One Week Fitness Challenge (Mind, Body & Spirit) ~ Who's In?

Goddamit " no gloots no slots" best line ever


Tomorrow’s a stretch day then after that I’m splitting the above workout into 2 workouts on alternate days…

Me right now


Exercise day 1

I consecrated my room to Mars invoking his energy into my temple. I drew symbols of him everywhere I could and decorated room with anything red I could find.

I drew the banishing pentagram on my body, the areas I wanted to target to sculpt, (in this case being my abs) as I want them to be more pronounced.

I lit a red candle and did an invocation of Mars, taking in as much of his energy to give me strength to give me power.

I did 15 push ups and 20 sit ups and the Martian energy really helped. At a point it felt like I was thriving off the pain and I could easily see Mars himself in my minds eye in his full armor commanding the training of the Roman Batalion.

I knew I had to stop when I realized how sore I would feel afterwards if I carried on.

So that’s my entry guys! Looking forward to day 2, well not really cause I feel like shit haha but my avatar is on the line :slight_smile:

And yes btw I was grunting like Serena Williams in an intense tennis match now hehe.


It’s worth the soreness though I can feel my core strengthening already and I get the feeling that Mars appreciated my effort :slight_smile:


Day 1 part 1

Let’s keep it rolling!

I plan on doing the routines in the vid some more and then some crunches because I have a crush and I need some damn abs right now.


Day 1 part 2

15 crunches.


Day 1? 2? Idk.

~I was driving a couple kilometers with my bike -nothing challenging,
just the stupid grains that closed up my airways with slime. (Sto-STOP IT! -I know what you are thinking!!! -you are shinking about those black dude who make their load come even out of her nose. stop it! XD) I regret for not have been driving to our garden 13 km away.

I’ll do something more than 60 crunches, and because they don’t do much anyway will i probably increase the amount.

I’m going to do my squat-combination, for at least 20-30 minutes, because this exercise actually makes me sweat, in contrast to the pullups i do, which just dumbs my energy, and makes me feel weak and out of shape after 6 of these. But i’ll do them anyway.

I’ll try those planks…but they seem idk…kinda boring.
-i’ll try those variants this dude in the video showed. (scroll up)


No Pecs, No Sex
No Curls, No Girls
No Shrugs, No Hugs
No Glutes, No sloots
No Balls, No calls
No Benches, No Wenches
No cuts, No Sluts
No rows, No hoes
No Squats, No Twats
No Lifts, No tits
No traps, No clap
No rows, No hoes
No dips, No nips
No bi’s, No Creampie
No planks, no skanks
No weights, no dates
No obliques, no kinky freaks
No press, No undress
No chin ups, No pin ups
No quads, No broads

Planche push ups, to tear that tush up
Power cleans to remove them jeans
Clean and jerk for friends with perks
Ass to grass to bed them fast

We’re all gonna make it brah.




Day 1 (Sunday):

Fucked my hands up good and proper digging and handling paving slabs, so i ended up doing my day’s planks resting on my on fore-arms, which was a bit shit but I adjusted the height accordingly. They should have healed by Weds… :confused:

First time, I was mainly just cussing, still a bit out of breath and probably an appealing shade of bright pink, and also, wearing heavy boots I’d been DIY-ing in, 2nd I got more focused and also, offered energy to Kek, since this thread got all maged up :smiley: and awesome!

3rd, I had taken a break for a couple of cups of tea, changed, and swapped the boots for my Vivos, because I wanted to be more barefoot-style but the outside’s gritty and nasty, and I wasn’t messing with brooms.

I completed the 3rd set, doing my weird OCD of counting to eight after each minute btw, but I won’t count that in because being crazy is like the air i breathe, and thereby have fulfilled my duty that first day! :smiley:

I’m doing today’s later, want to give my hands as much regeneration time as possible, will log in again here afterwards. :sunglasses:

Great core body strength and balance are essential part of black magix, proved by internets. :smiley:


Lady Evas 7 Day Fitness Challenge (7DFC)
Day 3

Start Time: 6:58 A.M.


Cast Circle made of Divine Light

Vizualized a Inverse Flaming pentagram in circle

Faced the North and completed 30 pushups.

Still facing the North, i then completed 35 situps

Stood back in circle and grounded.

End time: 7:07 A.M.

Notes: Absolutely no fatigue/tiredness. During situps, i could feel the Forbidden Fitness arising. I definitely felt strength arising from my Solar Plexus. Great workout and am looking forward to tomorrow! :smiley:


Man…that hurts XD


Here’s one everyone can do, increases testosterone and lowers stress, better sex drive for the ladies as well:

The article outlines the research underlying this and gives some examples of postures that have beneficial effects on body chemistry, and continues:

[quote]Change Your Posture

Cuddy et al. found some incredible results with a simple posing experiment, and that leads us to this next point… change your posture.

The researchers had a group of test subjects come into the lab, spit into a vial (for saliva testing) then assume several different posture positions for 2 minutes before spitting into another vial (for post test results).

The results: the subjects who assumed what the researchers termed “high power” positions (ie. spreading out, becoming physically bigger by standing straighter, or with hands on hips and power pose with legs) saw a whopping 20% increase in overall testosterone levels (in minutes)! They also saw a 25% decrease in cortisol.

So increase your testosterone by 20% and decrease your cortisol by 25% by just standing or sitting in a more powerful position. Assume a position of dominance with your body, and your brain will “rise to the occasion.”

On the flip side, those test subjects who assumed the “low power” positions (ie. sitting with legs crossed, arms crossed in front of themselves for protection, slouching, touching their neck, looking at the floor, etc) saw a 10% immediate decrease in testosterone and a 15% increase in cortisol!

So two minutes can literally configure your brain over the short-term to either be assertive, confident, and comfortable or stress reactive and feeling shut down and vulnerable.

So yes, your body can change your brain.

Beyond just integrating a role change and some more assertive posturing into your everyday life, I believe most guys can benefit from specifically using these quick hacks in situations where your dominance might be compromised.

Again, don’t be a douchebag, but just be deliberate.

If you’re giving a speech in front of an audience, or a presentation in a boardroom to a group of executives, take that opportunity to be deliberate with your non-verbal cues, not just for the sake of how your audience perceives you, but for yourself.

See it as a challenge and rise to the occasion. Be assertive and protect your inner level of security by not compromising your alpha male status.

Stand tall, deliver your speech powerfully, don’t succumb to ‘low power’ poses, even when your body might naturally gravitate toward them.

Again, be deliberate.

Over time, with continual practice, the way you sit, stand, and move in your everyday life will transition to “high power” and away from “low power.” And this will actually increase your testosterone and lower your cortisol quickly and predictably.

So keep that tool in your back pocket.[/quote]

^ This guy is onto something! :smiley:

Further commentary, and original TED Talk video:


This shit. Is. The real. Deal.
Got this flavor and Vanilla


That name! :joy:

This is the daddy of the cow they milked for it:


Lol hillarious :joy:


You’ve made me want a chocolate milkshake now, I see your demonic sabotage of my soon-to-be-goddess-worthy abs! :imp: :grin:


What can i say?
When in Hell, do as the Demons do

Fucking epic




Whats the matter? Wouldn’t you also like a domina goddess with some nice abbs? XD