Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

You’re like a five layered cake, but instead of cake it’s all cool sharp stone and grating noise. The progression is horizontal and not vertical, like a worm that’s opening its mouth wider and wider- kinda like a bloom of elemental earth weapons and ways. You come across as very top-heavy or surface-wide but with a small connection to your source underneath, it’s like a tree that grew upside down. You smell of iron and a tinge of cinders, because there’s nothing really ‘organic’ inside of you, it’s like you’re a continually expanding mat of energy that just keeps rolling on out wider and wider. Your energy seems to collide with and not mesh against light purple energy that smells like ozone, how are your conductive capabilities? Because it seems like your hang up is very specifically in an electrical sense.

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Could you scan me?

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Hi! I see three bright bluish-white lines intersecting each other, kinda like metal toothpicks forming the top of an Algiz rune. The left one vibrates quietly and makes a green outline appear some distance out around it, while the middle makes a blue one and the right makes a brown one. You’re like a chain link fence that’s pulling at odds with itself, as if it’s embroiled in some kind of internal conflict. It feels like this conflict isn’t externally visible, like if someone walked past your fence on the street they wouldn’t see how it’s pulling at itself inside. Your stability is just barely maintained by the stream of evenly balanced conflict you’ve been experiencing, but this doesn’t actually do anything for you? It feels like you’re fighting yourself over something that will only make you worse off.

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Anyone want to trade…
Focus on who i am and where i should go with my magickal journey.

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@FantomGirl I don’t know if this is what you want to hear but I see you as a vampiric being…
And this is no where near a bad thing. There is no such thing good nor evil, people who think this way are fucking blind!
I am the same but you can be good I see the light within you as you rise above me with a beautiful,malevolent light radiating from your entire being.
you open your mouth and I see you magnificent fangs.
You are as I am… We do not harm others but we do consume beings that are of negative nature.
We kill and consume the ones who are not worthy and only see darkness as something to be feared or use it as a weapon to willing hurt others
Do not let anyone let you feel lesser than what you truly are fuck them…
This forum is not for discouragement your here to learn of whom you truly and and evolve into a beautiful being. Which you are!
I Love you.


Yes I totally agree




Thanks for the read. Many people see me as a vampire. In fact i love god damn vampires so much. I want to be one.
I even created a quiz on a website to tell if you are a vampire… (A real one… Basically you have one extra endogenous retrovirus in you that gives you vampiric traits).

I didn’t like being called a fucking parasite. I don’t do that nor am i like that. (I might feed subconsciously but i do not do it often at all).

I am vicious when i want to be but kind as a playful cat (without the biting… Actually with some fangs maybe).

I will get to your scan quickly.


You are a beautiful soul

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I know… I didn’t forget.
I know all about the pain that you go through.
Im here for you though!


Yeah thank you.

Do you want anything specific with your reading.


Read whatever speaks to you…
Nothing specific today. :relieved:


Are you feeling stable now? Are you still planning on leaving?


I am stable now…
Sorry i forgot to tell you.


I had a flash back of one of my earlier scans of you. It was with you and the sheepskin on the ground with the wolf being cautious of you but eventually sitting next to you. Then of that ritual with your ancestors and other spirits.

But i also see a demon with black horns sticking out of his head… Beelzebub/Bael.
“I am he who he seeks. He knows me not but i know him still. Tell him to work with me and i will show him many great things.”
Seems as if Beelzebub is quietly watching over you.


Yess I know of beezlebub and have worked with him a bit…
Also know as Prince Enlil.
He help me with my abilities to read others energies, as I am able to give readings in a matter of seconds now.
Even without going into a meditation.
I simply focus upon the persons energies and
Boop!, I see everything that I want to see.
I guess he wants to teach me more. I shall take him up on this offer.


Ah i see.
He is quite amazing.


We are all quite amazing!!


Yes we are.


But as I said if you need me I am always here…
I know all about the pain that you go through.