Starting a thing (It's gains-o'-clock)

They are more going to be used in conjunction with normal physical work-outs, but it will be nice to see how they help me.



Good evening. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Sepultura?

I prefer things like Rhapsody, Symphony X, Dio, Edguy, Avantasia, Evertale, ect…


Advice would be to step up the weight not the reps. Stepping up the reps builds your endurance at lifting the same weight, stepping up the weight means your body has to build muscle to do the same reps. 70 is quite a few reps. Try stepping your weight to 18kg and see how many you can do, if you can still do 70 then next time step up to 20kg. Think of it like this, you can lift 1kg all day long, how long can you lift 10kg for?

I don’t actually own a 18 kg kettlebell. I can do 40 with a 20 kg kettlebell and 30 with the 24 kg one though. I’m actively trying to limit the muscle gain as I already have quite a lot, their just covered with somewhere around 20-30 kg of extra fat. Actually I would prefer to have less muscles, but fat loss requires them. My kettlebell workout routine currently goes: 50 swings 16 kg, 40 swings 20 kg, 30 swings 24 kg, 15 squats with both 20 and 24 kg kettlebells. Repeat 3-4 times. 1-5 minutes rest between sets.

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I wholeheartedly approve of this thread.


Is this the only exercise you do? What’s your cardio routine. Has your lean muscle mass vs body fat ratio changed? I can stay the same weight but body fat percentage will drop. Also bear in mind that if visible abs are your goal your body fat needs to drop to below 10% for visible muscles in the abdominal area as an average amount.


For cardio I alternate between rowing machine, cycling and walking. I take a rest day on sunday. Also there’s training with various weapons like axes, spears and swords and the daily hour of archery. I don’t really care about visible abs too much, just want to shed the fat, and get healthier. I have no idea about my muscle mass/ body fat ratio but I’ve dropped 5 kg since the start of the year so far, and I’m pretty sure I’m stronger as well. I was only able to do 15 reps with the 24 kg kettlebell at a time at the start of the year. Everything is going pretty smoothly so far.


Ok well just don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t losing weight. Muscle weighs heavier than fat so you can actually end up heavier but leaner if that makes sense. To get a good idea I would need to know current height/weight however body fat % is a good indicator of how much you could potentially lose. There are some pretty cool body composition scales that tell you body fat, water, muscle, bone etc.


This is where I am at. I was fixated on getting to the 140lbs somethings (closest was 152) but lifting weights will put more muscle on me. I have lost damn near 20 lbs (someone convert that to metric for me…guess what country I’m from, right?) after a course of…4/5 months and I am a lot more leaner but I think I will stay in the 150s unless the fat around my midsection goes away completely. Also the diet plays a huge role so I cannot stress that enough.

Edit: I’m shorter than most people so no I’m not a twig.

So 30 push-ups without working up to that point messed me up a bit… gods I’m so out of shape… My shoulders and upper arms are pretty messed up, and my upper legs are feeling it too. My core is stiff but not sore.

At least once the soreness and pain fade the muscles will be stronger. Also thinking about strong pushes then resting a day. Basically pushing myself slightly too far and then not working out the next day, then the day after that doing it again.


Now you’re talking. This is my baby:
Google Photos


These are mine (plus a bottle of rum for scale)


Well I know who Im gonna ask to come with me when I decide to go pillaging


@Jac_DeVinna 450 grams is a pound or near enough so 20 pounds = 9 kilos.
@Anziel_Merkaba that’s usually how it goes and why you find people talk about leg day, arm day etc. You need a rest day in between to let your muscles start to heal

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Which era are they. I keep seeing Vikings.

The larger is a dane axe so somewhere around 9-10th century onward. The smaller is a mix of fantasy and my interpretation of a viking axe.

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I know how to do different days for different things, I just don’t have any equipment at all so I’m stuck doing things like push-ups, sit-ups, planks, and not much else. I mean I could always fill this bucket I have with water and put the lid on it and do something akin to squats, but eh.

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Lookup bodyweight exercises. Triceps dips held at the bottom of the dip make your arms burn. I had a pair of dumbbells with 20 kg of weight for years and still managed a good exercise routine