My Path

I’m making a journal to document my journey for myself and others. Right now I’m working on developing psychic senses so I can communicate with spirits better. I’ve made a regimen for myself.

This is what it would look like:
Chant Mesh Ka Rel mantra 108 times
Magickal Imagination Meditation:
Visualize an object in mind’s eye - 5 min
Do the same for clairaudience and clairsentience
Practice viewing energy - 5 min
practice aura view

Right now I’m more focused on developing the underlying abilities behind evocation and spirit communication that way I don’t get disappointed by my lack of ability


For the last few days I have been doing 15 minutes a day of these exercises along with the astral senses mantra.
I am beginning to realize how big of a task this possibly could be. I am not going to lie to myself: it takes serious work to develop psychic abilities. Because of that I am going to try and just go at it one day at a time.

So far I have had some success. I did a ritual from V.K Jehannum’s website to call on the watchers for empowerment in spirit communications. As I did the ritual I felt the atmosphere in my room change, I tried to lose myself in that feeling. After I felt like it was a success and as I stared at the wall of my room my vision flashed intermittently and I felt some throbbing in my third eye chakra.
When chanting the astral senses mantra I felt
a slight pulsing in my ajna chakra after 50 repetitions.

My meditation resulted in some beneficial experience also. I managed to see the energy left behind by my finger tracing a letter on a piece of blank paper- barely. I also was able to cause the hypnogogic patterns behind my closed eyes to form into a light impression of a triangle while in meditation.


Maybe this will speed things up?

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Thanks I will try that next time I summon a spirit

I did my daily practice today. I think I am going to add qi gong to my routine. Developing my energy body will improve pretty much every aspect of my life and magickal practice.

Last night I tested out a hard style qi gong breathing technique called the 9 breath method that focuses on gathering chi by adding slight pressure to your abdomen and it worked well for doing just one repetition. It instantly energized me.

Things have been going well for me. The last few days I have been practicing the 8 Brocades from Qi Gong.
At first I was curious how Qi Gong could possibly work because I have experience with doing New Energy Ways/ Tactile Imaging and am used to feeling energy.
Now I understand that the poses promote the flow of energy through a specific meridian. Whenever we breathe normally we draw energy through our the main pathways of our energy body. The qi gong poses just target specific meridians.
I think that it is possible to combine tactile imaging and qi gong to make the exercises even more effective.
I might try this with lifting the sky. One pitfall I see is difficulty with concentrating but if I get momentum with the tactile imaging action than it could be successful.

Today I did the chants and the visualization meditation.
When I focus on my ears in a state of meditation they ring and I feel disconnected from the normal world. This might be me connecting to the astral or something. Also, over the last few weeks there has been some nights when I am falling asleep and then I hear a voice. Most of the time it is just my voice saying a few words, yet it happens entirely in my head and sounds like it is out loud.

Finals is coming up and I have a lot of schoolwork so I tried to get it all done this morning. I did a ritual from Archangels of Magick and called on Metatron to bend time so it went faster. I finished it all in a hour, normally it would have taken several. Sadly the effect didn’t last after I finished my work. As I did the ritual I stopped for a moment to connect with the presence of Metatron. I had my eyes closed and my vision filled with light, I felt a strong presence and feeling of ecstasy.

I also had a realization about tactile imaging energy work. I would try really hard to follow the energy ball/disc as I did the movements. This adversely affected the exercises because I tried to micromanage the movement to much. I decided to focus more on the destination and let the energy flow. This totally changed things for me. Now tactile imaging is much easier and I can do it in different positions.

This gets me thinking. Tactile imaging is so simple and powerful, why did qi gong or yoga practitioners never discover it? I understand that there is the saying in qi gong “where your attention goes your energy flows”, but it’s not like they every wrote tactile imaging down as a technique. This doesn’t mean that I don’t see the value in all of these systems, I’m just curious if like 1000 years ago tactile imaging was common knowledge or something.

Finally, I’m surprised by the atmosphere of this forum compared to occult related subreddits and the forum. I feel like I’ve barely scratched 5% of it, and I always find something useful.


