Thoughts on this

I think you’ve been given different methods across quite a few threads at this point in time.


Have you done divination to find out what the obstacles might be, or are you just throwing out guesses?

Before you can overcome something, you must first identity it. And a month may not be enough time for an effect.

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I mean, I did receive a no caller ID today and I never get those from random ppl. Came a day after I begun assuming she’s obsessed with me so i don’t know for certain. It lasted 5 seconds and then ended so there’s no point in me calling back because if it wasn’t her it’ll only make me seem desperate which I am not. In my mind if an obsession spell is going to work, she will make more of an effort to get to me than a single 5 second no caller dial. Ignoring a person whom obsession has been placed on is like hell for them so we’ll see. I’ll continue assuming my outcome and feel as if.

@Jnomadik You’ve asked this question in almost every post and thread I’ve come across by you. I’ve noticed that when people try to assist you simply abandon the thread and start a new topic on the same issue.

As I have said before the biggest problem here is you. How do you think starting a new topic or post is going to help you more than actually engaging with the support and assistance already given to you on your numerous other threads and topics.

I’m sorry if this is going to sound harsh but I don’t think you can break down anyones will if you can’t control your own will of starting a new post or topic on the same issue multiple times.

As I said before you are causing a self perpetuating cycle that is harming your own magic.

I’m also sorry if this next sentence sounds like a cliche but how can you control the will of others when you can’t even control your own?


Sounds like you’re more obsessed with her. You’re the one who has more threads on her regarding the same thing over and over again. If your ex were a magician I would say she is feeding on your energy. Like I and others have said numerous times step away and give your magic time to work.

If you don’t want to stop using magic entirely than do things not related to love magic just to improve your skill in magic overall.

Edit: you say you’re not desperate but your posts speak otherwise. Practically every post or topic you have made relates to your ex in some form or another.


Let’s assume the Law of Assumption is true. How does it explain wishes that go wrong like the Midas Touch? Do we say King Midas wished to starve to death in exchange for the ability to turn things into gold? Did King Midas understand the implications of the wish before he made it?

Do they not actually mean travelling to another dimension/universe? I’d always assumed that’s what they meant when they used “switced.” You’ve really cleared things up for me.

I thought for the Law of Assumption to be in play it would just be Midas assuming that he can/does turn things into gold? Am I way off? Just like when we do other types of magick sometimes there are unexpected (negative) consequences.


You have to remember that the story of King Midas is a religious parable of greed. In the story, Midas asks an outside force, God, to turn anything he touched into gold, and that force took him at his literal word. It wasn’t concerned with whether that was what he really wanted. It just did what he asked of it.

From a Law of Assumption standpoint, though, you could interpret this as meaning that the subconscious mind (God) does not judge your desires, it will give you exactly what you ask for, so be very careful with how you speak to it, lest it manifest something you do not want. This would actually dovetail with Goddard’s mental diet of only feeding your consciousness with what you exactly desire, and steadfastly ignoring anything that contradicts it.


People like to phrase it as if they’ve moved to another universe, but in my opinion, they haven’t actually gone anywhere. Based on my experience, what they actually do is basically collapse one of the infinite wave forms of probability into their current reality. I think many people confusingly use the words “universe” and “reality” interchangeably, but, in my opinion, they are not the same. The universe is where we are situated as physical beings, but our reality is how we personally experience things within the universe. This is why several people can experience the same singular event within time and space, but report completely different outcomes. Our consciousness is the interpreter of our reality.


universe : a set of objects that have physical presence with each other
reality : the dashboard objects use to locate each other in a universe

Unless someone is super advanced and well-practiced in the Law, I think not. It would break your brain. And honestly, it takes time and continued use of the Law to build faith in it, which is when you really start seeing return on results.

In his later lectures, Goddard does claim that he temporarily “switched” to another reality/another world and spent time there. I don’t remember the precise details of it but I’m going out on a limb and saying it was very likely he was deep in meditation and experienced what we would call astral projection. Then again, /u/OrionDirectorate on reddit claims the same experience, and in general, that user is seen as respected and knowledgeable on the NG subreddit.

This is a parable, not a historical tale, as DK said, but to me this is a classic tale of “messing with the middle” – i.e. micromanaging an outcome, instead of going directly to the end desired result. It’s along the same lines of someone wishing to be outrageously rich, and then getting hit by a truck and winning a lot of money in a lawsuit. Oldmate could have wished to be wealthy, but instead he specifically wanted to turn everything he touched into gold. I definitely have my own story of getting badly burned “messing with the middle”, but ultimately it does teach you a valuable lesson about being careful and thoughtful in what you ask for.


