Please help i'm beginner

Hello, I am Poria, I am from Iran, I read about ten books about necromancy, but I couldn’t find anything useful, all of them are incomplete, I have never summoned and I have no experience. Can anyone help me or introduce me to a good book that is effective and gives a complete explanation and exercises. Have a good time, thank you♥️

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Please can you make an introduction if you didn’t already?

Necromancy is a more advanced practice that assumes to already know the basics. I would suggest you start with something that does introduce the groundwork just as grounding, protections and astral sense development first.

E.A. Koettin’s Black Magick course or book are pretty good for this.

I also like Sorceress Cagluastros Blood Magick Bible sa standalone work for queuing with the dead.


Hello friend, thank you for the guidance, but I know the principles, that is, I know the meaning of the book completely, but I don’t know which one is effective and which one, I really need a mentor. Can you guide me as far as you went? Can you summon strong spirits or do you have supernatural powers? Can you be my teacher and guidance me??

The book you’re looking for is called “The Necronomicon” by Abdul Alhazred. It’s a very old and powerful book, and it contains all the information you need on necromancy. But again, I must emphasize that practicing necromancy can be dangerous, and you should proceed with caution. Good luck!


Hello friend, thank you for the guidance, but I read the entire Necronomicon book translated by Dr. John Dee, but it was incomplete, there was very little discussion about summons or sacrifices, and it did not include banishment, and I could not get complete guidance.

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These books were written to communicate with the spirits of family members. I want to summon powerful spirits and communicate with gods, but not the devil, and I also want to gain natural power.

Please do make your next post your Introduction here, which we need per the forum rules.

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So you say first:


Then it sounds like you really do not actually know the principles, and you can’t have read this, as then you would know it has nothing to do with Necromancy. I think this was a joke. :thinking:

The Necronomicon is about working with entities from the fiction of the American author, H.P. Lovecraft, and the version “by Abdul Alhazred” doesn’t actually exist: that name is also a character from the fiction. There are multiple authors of modern day “Necronomicons” and the “Necronomicon by Simon” is the most popular. :slight_smile:

Working with the dead isn’t hard. what’s hard is maintaining control, getting cooperation and staying unparasitised. The best advise remains to first learn how to tell that entity you call is the entity you get, how to maintain your own integrity and how to banish.

Which book and which part is unclear exactly?

We don’t generally do mentoring here, we believe in people teaching and thinking for themselves without being beholden to any kind of guru. I’m no “teacher”, I’m a practitioner and perpetual student just like everyone else here. What we can do is share our experiences and what did and didn’t work.

When you have made your introduction that gives an idea of what you currently know and practice, and what you want to do, then I we can probably suggest something in that context tailored for your skill level. It’s completely ok if you’re new, most of us here are.

I am a “psychopomp”. That means I generally communicate with ghosts and help them move on, sometimes by travelling with them across the metaphorical river Styx, helping them call helping spirits and giving them energy to help them ascend out of the qi body to die the 2nd death to continue their spiritual journey. There’s no one book for this: the dead tell you what they need and your ingenuity and compassionate desire to help gets you the rest.

I do know dead will sometimes work with you and teach you. I am friends with one who found me and offered: she is a witch who has chosen not to move on yet. I used Sorceress Cagliastro’s techniques to provide her with a permanent portal.


Hello, thank you for the guidance. If I want to summon powerful spirits and get their help to learn magic and something else, what should I do to start? What is the right way?does’nt be fake/lie
sorry i cant speak english vey well im persian♥️

I want you to help me (in this way) because I don’t know which way is right and which is wrong, as well as which book

These were skills you could have learned from a meditations oriented practice or a school of mystical initiations, and most books on necromancy again will not be helpful at teaching you the basics of mentalism, mystical practices of self-initiation, and so on. They’ll presume that you’ve got down the more basic things, such as grounding and banishing, self-defense and magickal protections, meditations, visualizations, raising and channeling from sources of energy outside of oneself, and so on and so forth. Spells crafting, construction of basic rituals, and the arts of possession and evocations are all their own unique subjects. Necromantic sorceries are things you’d have to learn how to do on your own after studying those basics for some time, and you could supplement those self learned sciences and practice with the works of other necromantic sorceries by learning the way they see their crafts, but ultimately a foundational system of magick is what you’d need to find for yourself. There’s always a bunch of rhetoric and theoretical jargon associated with a magician and his craftsmanship, and that’s all you’re getting from some authors works on necromancy.