Today I did my visualization meditation and the astral senses chant. I still have significant room for improvement with my visualization abilities.

Last night I became lucid during a dream and woke up because of my lucidity. I also had a weird vision. Around 3 a.m. I woke up and looked around. I got a drink of water sat down and then a image flashed into my mind’s eye. I saw a middle aged bearded man bathed in golden light. It was totally random and I didn’t think much of it. As far as I know it will forever remain a mystery to me why I saw that.

My main focus remains on pushing forwards to a breakthrough with my psychic abilities. My approach consists of developing my energy body, practicing magickal imagination, and meditation work. In essence, I’m working out my psychic muscles. I consider this the first step in my ascension.

Next in the queue, I have a really powerful ritual called Don’t Forget About Studying for Finals that I plan on doing immediately after I post this. It’s from the Advanced Placement magickal current and uses weird incantations like “determine if the infinite series converges using the limit comparison test”. To be honest, I’m not looking forward to it.

So today has been pretty good so far.

Last night I was meditating and heard a ringing in my ears. I have heard that ringing can sometimes mean that a spirit is trying to communicate with you so I thought to myself “who wants to communicate with me?”. Instantly, the name Michael popped into my head. I had not been thinking of Michael before so possibly he’s trying to communicate with me. I am still going to take that with a grain of salt though.

After that, I got my pendulum out and asked some questions. I understood that the pendulum was relatively easy for beginners so I thought I could maybe get some answers and improve my ability.

Pendulum Session:
Test questions:
Is today Saturday? yes
Is my dog’s name _______? yes

Actual questions:
Does Michael want to work with me? yes
Is Raziel my guardian angel? no
Is Raphael my guardian angel? no
Is Michael my guardian angel? yes
Do I have more than one guardian angel? maybe
Is Metatron also a guardian angel for me? maybe
Will this session continue to yield valuable information? no

I found the results of using the pendulum interesting although there is significant room for improvement. For now I’ll consider my results probable cause to look into working with Archangel Michael. I don’t necessarily believe it means he is my guardian angel, I don’t trust myself that much yet.

Today I also did more energy work with a focus on the root chakra. Robert Bruce said in his book energy work that the base chakra has several filters that dissolve with use and I never had really felt that much from that chakra so I just decided to nuke it. The risk of me activating kundalini was extremely low and I brought the chakra out of dormancy. It triggered a light surge of energy up to my third eye. This caused my vision behind my closed eyelids to fill with purple in the middle.

Notably, whenever I move energy through my central channel or spine for a while I experience weird patterns that appear in my vision. Today I saw a circle that would start wide and then shrink, all the while sometimes filling with purple, and this kept going while I was moving energy. I believe these are just effects of energy stimulating the higher chakras.

I also experimented with soul travel. I was never able to see my room behind closed eyes but I was able to feel like I was at my target object for a moment. This caused a slight tug in my chest. I guess the more I practice this the more it will feel like I’m actually there. I’ve only had one astral projection experience in my life, and it was when I was 3, so I look forward to working on this.

Today went well.

Last night I decided to initiate through the first sphere of the Qlipoth: Nahemoth. I’m interested in undergoing the alchemies of the qlipoth. The sphereworking is supposed to cause a trial in my life. When I pass it I will have undergone the alchemy of that sphere. I look forward to the trial.

Energy work is going well.

I was reading around on the forum about astral projection/soul travel and I think I am going to do a petition to Thalos to let me have an astral projection experience. Also, thanks to this forum I found an interesting site on OBE and lucid dreaming
It reminds me of the phase by Michael Raduga. I never really looked into that though for some reason. I think I am going to try the wake back to bed method just to see what happens when I stay in the liminal state for a while.

Ultimately my greatest obstacle towards my ascent is myself. I really hold myself back by not going all in. In fact, I learned about auras two years ago and I always assumed I could never see them. I never even tried. A few months ago I just tried Robert Bruce’s method to see auras and got it first try. In short, I need to go all in.

Yesterday I opened Clauneck’s sigil and made a request for 200$. I felt a strong presence.