No, It really is about moving to another universe. The idea is as there are infinite universes, there must be infinite possibilities. And you already jump unconsciously. You don’t bend or nudge the possibility like magic does. You just need to jump into the universe of your desired reality. The outcome is not really strict. You may get the girl of your dreams only in the universe where World War 3 is being fought, or just the color of your bag is different. You don’t know that without jumping. The hard part is jumping. There is a popular ritual for it (two cups method), but the similarity with magic ends there. It is used to put your mind in the right mood. Not to cast anything.
Neville Goddard’s methods are used to imagine your desired reality. Not exactly like LoA but similar. Mandela Effect (if you know what it is) is loosely connected with it.
Wow finally something I know came up! :grin:


Multidimensional magick uses a thelemic method of symbolic tetrahedron which its sides are imbued with Hebrew letters and how they correspond to the 4D cube. I may consider that a genuine method of jump. The other just feels like you have some choices of future more than literally jumping from universe to universe, honestly.

I’ve seen people try it with money, and then spend lots of money on programs, courses, and “things” that make them go broke instead of of actually getting more money. Sometimes they eventually find the one thing that was the missing piece and go on to make billions. Lots of times they just end up poor and have to throw in the towel on it. (or rather reality hits them in the face so hard they can’t ignore it anymore, like when you get thrown out of that mansion you were squatting in)

Love and sex are easy as long as you aren’t very discerning. There are always people out there desperate for love and sex, who put up with any old thing. The problem is you might not be a good match for each other and actually might be making the other person’s issues worse. (because sex is fundamentally a sharing of energy.)

There may be a way to know. I work with various underworld goddesses (aka demons) and by asking the right questions, you may be able to determine what needs to be changed and if that would be acceptable to you or not.

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That would be a way. Dimension jumping is based on quantum physics, and combining with occult may yield interesting results. I don’t actually “practice” (I don’t know if it is the right terminology) it, but I am not opposed to the idea behind it. It would be a good experiment to try.

Sorry, but I must disagree. In my experience, “dimension jumping” aka quantum jumping, is really nothing of the kind. I’ve read the literature about it, and worked with it myself, and it’s basically just visualization, and no different than what is known in the occult as pathworking. It’s an imaginal act that alters your reality, aka your experience, not the physical universe.

And the idea of “alternate universes” is very loosely based on the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics, but like everything taken from science by laypeople and occultists, it is greatly misinterpreted and misunderstood.


As far as I know, it started out as you said, but in time the concept changed into forcing a real shift. Lately it again changed into lucid dreaming. In the beginning it was making the experienced reality turn into a desired one, by changing the perception of it. Then, came the people trying to change history, physical laws, and as though the science part is flawed, it found a place in its followers. By that time, it turned away from manifesting a desired reality, but to go where the desired reality exists. Backed up by a not yet discovered version of particle physics. Then came TikTokers. With their new age stuff; fighting monsters, living the anime life…
Or maybe I jumped here from a place it was a jump.

So there’s two things I’d like to touch on here.

First, generally speaking magick will get you what you want. You are limited by the inherent limitations in material existence in the material world, even though the material world arises from magick.

Second, human beings are bio-psycho-social systems. Biology, individual psychology, and the social connections and structures around them.

If you want to influence a human being, you have to work with their bio-psycho-social system. Magick helps, but you have to realize that what you want out of someone may be a rather drastic change from their existing state, and making very large changes isn’t always doable very quickly or without direct contact with that person. This is less about magickal protections and more about applying the necessary inputs into their system to influence what is going on in that.

When it comes to magick, usually there is an easier way if you aren’t getting good results from your current approach. So, so many people try to get their exes back, and few of them succeed. I believe that magick is a consciousness that is aware of you and of the different possible outcomes of your actions. If you have put magickal protection in place for yourself, then magick should protect you from undesirable situations like a crappy relationship that isn’t going to be the best for you.

If you want to fuck your ex, do it in the dream state, where you essentially have infinite power to instantly manipulate reality. Here in the material, you have material constraints, despite how this all works. Nah you just don’t get it. That’s what they all say, pretty much every single one of them.

I’ll make up a “law” right now. It’s called the “law of whatever.” Whatever I want to happen happens, at every level of desire. I suppose that’s not a great example of what I’m going for. You can just make shit up and call it a law, that doesn’t make it accurate.

“Willpower” I’d say is related to how self-aware someone is and how knowledgeable they are when it comes to how their mind works. Everyone can be influenced, but you can cultivate the ability to protect yourself against influence and also improve your influence skills.

What arises in your mind is a product of what arose within it previously and how you reacted/responded to that. If you want something to stop arising, you just ignore it. That is one approach. Another is to respond to undesirable influence events with something like hatred, to emotionally align yourself to destroying that possibility. The first leads to complete dissolving, but the other is also useful.

