Please help i'm beginner

Thank you very much for the help, but I have a very big problem that I can’t buy books from Amazon, Iran is sanctioned and I can’t get a credit card is there any way for i can have their pdf file​:pensive::pensive:

Not through BALG, as stolen copyrighted pdfs are illegal and we do not share such things here.

In this case, please use the search for the free tutorials we provide: this forum is a decade old and is a goldmine of information. It’s there for the taking, so help yourself.

Start with the megathread that’s literally titled “START HERE”. Hey, I called it that for a reason. :slight_smile:


Mod note: Please do not mention illegal pdfs. At all. We do NOT condone illegal activity on BALG of any kind. Thanks.


oh i’m sorry i didn’t know…i read the book But it was just full of sigils(goetia pathworking)do i read it all???and they’re sigils of the lesser ker of solomon sigils

You don’t so much read it like a story book, although then you get a good idea of what the entities can do… you follow the instructions to actually DO the pathworking, make contact and ask them to help you.

But before you do that I still recommend you first work on learning how to banish and cleanse. If you start working and calling entities, but get a parasite instead, you won’t know how to deal with it, and this is important if you want to stay healthy while doing magick.

Again, here is the link for the basics you need to do: you asked for this info, and you are ignoring it in favour of the flashy stuff: stop that, slow down and learn properly or yo may attract problems.

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