So far I haven’t experienced any trials because of my initiation through Nahemoth.

I’m still doing the same system of energy work. I’m raising energy and clearing blockages. It will likely take weeks to months to step my energy body into high gear. After my meridians and central channel have more energy flow I will start chakra work. I’m not in a rush to do that though because I’d rather develop the supporting network for the chakras first so they can grow healthily.
I’m also considering doing the mastering kundalini and energy work course because I want to work my energy body up to the next level. Kundalini is a goal to shoot for on my energy work journey.

I’ve also experienced clearer dreams the last few nights because of energy raising. I might try and set an intention to experience astral projection and see if anything happens. I think I’m going to set an alarm for like 4 a.m. and try either the wake back to bed method or I’ll just attempt to project immediately.

I took a short break a few days ago. I’m back now.

I’m starting to discover some blockages in my energy body as I regularly stimulate it. I’ve been raising energy every day before bed to stimulate dreams. I think that it really works because I have had very clear dreams the last few nights. I managed to remember 4 different dreams a few nights ago, which was way more than I ever have before. I’m not keeping a dream journal right now but I may.

I experienced some clairaudient phenomena when I was going to sleep last night. I heard some random person’s voice, it sounded physical. I attempted to recreate it by imaging myself saying things but was not successful.
I also worked on soul travel again out of curiosity. I am not able to see the room behind closed eyes but I see it fairly well in my mind’s eye. I then transferred my awareness to my target object. When I do this I feel like my mind’ eye vision of the place is different in non obvious ways. I feel like I’m there mentally. I have not moved on to the up and out exercise from the mastering soul travel course but I plan to do that eventually.
My understanding of soul travel is that our consciousness is omnipresent but habitually focused into our body for practical reasons. By placing our awareness outside our body we can become comfortable with externalizing our awareness. Repeated practice makes our awareness outside our body more and more stable. So I hope that if I just practice this a lot it’ll feel less mental.

On this subject I plan to make an astral temple at some point because my parents at home feel that magick is cult-like and dangerous so I need some mental place to do rituals. I find this funny because controlling the actions of other people is one of the most cult-like behaviors I can think of. Still, I’m not that bothered by this as my family could be fundamentalist Christians or something.

12/23/20 - 12/24/20
My dreams have continued to be vivid the last few days.
I also had two deja vu moments yesterday. I usually tend to have experiences like this when my life is going well.
I also had a precognitive experience yesterday. I was having a conversation with someone and I suddenly had a deja vu moment and then knew the next things they were going to say. These experiences are always weird and fascinating. They also never turn out to be useful. I’ve heard of people seeing things that are impactful on their future but that has never been the case for me. It’s always an interesting experience though. I felt like I had just unlocked a dream memory from like several months before. Weird.
Yesterday I started to build an astral temple and was continuing my work with visualization and clairvoyance exercises. I struggled to visualize the astral temple, I feel like my imagination abilities have a long way to go. I called on Raziel and asked him to empower it. I plan to spend several minutes a day over the next few days visiting it so I can solidify it.

I also succeeded in structuring. I structured the letter ‘t’, ‘x’, and then I did a triangle. I tried to add color to the triangle to make it the fire element gateway but that was still beyond my abilities. This was empowering because I feel like I’m experiencing some minor success.

On the subject of energy body development. I had pre stimulated my ajna chakra before I practiced structuring. After I finished structuring I was just staring at the wall and the middle of my vision had a purple blob in it. I assume this is related to the brow chakra since its color is purple. It was still there when I closed my eyes. Also, when I roll my eyes up towards my forehead I see the weirdest stuff. I saw a geometric pattern of rectangles.

I haven’t been doing much over Christmas.

A little before Christmas I did the generosity ritual from Words of Power by the GoM. I think it worked because so far I have gotten several times monetary value what I normally get. Last year my aunt gave me 50 dollars and this year I got 150. Gifts from other relatives added up to much more than usual. Of course, it’s not all about receiving but at least the magick seems to have worked.