By far most people don’t know that and are very ineffective at resisting influence if it is done well.

To do influence well, you have to know what is going on inside their mind and what tools you have to work with. Most people will always react and never respond, making it easier to predict the results of your behaviors. People that are able to respond can still be influenced, although it is more difficult, and this applies even more so to people with magickal methods.

If you want to influence an ex to get back with you, then they need to be emotionally aligned towards that before anything else. If they only react, that’s all you need. If they respond, more persistent or comprehensive influence may be required.

How exactly to do that is a rather complicated subject that requires extensive study and practice. In most cases, just make them horny for you and that will do the job. Sexual attraction is extremely powerful and can override inhibitions if given the time to grow stronger.

If they hate you or are angry at you because of previous events, then you may need to diffuse those emotions and encourage pleasurable feelings towards you. Hatred and rage often go away when someone feels that they have been able to take it out on the object in some way which caused pain, as that causes pleasure to arise. Apologies are a way of displaying regret, which is anywhere from mild to severe negative emotion directed towards the self because of the “regrettable” action/event. They see that you felt pain, and then they either feel regret about that pain and that regret overpowers the hate/rage or they feel pleasure and the hate/rage dissolves and instead pleasure arises.

If you are too obvious, they will feel like they are being manipulated, and that tends to at least piss people off. Influence is usually a subtle art.

This is one approach - dissolving negative emotion and encouraging positive emotion. Another possibility, and one that works very well, is to encourage fear and the illusion of pleasure via weakness, a form of fear.

Which approach to use depends on the individual. If there is a massive amount of negative emotion to dissolve, it can be better to instead increase the amount of weakness which spontaneously arises relative to other forms of fear as well as hate/rage, as weakness will get you a similar result as pleasure.

It is simply the case that some people’s experience is dominated by negative emotion, and it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid them projecting that onto you. In these cases, weakness is often the only valid solution to the problem as trying to take the pleasure approach is like trying to clean an extremely dirty ball of a substance like sticky tack or play-dough or kneaded erasers. You can get some out, but there’s just too much, and the ball is constantly rolling around picking up more because that is what it is compelled to do by the dirt that is already within the mass. Although they will hate you still, weakness will make them compliant, especially if it dominates their experience instead of the hatred.

Achieving this successfully is sometimes trickier than you may initially assume depending on the individual. Repeatedly inflicting pain can be sufficient, but it can also just cause more hatred, even if done over an extended period of time. This is the case for both reactors and for responders.

This is why taking an existing emotional strain and amplifying it often works well, although here we are dealing with the realm of probabilities. If you know or find a strain of weakness, you can exploit that to increase the spontaneous arising of weakness within their mind. This may, perhaps will likely, cause a reaction of hatred as a retaliation, but this is something which you just have to accept because you need a way to get the weakness going. Once it is going, you can then start your work to spread that weakness around their mind. It can be a good idea to associate it with various miscellaneous things first to strengthen the presence of the weakness before then going for the proverbial kill. If you go straight for what your eventual goal is right away, it could be the case that the subject’s mind reacts strongly to that and defensively brings in hatred, which can cause a follow-on effect of a strong hatred response to that particular idea. This can be worked around, but is obviously not desirable.

So for getting your ex back just try and make her horny and make her think of the pleasurable things with you, which may just be sexual in nature, so that she doesn’t think about so much all the negatives. If she comes at you with negatives, you can display regret and that will work on most people. You can even pre-emptively label what you assume her negatives will be and display regret towards that to draw that out and diffuse it. If she already found someone else, you could potentially capitalize on the perhaps stronger sexual response to you assuming that she has more repeatedly had you as the object of sexual desire and ideally had orgasms to you and with you. Trying to make her hate the new guy probably won’t work as she’ll probably just pick up the hatred feeling, which she likely associates with you, and so she will be reminded of her hate for you, so it’s better to avoid displaying hatred altogether as that is not an emotion you want to have towards you in this sort of situation and you’d rather her focus remain on sexual pleasure and perhaps the weakness of believing that she can not find or will not be satisfied with someone else. Even targeting the hatred is a risky move, especially given the fragility of the relationship and how easy it is for her to just not communicate with you. But I digress.

If you want to take the influence approach, there are many demons which can assist you. If you’d rather not manipulate her outright (although every act is an act of influence, your approach to a relationship matters), then something like Magickal Seduction would be better, or just a demon of lust with demons to enhance your personal qualities without attempting to influence her mind directly.

I believe quite strongly in controlling my life and the situations within it, but how much respect you have towards people and how much you try to control them directly is ultimately up to you.

Don’t mind me and my elaborating, just keeping myself fresh.