The Empress happens to be Eris
Her description seems to line up with mine from Oflameo's Doom Bunker - #6 by Oflameo.
Her description seems to line up with mine from Oflameo's Doom Bunker - #6 by Oflameo.
Roy Sorensen, Fictional Theism, Analysis , Volume 75, Issue 4, October 2015, Pages 539–550, Fictional Theism | Analysis | Oxford Academic
That article is very interesting. That is the same variant of theism as described by the Black Magic Manifesto.
We need to investigate more on how fiction interacts with realities and universes to find out what the relationship is.
Third time I referenced my definition of reality this week, so I am linking to this post here so it is easier for me to find my way back to it.
Molly Rocket found only 3 laws (that applied all of the time without exception) in software development. Amdahl’s law, Brooks’s Law and Conway’s law.
Sara Walker and Lee Cronin aren’t debating each other. What they are actually doing is discussing physics using construction theory. They say abstractions could be addressed as temporal objects. It may be a method to track egregore.
I like physics, but I am looking for a way to participate as a Pro–am. The academic pipeline too long, and expensive for me to run through. Perhaps as an artist.
Derek Lambert had Jaco Gericke on to discuss the origins of the the Abrahamic god. The points I took away is that deities configurable constructions like software and different cities had different alters of the same deity.
It is parallel to software having object code that tends to be same across multiple organizations, but also configuration code that tends to be different across multiple organizations.
Derek pointed out that Open Theism is much closer to the Anthropological model for gods than Calvinism, because it gives gods room to learn about new things.
This means that it is plausible to build your own deities to concentrate cultural influence.
Mainstream BALG would have you believe you can only choose from the Goetia or use yourself, but we should know by now, because of the censorship paths, we can do better than that. An egregore memetically running on multiple processing units would obviously have more power because it can lower the amount of time it spends via parallel processing. Power is Work over Time.
I have taken stuff about transmitting the right signal Nassim Nicholas Taleb to heart and leaned more about myself much more quicker by being more combative and edgy. It inspired me to find a survey to measure my likely religion via Belief-O-Matic, because I got annoyed with Discordians sounding like Psychology Academics.
I also said something yesterday that I thought was insightful.
I may be an elitist because I think stupidity is more harmful than malice.
Though I do distinguish between ignorance and stupidity. I don’t mind training up someone from scratch, and it isn’t a problem that someone doesn’t know something they couldn’t possibly know under normal circumstances.
That is what I am saying is the topic for this blog.
My definition of deity got lost so I am going to post it here for reference.
deity : object of worship
If the thing is worshiped by someone, it is a deity. Anything can be a deity assuming someone worships it. This definition does not assume things being worshiped are inherently worthy of worship.
I know what I am now. I am a Computer Programmer, but the limit to what a computer is yet to be determined.
Mechanical devices, electrical devices, and people have at some time have been computers, but it has been argued that universes are also computers.
I am now leaning towards hard polytheism as a better model. Think of it this way. We have hard polysoftwareism. There is a one to many relationship between code bases and instances.
We can think of an archetype as a code base and an egregore as an instance.
Chaos Matrix has some more material on that. The Fluid Continuum --or-- What the f***'s an Egregore?
I figured out what nihilism is. Nihilism is a category error you get when you refuse to set a context or point at your objects. You have an invalid presentation. It is the ontology analog for a mathematical singularity.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy aka CBT is a therapy that is supposed help underthinkers, put more thought into their actions. Allistic people are generally underthinkers.
There is a group of people that are considered treatment resistant. It is the personality disordered people according to the state magicians, but for the purposes of this presentation, I will refer to them as Autistic because of the web of comorbidities, and the term is relatively not insulting.
Autistic people don’t need to stop and think more because they train themselves on how to do that just to mask and control their visibility. What they need to do is train their whole tool set ( mind, body, spirit ) to run like a well designed and well maintained machine. Training may involve pushing things until the breaking point so that they will be bent into shape or autorepair stronger. Sam Vaknin calls this Mortification, but that word has the wrong emphasis. It focuses on the breaking, and not on the gains. The word also has too many syllables. Please use the word grinding instead. That word focuses on the gains.
Most of you may remember grinding from video games, but you had to grind before that to get speech and motor control. Video games are educational because it gives you a complex system to work in, but a tight feed back loop to see the results quickly, and the ability to retry over and over again. In scholastic and therapeutic environments, it is too hard to keep the environment similar enough to say it was a meaningful measurement. In video games you can snapshot the environment or generate an arbitrarily large set of similar environments that are similar with procedural generation.
If you are Allistic, keep going to therapy if you think it helps you think. If you are Autistic, focus on grinding for results.
I looked up the term “Astral Physics” because I wanted to see if the term was in use because I want to write and publish a well defined framework and respond to Bill Gade’s Rope Hypothesis is a more official manner, and deprecate it forever.
I found a gem of an article that hits all of the points I want to hit. Astral Physics and Timespace | Transcending the Matrix Control System
I want people to use “Mathemagics” and even “shut up and calculate” but there is no reason to restrict physics to the the profane physical because physics has a greater extant than that.
Eris told me to read this, which I just completed
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
I know she just wants me to make Bible Black relevant again to increase her power, but I don’t want to lose control. My lustful wants can be tabled until my social safety net is guaranteed.
It makes sense because her negotiation power is what made me afraid of her, but I didn’t know it at the time.
The Black Swan group also linked to this free ebook from their book. How to Negotiate With Specific Personality Types
Black seems to be a theme color.