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I had another lucid dream last night. So far I’ve noticed that I have lucid dreams much more often when my dreams are associated with a fear and could be considered more negative, likely because I realize this isn’t my normal life.

I tried out invoking omnipotence. Before I did the meditation I felt lethargic. I struggled to feel the light actually entering my body but after a while I started to feel like I was pulling in more than just normal air. It was really energizing. After invoking omnipotence the world around me seemed enhanced.


The last few days I have been doing the first gate of invocation from Archangels of Magick. I think the archangel invocation can be really useful because it’s a way of literally changing your personality. It’s like I get to add another ability to my character you know.

This morning I called on Gabriel to invoke discipline. Since you need to discipline to get everything else it was the trait I called on first. Next time I do this I think I’ll invoke genius, release, or empathy.

Also, to report on my initiation into the sphere of Nahemoth; I feel like I made an important realization coming into finals week that helped me. I’m not sure that it was related to the trial of the sphere but it might be. I wanted to use a lot of magick to help prepare for my finals. I did a divination with the book of fate on whether that would be successful. My answer could be summarized as “don’t rely on the magick of higher forces when you could use hard work”. So I used mundane means to achieve my goals and that worked out really well. I feel like I’ve innately gained an understanding that I can’t be ungrounded. Ignoring the physical world in favor of the spiritual is escapism.

With this completed, I initiated through the next sphere of the qliphoth -Gamaliel- last night to continue my qliphothic alchemy.

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I’m back again.
I feel like I need to take a break from magick for a while. I’m going to restore a little balance in my life by taking a 10 day break.
This is a marathon not a sprint. But really though it never ends.

So we’ll see how this goes.

In the time since I last posted in this journal a lot has happened.
I made a few attempts at astral projection using the deferred method. In this manner I awoke and had a WILD. It was super weak and obviously not my intention.

Over the next few days I remembered my dreams super well. On one night I had 2 lucid dreams and was able to remember 5 separate dreams. A few nights ago I had the deepest lucid dream I have ever had.

I was in some sort of building and a dark being came to attack me. I was struggling against it and wondered why I felt like I was stuck. In this moment I realized I was dreaming. I used techniques from the phase to deepen the experience immediately and I felt solid like I was more physical. I then proceeded to dispose of my assailant. After this I deepened the dream even further by touching things and tried to go as deep as possible. Then I ran around thinking smugly “wow this experience is so stable I’m the best”. However, I did not have a real plan of action so my lucidity faded.

I’m undertaking a mantra challenge as detailed elsewhere on this forum. When working with exercises from eastern traditions like yoga and qigong I find it so hard to get clear information on what to do. In attempting to understand how to use mantras I’ve heard a lot of things about the necessity of a teacher. I understand this is necessary in part but obviously it is not an option for me to look for a needle in a haystack that is a good guru. Thankfully, I think I’ll be able to work some of this path on my own.

I’m so thankful for this forum and Robert Bruce’s work which demystify all this stuff. Otherwise I would still be stuck trying to figure stuff out from new age YouTube videos which have little practical information.

Lastly, I feel like an idiot for not reading this one book that I’ve had on my shelf for the last 2 years. It’s made my life 1000% better in just 2 days.

All my life, since the figurative death of my old self when I entered high school and started my quest to do things more efficiently, I’ve been searching. I’ve accumulated more knowledge on self help, weird tricks for improved performance, and other psychological tactics than I could ever use. Yet, I feel like none of this ever translated to any real gains for my biggest problem- the fact that I’m lazy as fuck.

I’ve always known that discipline is the skill that is necessary to succeed in everything else, because with discipline you put in the effort to do stuff. Moreover, I’ve always thought that it was something I couldn’t learn from a book, it was something I had to build. And, to an extent, it is.

My progress on my path has always been chronicled by an obsession with the future yet an inability to focus on the present. An inability to do the work now.

Then, I started to make some improvements. 2 years ago I picked up this book at a used bookstore but never got down to reading it. A few weeks ago I did the invocation of discipline with Gabriel and had a solid improvement in my discipline yet I still struggled.

