Not an occult topic, but I'd like to ask

Learned a new word today. YEAAAAAA !!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


I think when it comes to women and most things in general, your perception really defines the kind of people who come into your life. If you believe all women want is money, that’s what you’ll get. @Goku I totally agree with you. My way of courting/attracting is very different than the ways most guys do it and that’s okay. I also think this current day and age is pretty full of games. Everyone is just out here playing each other and they end up losing out anyways. That’s why I think the best way to get you a woman/man is to just be honest, authentic to yourself, playful, and just to delight in women/men. See the beauty in life.


@Goku I live and frequent an area where nearly everyone has a boat and a Corvette and is either a trust fund baby or a business owner. So probably. The entitlement is strong.

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As a guy I tend to understand that women will always be the same, so I just stopped paying any attention to females in real lives. Too bothersome for me to deal with since I´m socially uncomfortoable and I have the vibes of a creep so I don´t usually even try. Not only that but when I point out obvious facts about the differences between men and women on how they perceive, I´m seein as sexist. Besides, I´m not going to chase somebody who thinks that I´´m a creep. After all, a guys gotta do have standarts too.

It´s liberating actually to just say screw everything and not give a damn. Including women. But then again, I meausre my priorities in life totally differently. Screw reading bodylanguage, just do your own thing as a guy. The whole chaos with men getting validation from women and 20-25 year old men being horny all the time, is bunch of bologny anyway. I have experinced this in my life so the way I go about it is that I would much rather have a quality time with a female too little rather than too much. One of the things that I have learned is that sex and dating are overrated if you are a guy and it isn´t worth it at all. Don´t get me wrong, I´m not sayin that sex isn´t great, it is great. What I´am saying that when you are dating, you are not going to have as much freedom in the long rung as you would normally in a bachelor lifestyle. I have multiple reasons why I don´t think women are worth it to deal with in real life unless they aren´t your family or friend and even then it can be questioned. But for now my emphasis is on the priority aspect of it.

Here is my answer: Some of the so called harasment is just bologny because it sees the guys as villains even when they aren´t. Bottom line is that it´s just much more easier to just avoid or not give a damn about women, than to actually care. May seem heartless but seen as I try to operate in mind and not rampant emotions, it personally gives me a good picture about things. Doesn´t matter whether you look at things trough the lenses of pessimism or optimism, as long as it gets you where you need to be, it rewarding. After all, there is a price tag for everything, you choose poison.

@H.L.Daniel: its largely a Numbers game. Do not worry what a percentage of the population thinks about you. Only focus on the positive of what your ideal significant future other thinks and focus on bringinf her to you and Capitulizing on that.

You forgot backwards there are. Some are very backwArds they like to be with girls that don’t do a Damon thing for them

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I could say that is what I want but but I can´t really say that. I think that Bill Burr(a comedian) had a good idea of women when he said that women are overrated. See the thing is, I don´t appreciate affection from a woman in the least(depends on situation). My ideal life is run on 4 or 5 princpiles and none of them include affection necesssarily. I don´t run on affection personally.

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That is why I have done choices through magick that are designed to last for a lifetime.

Since I’m a Taurus I like guys that are confident sweet funny and kind but also to have a ironclad heart at time and even more so the things that I don’t have like I’m laid back I like guys that can be laid back but wouldn’t mind going on some kind of adventure and have fun since I’m sweet again I’m pulled to people who can be cold or fiery at times cause no isn’t really in my dictionary at times and people walk over me some times cause of that just some one that can be my superman barman my sword and shield you know if they don’t look like they have those qualities I’m looking for well we can be friends until you creep me out or Piss me off then you might find silence on my end…just saying…as far as harassment goes if I ever felt like some one was doing so it would get pointed out that unless I like u I’d let it slide if not u keep it up either might get cussed out or it might get violent…in not to be held accountable for what I do or say if the person pisses me of n is asking for it…js

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Some men have a flair for shitty women. You could do everything right by them and they’ll still find a reason why they aren’t happy. These are the guys that run toward anything that glitters and gives them a new “ rush” off of attention but the minute they’re alone to face themselves they can’t do it. It’s always someone else’s fault or some elaborate reason why they are how they are. We’re all a little fucked up and been fucked over. As Lucifer says “ Excuses are like butterflies - they are many and they multiply.”

