Need an incredibly minor god

I am curious what you think this will look like in 13 months?

Because not to be a pain in the ass, but a bunch of us on here with other gods and ancestors actually did do this last September.

But I have posted about this at length, as have other members on here, and have no desire to repeat that every few months - the reason for my opening question though is, when a 4000+ year old freight-train has a new driver, you may not expect to see all churches and mosques etc crumble overnight.

I am really bored of how I sound every time someone proposes doing something I believe to have already been definitely accomplished though, you can probably understand that. :wink:


Then what happened? Is the new driver our mockup, or an actual new god voted in?

Well the troll god was never “the” driver in the first place, NOT the “creator” or anything of that kind, it was an imposter - kinda like if some nobody came on this forum insisting he was Timothy & E.A. combined and if you ask anyone if this is true he’ll ban you, only with eternal hellfire not banning if you see what i mean.

It’s ALL a LIE - there is a Source but it’s not a “god” with rules on masturbation and dietary tips, it brings all things into being, including the darkness, demons, all are part of its emanation. It is the same co-creative force within us all though, not some little ranting psychopath who wants people to chop their genitals and wear special hats and whatever.

The Creator is of us, emanates us, is within us, this is the universal truth of all religions and paths and is HOW we are, literally, ALREADY Living Gods just waiting to realise our potential, it’s at a basic level HOW the Law of Attraction works, and so on.

That thing we destroyed was LYING and pretending to be all-powerful as part of its anti-life agendas. As long as people believed that, it was able to hijack their own Source-within and subvert it, the same way it stole names and titles of other forces, but like I said it kept needing more, and anyway that’s meaningless because it’s now destroyed. :wink:

The cosmos needs certain principles and among them are what we call angels (note that I was as one with the Angel of Lost Things - and one of my tasks as part of this was to restore the lost power locked in the Sun) but these are not in any way comparable to the way the troll tried to pass itself off. There is no sky daddy of that kind, never was, never has been - just a parasitic thing pretending, and now destroyed.


I’m new to all this. I just found this site last night and I’m getting my mind blown. In fact this is very hard to process. Killing a GOD??? Us? Humans? I didn’t even know a god can die. Anyways, this is my first time hearing about Yahweh. Why do you want him gone?


Isn’t easier to replace one with another - look at consumerism…

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Yaweh is the name of the Abrahamic religions Deity, the one that the big three grovel too.

The reasons for wanting this parasite gone are innumerable.


With all respect to everyone… is there any evidence whatsoever that whatever you’re saying about “killing a God” ever happened ? Any solid evidence in the physical world we live in, that reflects or supports what you did in the “astral” ?

Another question, do you have any idea, how powerful a God is ? What’s the best you can imagine about the power of a God, one you claim you killed or can kill ?

Thanks :slight_smile:


catholic church going down
another one with the pope
probably some good links for jewish and islamic stories, but I’m too lazy to look.
Yeah, okay, maybe its not completly gone yet, but thats going to take awhile. I don’t even know that the structures are good anymore.

Thanks… But I asked two questions. Those links got nothing to do with what I asked about.
A God is not the Church or the pope. Plus, the Church having problems or scandals is nothing new. The Church supported Hitler in WWII and got away with it so…

We’re talking about the God, the deity. Not the church or the pope.

Why have you stopped trying to shapeshift

That’s how much energy you need to curse or hurt - not necessarily kill - a human being. From what you’re all saying, killing a God is much easier. Does that make any sense ?!

What exactly is a “minor” God? A homeless God ?!

While you were planning and getting together killing that God, in the astral, what he was doing all that time? Waiting for you to finish your deadly curse on him or he had no choice because a God can’t stop few humans from doing anything at anytime because they know magick, and compared to Gods power, of course magick is much more powerful. Right ?

I imagine the curse - one that takes TIME - doing its thing and on its way to hit that God, and God simply waiting for it. Why ?!


I can put these out to start. I have to go through them myself because it’s before me but these are the original posts it seems.

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Thank you so much, really appreciate it, I will read them now

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That’s a good point. The way I look at it you can separate yourself from a god, which from the practitioners perspective is the same as the god being dead, but you don’t actually kill it.
The killing was clearly figurative rather than literal.

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Gods are already dead. You don’t need to kill them.

It came to me that if All of time is present for a God, then so is their own death?

Hmph. It’s a mistake to assume that Gods experience time like we do.

In fact, if a God is a cosmic force, then aren’t they being reborn every second?


Good vid esp on the fact to use entering any ritual with desire and leaving with certainty.

Exhausting hate for me at times takes a while and I swear sometimes it ebbs and flows like a pulsing heart getting stronger and seems unquenchable.

Lordy hate can tire me at eventually. Very few people have I hated to wanting death.

Atm, I’m tired after a month long ordeal. My exile seems to have sizzled off and I came back. I have noticed that the Christian lady is gone now. I don’t think she will be back. (I never had a problem with her tbh) but my mum absolutely hates her and I can’t understand why. Eh w/e.

Now I can go back to training and paying the taxes on the property. I learned my tribe … doesn’t help so well with housing nor jobs. I got screwed on that and it was disappointing. Maybe I had no huge desire to be a janitor. But the beach and sand dunes… ah damn.

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If we’re killing an idea of a specific God in people’s heads, I can understand that. But it still doesn’t make sense for two reason :

1st, People could easily replace one God with another. Almost identical God. So what’s the point ?!

2nd, what people are talking about here is actual killing of a living being. Not an idea. From spiritual prospective, Gods and Demons do exist. They’re not just ideas. Unless we will fall in the same trap as religious people and claim that our Gods are the true living Gods, and “their” God doesn’t exist.

In my opinion Gods are never good or evil. People are. People here already know that about Satan and Demons. But when it comes to other Gods… they’re evil. Why ?! Because there are books written by men who say so ? How many books say that Satan is the source of all evil ?!


Good point.

What about the ancient Gods, Demons ? Also dead ?

To each there own I suppose. I prefer recurring enemies and obstacles. It encourages growth and critical thinking.

I don’t think there was any impact at all, on the wider world. It was just a way for forum members to separate themselves from the Christian God, though they weren’t connected to him in the first place so, as you said, it was pointless.

There is definitely a group on the forum who exaggerate, try make magic sound more complex and impressive than it actually is and flat out stuff make up. At times it looks like a role play sight, and that just makes us all look daft.
A good example would be an old thread I read where members were taking part in a shapeshifting group. Essentially this boiled down taking in different forms in the astral ( which can be done by just visualising yourself as such ) until they eventually started declaring themselves capable of shapeshifting. Ultimately pointless and makes those of us actually interested in altering our appearance through magic look daft as well.

I think it comes down to people having an unnecessary hatred of organised religion. I’ve seen people’s faith being rewarded, so I don’t dismiss it. It’s not for me, but there’s certainly still power there.