Shortly after that I had an impulse to pick the book up and read it but I felt lazy and decided not too. Then 2 days ago I read it, not knowing what would be in it.

The book’s called the five second rule by the way. The premise is that when you have an impulse to do something you have to act on it within 5 seconds to stop your brain from going self destruct. You count down from 5 to 1 and then physically move towards your goal. This takes you out of autopilot and puts you back in control.


For the first time in my life I’m in control. For so long I felt like my mind controlled me. I was being beat by the monkey inside. Literally the day after I read this book I tried it out thinking, cool trick but will it work?

Next thing I know I’m on fire, I’m running out of stuff on my to do list.

It’s amazing!

I never wanted to do anything that would help my personal development. Before, I would just suck. Now, I just deploy the 5 second rule and make my mind my bitch.

Today, I was like: “I don’t want to do energy work”. I deployed the rule. It was hilarious. My monkey mind threw a tantrum. It’s started a cycle where I just see what I can force my mind to do. Now my todo list is an endangered species.

This time I was in control, not my mind.

I don’t even feel bad that I never read this book earlier. I have this technique now, and that’s enough.

Sorry monkey,
but I’m the captain now.



The last few days I’ve been trying to interact with my higher self or HGA. I’m starting with the HGA. So far, I’ve needed personal guidance. It would be really nice to be able to contact my higher self so I know if I shouldn’t waste my time on something. Like right now I’m working with the qliphoth and have not really noticed that much even though I’m through gamaliel. It would be nice to know what’s going on with that. On that note I could also do divination. Right now I’m limited to contacting the HS in dreams. Unfortunately, my HS has been mute.

Also, I’m working with some of V.K Jehannum’s ritual praxis. I feel drawn to Raziel and did an invocation of him using vk’s ritual. The ritual worked super well. As I chant the channeled summoning chants I totally feel myself entering a state of ecstasy like the rapture. My vision was flooded with light. I’ve done it several times since because I want to regularly work with Raziel. I also invoked Clauneck. I’ve heard some rational and well intentioned conservatism towards his rituals on this forum. I agree that the amount of unverified personal gnosis he has is staggering, so I’m using it on a case by case basis. On that note, so far I’ve been pleased with every ritual of his that I have completed.

In fact, I’m noticing just now that my ability to remember my dreams has improved greatly because of one of his rituals I did in November.

Next, I’m doing the praxis from V.K Jehannum’s book of Astarte and Astaroth and Works of Infernal Ascent. They both focus on developing power for new magicians. I’m not keen on rushing through all the rituals so I’m taking it slow and steady.

I’m fascinated by the whole idea of alchemy. I’ve always been doing it, I just never really thought of it with such powerful symbols. And, the whole idea that you’re a different being entirely at the end of qliphothic initiation is really cool. I’m trying to learn the lesson of each sphere of the qliphoth. I’m also going to do an initiation through each sephira since they can be considered an emanation of the nightside. I guess the ultimate goal for me is physical or spiritual immortality. From what I’ve read it is possible to transform one’s soul into a demonic, angelic, class of deity, etc. I don’t know if there any inherent advantages to that and it should not be taken lightly.

On that subject, in the incantation summary there is an incantation posted by Rayne which is supposed to turn you into an Oni demon and give you incredible mental, physical and magickal strength. I did the original one and nothing really happened for the transformation. He posted a new one which is supposed to accelerate it and I’ve been doing that one the last few days. I think that transmutation depends on your preexisting physis. So if I continue this it will possibly take me longer to be in tune with the energies. I don’t know if I am already an incarnation of a spirit so maybe something is preventing me from undergoing the transmutation. It’s most likely to early to call.

Supposedly, there are initiations beyond the tree of life and death into the veils? VK goes so far as to say there is a trans-qliphothic and sephirothic labyrinth. I guess I’ll find out when I get there, which is a long time from now honestly.

