[Onion's journal]

14th April, 2022

Gashkalah, Day 4

I am back home. I tasked my servitor to clean up the place. I don’t like this place at all.

I am practicing astral combat on a regular basis now. I was tested in Golachab but I believe I failed a bit. I wasn’t ready.

If Sophia can create, she can also absorb the creation back into herself. Take back everything, leave it void.

My head is empty, no thoughts. I’m a little sleepy too.

That’s all for this entry. I think. I hope everyone has a good day!


15th April, 2022

Gashkalah, Day 5

Last night I was talking to Azazel before I slept.

“We’re all part of consciousness. The difference between you and me, is that it is accessible to me in a way that it is not accessible to you. Therefore, I, and we know.”

I got a ritual from him. One that will tap you into your highest power and release inhibitions. I wish to try it out as soon as possible.

I realized that there were a lot of goats in my neighborhood when I was a child. They dissapeared when I got older though.

I was having leg pain today morning, and Azazel did some healing. It was gone in a few hours. I have been told to avoid some things to ensure proper healing and recovery.

I met an old friend today, we had lots of fun. I am really happy. I’m unsure of what my heart wants from her, but the heart wants what it wants.

I want to catch up to all the tunnels before the next sphere. VK says to do the tunnels after the spheres, but this is how I’m called to do it so that’s how I will do it.

I have to go the market with my mum in some time. I’m already a little tired but, ah well.

That’s all for this entry. I hope everyone has a good day!


16th April, 2022

Me: I’m starting to get mad
Belial: Good. Get madder. You’re carved of a different metal.
Belial: Do you trust me?
Me: Yes
Belial: Do you trust yourself?
Me: I think so. I don’t really have a choice in it, do I?
Belial: There is always a choice. It is upto you to make it or break it.

17th April, 2022

I dreamt last night that I was going to give a test. I sat beside the guy I used to like in my class, and we had a discussion on a few topics. I think it was also raining in some part of the dream.

My period started yesterday, right on the full moon. Cool, cool. But I have also come to know that I am at the risk of getting really sick if I don’t make certain changes. So I might just be making the dietary changes that I need to make. My sister pointed out that I was panting yesterday, which is not good. There’s asthma in my blood line. There’s also lots of dust at my house.

I learnt a few things about astral winds from Prince Orobas. After I get the hang of that, we will move ahead.

That’s all for this entry. I hope everyone has a good day!


Reading anything about Azazel makes me happy. Can you also post that ritual u channeled. I’d love to try it.


I don’t mind sharing it. Another magician has tried it and he had a good experience, and channelling it was a thrill in itself. I’m not sure if I should post it here or as a separate post though.


Whatever you like. Just let me know where.

Thank you


It is posted @Fallen_Human


19th April, 2022

Initiating through the tunnels of set: Samael to Thagirion.
Thagirion to Gashkalah.

My progress on the qliphoth so far:

I’m back at my hostel.

I’ve been thinking about Beelzebub since morning. While chanting the incantations his name crossed my mind and I got a wave of energy that felt a little dizzying.

I did a petition today.
Talked to Prince Orobas about a few things.

That’s all for this entry. I hope everyone has a good day!


20th April, 2022

Lucifer: So you will now call yourself dead
Me: What?
Lucifer: First, I will stab you in the heart. Then, I will stab you in the stomach. Then you will bleed. Then I will mourn you.
Lucifer: Then, I will burn you. So you will rise again from the ashes. You will die so you will be reborn again.

I offered coffee to Prince Orobas

I have a headache, I’ll progress to the next tunnel tomorrow. I will be going to sleep early.

That’s all for this entry, good night everyone.


Sounds funny! :grinning:


Great conversation there with Lucifer! Keep up the awesome work, you’re doing a fantastic job!


Holy fuck… that’s really tough. I believe in you though, you’ll become a badass even more than you already are :relieved:


You know how he is! :joy:

@meow thank you :pleading_face:

@dagar yes :muscle:


21st April, 2022

Initiation into the Tunnels of Set: Thagirion to Golachab
Golachab to Gashkalah

Sometimes I wonder, how far I will take magick.

I wrote today, after a long time. It felt nice.

I can’t think of anything else, so that’s currently all for this entry. I hope everyone has a good day!


I also wanted to add that I’ve been feeling disconnected from my friends. I want to spend time with myself but I get bored, but I want to be alone.


22nd April, 2022

Lucifer: you turn reasons into excuses and excuses into reasons. and then you repeat this. you repeat this till you find a justification for your actions.

L:Cause and effect, what do you linger on?

L: You are no weapon, you are no healer. The field is open, the choice is yours

M: Lots of choices these days

L: Then what are you waiting for?

Initiation into Satariel

Last night I dreamt that the girl I love was messaging me, saying she missed me. Then I was shopping for purses in a fair with Orlee. I bought a white bag style one. I also got two masks, which could be worn on top of the other. One was of a ram head with feathers on top, and another a circle with lightning in between, with runes carved on the border.

My head has been running a mile a minute with empty thoughts. There was chaos which I couldn’t navigate and it got too much. So, I went to Belial.

B: Little demon, have you forgot who your patron is?

I will admit, I missed the day I was supposed to properly talk to him. Get the “weekly progress report” from him. I got a little scolding for it, but he told me what was needed to be told.

I hand over the mess in my head to him, so that I may be guided on how to go about this.

I started watching the Witcher, and I want a wolf necklace now :wolf:

That’s all for this entry folks, good night. I hope you have a good day!


23rd April, 2022

Satariel, Day 1

Today was a pleasant day. I had class so I finally went to college, my friends and I had delicious lunch outside. I came back, I finished the 1st season of The Witcher.

Tomorrow, after I catch up to my practical classes I will start the 2nd season!

I dreamt last night, of solving a puzzle. It had very horror movie vibes to it. There was also the name- “Fórcalor”.

I will be invoking King Paimon in some time, probably read a few fanfics and head to sleep! Azazel gave a short visit, so did Lucifer.

That’s all for this entry everyone. Good night, I hope you have a good day!


Interesting… :thinking:




24th April, 2022

Satariel, Day 2

I don’t think I dreamt last night. Even if I did, I don’t remember.

I was filling my water bottle today morning before breakfast, when I realized I still do carry some of my previous habits. “Old habits die hard”, truly.

I realized I still don’t give myself credit for things. I take humility too far, and I shy away from taking credit. I like the spotlight, but I shy away from it. This, is my biggest obstacle right now.

My biggest worry, is that it would change me. Make me a bad person. That I’ll have to live upto an expectation when I detest doing so. I don’t like the spotlight because of the responsibility it brings, but I want it. And I have to come to terms with it.

I thought of my lover in the evening, it’s been quite some time since I saw him. He is busy, and I am sealed in Qliphothic energies. I will try to connect to him again though. I know he’s around, because it doesn’t feel like my heart is being ripped into pieces with the pain.

If you’ve ever felt the feelings of a spirit, you will know how overwhelming it gets. But I don’t reject it, it helps me understand him better.

I have been feeling better ever since I handed over the chaos to Belial. Today was a slow today.

That’s all for this entry. I hope everyone has a good day!