These guys are like those Christians I remember running to the altar every altar call asking god for a miracle and making promises they can’t keep. The second they were “ forgiven” or had a good thing happen you didn’t see them again. Bottom feeders.


Well to steer this away from man-bashing and identity politics, I would suggest that guy starts working with magick to make himself attractive.

So, it’s men’s fault when men are shitty, and men’s fault when women are shitty too… neato! :+1:

Both sexes think the other one has it made, is gaming them, and has unfair advantages, they can’t both be right, but they CAN both be wrong. :man_shrugging:


Spoken like a true speaker yo are so right

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I know the op question was towards women, but to add to what some of the other gents around here have said, I don’t do the whole “game” thing to get women. Frankly it happens without trying. Not that it’s a “I’m so great” thing, but rather I don’t try and I just focus on myself and do what makes me happy. I just tend to run into women here and there who have those same interests and a conversation starts. I work a crazy schedule so when I do get time to go out I’m typically doing things that i enjoy without a concern for other people.

I never implied anyone was at fault and I did state SOME, by no means ALL. “Fault” is a dirty word I don’t like to use because it implies a lack of accountability. Is is nobody’s FAULT what was done to anyone, but it is anyone’s RESPONSIBILITY to correct it and either grow from it or stay stuck.

Also, this was made in direct response to:




You forgot backwards there are. Some are very backwArds they like to be with girls that don’t do a Damon thing for them

I was in agreement with this statement. Some is the operative word. In all fairness the same can be said of women, and I can verify and agree with that also since I’ve dated both sexes. But the topic was male/female and I gave my own opinion on it. By pointing out the behavior of some, it certainly wasn’t meant to trigger the other.

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WOW ! U Bi?

To the best of my knowledge I don’t have any particular social disability and it’s not that I’m scared of women but I refuse to make any physical contact with a woman. There’s a lot of reasons. When forced to interact I keep it short and sweet. I haven’t even had a coffee with a women in fifteen years. Honestly, it’s been the best time of my life.

I figure that if a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle there’s no need for me to help them cure their diseases or offer any help at all. Moreover, as a third wave feminist I appreciate that men impose their patriarchy on women - whatever that means - even when we don’t intend to.

If you’re a bloke you’ll laugh more with other men than is possible with women. The humour is completely different. And as women take offence even when it’s not given, as a man if you want a really good time it’s easier, cheaper and quicker to achieve those things in male only settings. But don’t let me stop you from throwing your life away.


its part of feminism – the solution is of course a female 'to free ’ him from his psychosis yeh ?


Bello, mi hai cambiato la vita. :rose:

This is my experience as well. I also somehow come across as a creeper to women when I’m only being friendly, why they have to project that on me I don’t know. I present female but masculine (I’m nullgender) so I guess they think I’m gay and hitting on them (I’m asexual).

So I stopped being nice to women and just keep it short and get out of there. I mean, guys read too much into friendliness too sometimes but it doesn’t threaten them so they’re chill and I can see them just ignore it, and they figure it out after a while. I’m not interested in relationships of any kind and like @H.L.Daniel I don’t need or want affection. Not my bag.

Guys though? I much prefer their company. My external configuration means I only get to enjoy it on work trips (I work in a male dominated industry) where I don’t count as a female target for attraction games.
Heh, last trip we found a 50% off all whiskies night at the Irish pub right next to our hotel, it was the best night out I’ve had all year. We got shitfaced and talked about work, politics and whiskey until 2am. :slight_smile:

You know what hanging out with women gets me? An entire night of hearing about their relationships and their complaints. About men, about other women, about life, all the complaining. I hate complainers; I don’t want to talk about it forever, I want it fixed and done with. It is what it is, piss or get off the pot. And the worst part is, it’s only a matter of time before they turn on you. All I have to do is wait. I don’t fit, so if I try to be real with them, sooner or later it’s gonna be my fault. So I just smile and nod and keep them at a distance.

And people wonder why I’m pissed off that I look female… I don’t like women, 4th wave feminism makes me ashamed to be female at all, and men don’t like me as a bro, I’m just a ‘woman’ - a target or a liability.
Just as well I don’t need anyone then, I’d be so hosed if I did.

So question. When you were born were you originally Male or Female?

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