Furthermore, I’m working through yet another of V.K Jehannum’s ebooks, the black alchemy of the planets. The idea behind this one is that you initiate through the forces of each sphere in the solar system, which helps you connect to the planetary forces and pretty much every spirit since they have planetary associations. So far I’ve initiated into Pluto and Mars. He also has a grimoire that focuses only on Saturn, which I might work through

At some point in the next few weeks I plan to make some more attempts at astral projection. I’m using Michael Raduga’s method so I’m waking up in the middle of the night to do them. I did have one memory of what could have been astral projection. I remember getting up from my bed and going to my dream journal to write an entry in it. This was a false awakening.

Next, I’m considering the possibility of remote influencing or telepathy to influence my dog to stop barking so much, it is getting sort of annoying. So far my attempts to remote influence him for other things have been unsuccessful.

Over the long term, I aim to raise kundalini. I’m working out of Robert Bruce’s raising kundalini course. I’ve heard some people here say that Kundalini is a circuit, and some say it’s a one and done awakening, and some subscribe to the Robert Bruce view that Kundalini can be repeated and is just a straight shoot of energy from the root to the crown. I’ve even heard of people giving names to their Kundalini, which is interesting.

I don’t really have any preconceptions about what’s true. For now, I’m just going to work from the Robert Bruce view to make it easier and decide what to believe with practical experience.

My work on my energy body has mostly been limited to raising energy and clearing pathways so far. I’m doing about 30 minutes a day of energy work. Yesterday I started up on my root chakra again.

My chakras seem to be really imbalanced. When I was working with chakras months ago when I first started I noticed that all of my other chakras would get active relatively easily and then the root would take a lot of work, if it responded at all. Also, I’m not mentally grounded.

I am limiting my efforts to working only on the base for the next week or so. To help with this I’m trying to practice semen retention.

When I bring all of my primary chakras out of dormancy I’m going to try working on the chakras outside the body to see if they exist.

This is my current routine so I can check back on it later and see how it’s changed.

Energy Work Routine:

Warm up entire body. Spend half a minute stimulating the hands and feet. Then brush the pathways on the outside of the legs and arms along with the inner pathways for 30 seconds for each appendage. Do spine and central channel bounce for 1 minute each. Then full body bounce for 30 seconds.

Energy Raising:
I do full body energy raising.

Chakra work:
Stimulate chakra to mild level of activity. Similar to Minimum Effective Dose concept from the 4 hour body.

Extra feet work:
2 minutes. Helps holistic energy flow.

9 breath method:
I use this when my whole energy body needs a boost. I’m still working on getting the form down though.

Next Steps:
I’m trying to get the technique for the plank and two tubes action down. They are not easy but totally worth it.

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Some of my previous magick yielded practical results. I did a working with the magickal job seeker to win a job. A job I had applied for said they were not interested in me a week ago and yesterday they called me again and said they would like to interview me.

Recently, I’ve learned about this shifting realities that people have been doing on tiktok. My sister told me about it and I was curious but wrote it off as a sort of new age activity.

Now, I’m looking back at it and this is really interesting. I honestly I have no idea how it works and its a total mindfuck. Say I go to sleep visualizing my desired reality and wake up there, what happens to my previous self? It’s possible to design your desired reality so that time there is not equal to the time in your original reality but what if I stay in the desired reality forever? I guess that just means that previous timeline collapses.

From what I’ve read, this is not lucid dreaming. It’s just like normal reality, which makes it attractive. The limiting factor in being able to do this is of course, belief.

I probably have to just try this myself to see the truth about it.

To do this you have to script your desired reality down to a high level of detail ideally. You also program something in which allows you to completely control the desired reality.

This spooks me out honestly.

On a more mundane note though, I did my daily meditation today and my energy body was doing pretty solid. I’m continuing to experiment with the technique for the 9 breath method. I did it near the end of my energy work and did not notice the huge increase in activity that I normally see. I think this is because my energy body has a limited pressure, and the difference is more noticeable at the start of energy work when the pressure of chi is much lower. Then, the 9 breath method greatly increases the pressurization of my chi, thus warming me up.

Lastly, I experimented with the 2 cups method for dimensional jumping/LOA. My goal was acceptance to college.

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