras seem like they need a bit of work.
But I took the liberty to send some energy your way and heal you a bit.
The rest is up to you my friend!
Try taken a bit more care of yourselfā€¦
and be aware of your surroundings.
I had this problem awhile back with some gargoyles but I took care of them very quickly and the pain in my neck subsided very swiftly.

If you are to read meā€¦ @DormiensDei
Look upon my true essence, try to see my being/nature.
Who am I?

Who wants to scan me or tell me if king paimons interested

Can you give me one?

Sounds good Iā€™m down

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If someone can teach me how to do this and maybe give me a scan Iā€™d greatly appreciate it! I can try my shot at it if you want to trade :grimacing:

Did I do alright :joy::joy::joy:?

Take a shot and scan me man @Titan.M

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Ahh alright Iā€™ll try. Ofc I get one of the most intellectual individual on the forum to start off my bat. Hopefully it ainā€™t a swing and a miss. If I get a bunt Iā€™ll be satisfied :joy: but here goes nothing

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Iā€™m trynna take it all in and examine it aha, I think you did great. I havenā€™t lost anyone so maybe itā€™s a misinterpretation of what I would be sad about, but what do you think the ghoul, the colors, and Michael and Belial mean?

Scan swaps?

Okay so when I started I was really intimidated it seemed like you were a Demi human floating with bat wing in a black sky with a red moon and banner streak if red across the sky. I immediately went on the defense and shadow figures below you attacked me. I broke free and asked if I could help. When you agreed I was teleported to a sort of bench. And first thing that struck me weā€™re your eyes they were bright yellow with a slit like a snake and then they changed to sharingans (from Naruto) I associate these with distrought individual who have been ā€œcursedā€ to what others cannot. It seemed you were carrying the weight of a sort of heros. Reconciling your own happiness with trying to add value and acknowledge the needs of others. Youā€™ve been out into a high position of power the quote"with great power comes great responsibility" seems to be the underlying message from this interaction. You had said ā€œitā€™s hard to carry this weight sometimesā€ just then a large back pack appeared on you back. I said you may carry this weight but I can help lighten the load. I asked how you thought you impacted the lives of others. ā€œDo you think the people who come in contact with you are better off now after talking to you or before?ā€ You didnā€™t answer but I got the feeling of ā€œbeforeā€. I said (while unpacking some of your baggage) when you add value to otherā€™s lives theyā€™re bound to reciprocate, but you need to take into account yourself as well. You have many demons and being surrounding you ready to help all you have to do is call. Azazel is standing by waiting to be summoned and talk to you more about you journey and how you can help add value to others. And if you ever need to work on your and heal Angel Michael and Belial are ready on standby. Lucifer is watching over you I know you can do good frendo!

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If you ever doubt your reading abilities again I will fuck you up big time

Very Accurate Read :ok_hand:


How to Power Sense: For those who say they have no skill/How to Sense Another Persons Energy there ya gooo

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Hell yes for accuracy
I work with Sasuke on the Astral from time to time and got that ability :ok_hand::joy:

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