One Week Fitness Challenge (Mind, Body & Spirit) ~ Who's In?

It should! If you’re looking to increase your over all flexibility it’ll be great


YAY!! Serious commitment, no greater love hath a man, a Magician, than to put his sacred BALG avatar on the line for a whole week, as a symbol of his honour. :pray: :hugging:


Yeah that’s why I chose not to do yoga :slight_smile: I do that regularly it’s already a habit


And I shall do well to uphold my honor, namaste :pray:


Ok if I fail I’m donating £5 to my anti charity
Manchester United fan club.
Succeed and I change my avatar to that demon.


Whoah, that’s some hardcore stuff, I love it! :smiley:


What do you mean by new ground?[quote=“Lady_Eva, post:40, topic:15205”]
Are you going to pick a forfeit image to use as your avater for a week if you wuss out?

Donaldes trumbridge.


Dare you to pick one of these as your anti charity.


E.g. You can stand like a tree doing that chi king for 5 mins increase that everyday till you can do 30 mins.


Sexy! :heart_eyes: I get to lick the screen if you fail, you get slinky sexy super chi if you succeed, what’s not to like? :smiley:

@Laith_wavey, I’m not doing anti-charities, I have faith in myself (otherwise this whole LHP lark would get VERY M.C. Escher!) but that may be a leap too far… I’ll setlle for the hat and glasses, thanks! :laughing:


Alright sure, I’m in.


What do we post after our workout eachday please not a pink bunny


Micah’s post was great, it laid out what he did, how long for, stuff like that, so something along those lines, if you add a magickal component, add it, if you do the workout without that 9which is fine) then the length, location, anything along those lines. :slight_smile:

And I discovered that unless I enter details right away, I’m bad for forgetting to do updates because I’m usually doing several things at any one time online, so I plan to set a reminder on my phone, that might be a good idea as well.


HE Awaits… :scream:

The horror…:anguished:


I wanna conjure it lol.


Lady Evas 7 Day Fitness Challenge (7DFC)
Day 2
Start: 7:32 A.M.


Cast circle of Flames

Vizualized flaming Red inverse pentagram inside circle

Faced the North and completed 25 pushups

Faced the East and completed 30 situps

Havent removed circle. Gonna leave it flaming and see what happens.

Ended workout

Grounded muscles

End time: 7:42 A.M.

Post Workout results/notes: little to no muscle fatigue after workout. During the situps, something was trying to hold me back from completing them. You dont get muscle fatigue at rep number 5 lol. It took a while for the Circle to kick in but when it did, i felt the Satanic Joy, strength, and power come from my Solar Plexus during the situps. I think im increasing in strength. Cant wait for tomorrow!


May start this in a month along with telgegas superhuman thread. A month because I just got my wisdom teeth out and the doctor said no exercise for a month so the holes can heal


And pull-ups with a loose towel strung over the bar for your hold. I love farmers walks for popping those trap muscles, too.


Day 1
20 push ups 20 sit ups
Lazy start :sleepy:


Time now; I’ll keep editing with notes between sets till I’m done.
Keeping weights light just getting my body used to training again before hitting gym properly so not the best routine but whatever. Gonna lift every other day, stretch workout every other day

Starting with chest let’s go

Db chest press 3x10
Failure on 3rd set at 6 reps brought weight down did a few more

Chest flys 3x10
Failure 2nd set 9 reps
Failure 3rd set 6 reps
Chest knackered

Push-ups 3xfailure
5 reps eh shit. Should have started with those.
10 reps. Ok now I got a better idea of adicuate rest times.
3rd set 5 yeah chest is :white_check_mark:

Legs now
No glutes no sloots.
3x 10
First set… ok
2nd…failure at 8 reps. Shit I Disney plan this out properly. Should have done a body part a day instead, used to big wieghts low volume everything’s burning…fuck it
10 yes.

Gonna bring the weights down can’t keep this pace up too long next lunges.

3x10 target
1st set whooh so glad I lowered the weights.
2nd set hmmm maybe too easy still gonna keep weight low because a lot of exercises to go.
Whoh loosing balance and feeling lightheaded.
Gonna do shoulders before back so I can stay seated.

Shoulder db press 3x10
12 reps fuck yeah. Still not bringing weights up.
Failure at 8 reps wtf
Yeah failure 8 reps again

Ooh love this song.
I came to bring the pain hardcore to the brain let’s go instead my astral plane.
Upright rows 3x10
1st set easy
2nd set easy
3rd set. 12 reps, yeah should have done more weights here… onwards.
Side raises 3x10
First set ok my weaker side is noticeably weaker so more should be done for balance.
Gonna start next two sets with that side so I don’t end up lifting more on one than the other and make the imbalance worse.
Almost failed on second set a few loud grunts got me through.
Beast mode baby go hard time.
Good shoulders nearly done.
Alternate front raises
1 set to failure cos fuck it I’ve done too much on shoulders compared to the rest of the body and can’t to too much on back without pull up bar or heavy weights.
20 nice.
Back now

no rows no hoes
Bringing the weights up cos nearly the end now go hard on the final stage of the workout.

Db single arm row 3x10
1set not bad feel ok.
Ooh the good chemicals are kicking in now.
Seriously should have made the workout shorter 2 body parts instead of full body feel like I’ve been here forever.
Fuck it. Gonna plan better next time important thing is I’m moving.
2nd set ok
3rd set ok

Db bent over rows
Shit failure at 7 reps first set. Ok I’m getting tired gonna split up into two workouts next time but finish it off cos I already started.

Ok I need to take a break gonna chill for 10-20mins and get back to this later because I feel very fatigued as it is.
2 sets of bent over rows left.
Then 3 sets of Romanian deadlifts, 3 sets of curls, 3 sets triceps extensions and however many sit-ups I can manage but definitely taking a rest cos all my lifts are suffering.

I’m back round 2
Almost failed at 8 reps cheated last 2 used momentum.

Since everyone is magick ing up their workouts I visualised an asteral gym where azazel is squatting and belial is benching and that’s why they appear hench when summoned.
10 done cheated last 3.

:romania: deads 3x10 db
It’s getting dark out now.
1st set ok but lack of hamstring flexibility is showing.

Thuggin is in my spirit I’m lost but not knowing scarred up but still going. Love this song.
Second set felt good :blush: definitely loosened up and stretched out from the first.
Yup definitely stretched out from last two sets did 15 reps here.
Finally ARMS
5 reps hammer curls
Gonna bring the weights down and do 3x10 instead.
1set good, one last exercise after this finally. Gonna get some eggs for those protein afterwards already looking forward to the meal. Hmm. Derp no time time to daydream next set.

Good final one before triceps.
Good moved on to tricep extension without rest the weight is low but I already worked out tris when I did the chest exercises.
Second set good. Ugh the chair is wet from my sweat :sweat_drops: and I’m starting to smell my arm pits even though I took a shower before the workout.
Final set then sit ups to failure no sets.
Yes done :white_check_mark:
Finnaly did last set then 30 sit ups, cheated and used momentum on last 3 or 4 but fuck it I am done.

Fuck those dons will suck tomorrow but it’s cool gonna do some nice stretching. Feel so lo fucking proud.
As a bonus this has to be a record for number of edits on a post.