What you’re not getting is a step by step for mystical self development or the arts of witchcraft and sorceries. You’re getting theories, cut and paste rituals, and personal experiences to relate to yourself.

You need a school of mysteries to learn from. You could also just find a mystery school that’s training you for necromantic practices, but if those are still in existence, I’ve never seen one, although I couldn’t know everything there is to know about this subject could I? I’d love to be a part of something like this myself as a matter of fact.

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Yes, I agree exactly, but I don’t know where to start to learn and which book is right

Start by making your introduction as requested please.

I suggested above, and I suggest again. E.A.’s Black Magick course or book. That is designed to teach you the basics.

As you are refusing to follow the rules this post is closed. I will eeopen it after you have made your introduction per the rules.


Thanks for your intro. OK, I’m seeing you’re starting from the beginning.

So I would suggest two specific things:

  1. Basic protection and self defense, THIS book is perfect, and you can use these techniques without obvious magickal items
  2. E.A.'s Black Magick book, OR, Evoking Eternity

We also have self protection and evocation tutorials here for free.

When you can evoke you can evoke any entity including humans, both living and dead.
And if things go wrong you know how to fix it.


Thank you for your guidance. I want to summon powerful spirits and get help and power from them, and I also don’t want to make a covenant with Azazel or the devil or serve a wrong god, and my goals are to go to other worlds. Is there time travel and ultimately immortality? Can I do these things in these books or other books? Or are these books different? Or you don’t know (I wanted to say that my goal is not to communicate with the spirits of dead people, I cannot tolerate living people

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Sorry for asking repeated questions, but my brain is very busy and I want to be sure for starting a very very long way it has to be right at first

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Cool. So, for this, a safer and way than dealing with the somewhat unpredictable human dead, and one that is popular in Western Occultism, is to get help and learning with the entities of the Ars Goetia. The Ars Goetia is a grimoire.
A powerful but also beginner friendly way to talk to those entities is called “pathworking”.

The book “Goetia Pathworking” by Corwin Hargrove is a very good resource for this. A few of us here use it including me, and have reported few issues and many successes.

Good call: I would not recommend any kind of covenant or pact with anyone at this time. Get to know them first and build a relationship, then you can talk about such things together. You don’t need a pact to get results.

Astral traveling, also called soul traveling, which is also experienced in Lucid reaming, Shamanic Journeying and Remote Viewing, is a skill of it’s own. Robert Bruce also has a good book on one way to do this as well:

Time travel can also be done using the astral travel techniques including remote viewing.

In my opinion, the spirit is already immortal, however, incarnating as human involved a amnesia that wipes out all memory of pervious experiences. So one form of immortality is non physical: you learn to regain and retain your memories between lives.

It’s not until the highest levels of self development into full ascension that you can combine and gain an immortal vessel. At this point your body is no longer fully physical, and you manifest a physical body to interact with the physical world on demand. This is very hard for higher beings on the other side, and part of being human is to learn how to reach this from being human upwards, and at the same time evocation by mages help higher beings to do this. It is the desire of many for the entities we talk to to be able to fully and independently manifest at will on Earth.

Note: at this stage, I have to say “in my opinion” because in esoteric matters like this, we can all have different “worldviews” or ideas about how the universe works. Different people have different philosophies and religious models of reality.

These are just mine which I made based on my own seeking. It’s a good idea to just keep reading and meditating and getting as much information as you can, then you can form your own conclusions. There is no “Truth” with a capital T, there’s just what works for you. :slight_smile:


Thanks for those valuable links to several perfectly incredible resources for magickal endeavoring. There’s enough there to turn sour into sweet with a bit of elbow grease and concentrated efforts. Pretty much the average shmoe could turn evil overnight with those links in hand.

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Well, I guess. How a person uses these tools is a matter of his intention, I think… there’s no rule that says anyone has to use these in a way that’s baneful or benevolent. Magick is neutral, it’s people that are not.

Robert Bruce though, is a really lovely chap who’s rather focused on healing and self development to lift yourself out of the lower vibrational energies. He might like it to be noted, he doesn’t really teach baneful techniques. :slight_smile:

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Azazel does not want to work with you at this time bud, give yourself some time, effort and development. He will come to you when he feels you are ready. Blessed be brother.

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