My journal to talk about whatever

I need to vent.

I’m not normal anymore. I like being my own brand of me, but I’m starting to realize I can’t talk about this to anyone ever, because I’ll sound mental. Even the stuff about changing my mindset has gone from experimental and quirky to fucking cult member weirdness lately.

I just need to learn to shut up.

Shit. I don’t relate with anyone as well

Got a new project

I got a tiny little dragon idol. Remember it, @Yberion ?


Yeah, that’s my plan. Fuck i am in so much pain this ring hurts so much i have a headache.


Belial introduced a useful concept to my spellcasting; I’m not using infinity right

Like, when i use it, I basically am saying, “It cannot become better than this” which is limiting, and that mindset seeps into my mind when i’m casting the spell.

So we’ve invented a new term, for me, although it already exists I’m using a new meaning for it.

Ad Infinium means I can keep drawing on it for as long as I like, as hard as I like, and it’s so vast that I’ll never find an end to it, but there IS one, and I just don’t reach it. As in, “it goes on, and on, and on, and on”

for as long as I need it to. No limit, and it’s limited so I can grow it.

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So now that I’m on my own I need to start documenting things I want to work on soon

controlling my beliefs more thoroughly


I’m achieving the second one very well. I am so good at this.

and yes, that is an affirmation.

Have u invoked Grim Reaper?

No, and I don’t really want to, personally. I have done psychopomp work.

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Wow,have been to Tartarus (Hell region in Greek Religion).
When a human beings dies,where does his soul travel to which plane?

Depends, honestly. Different people go to different places.

Most people go to their own idea of heaven. One time, someone went to this weird boat that was in a storm.

I’ve seen weird places with psychopomp work.

Read this if you wanna see what my path was like for a good couple of months.

I wasn’t nearly as developed as I am now, and I can’t say I’m not embarrassed of it, but honestly I am at peace with it.

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Raziel is the gatekeeper of 72 Angels according to Damon Brand Gallery of Magick.
How was Angel Raziel, intimidating or calm presence??

Neither. Just defined.

Have u done Gallery of Magick system?

I don’t think so. No.

But Raziel is still very willing to work with me usually.

Vibration Analysis Of The Human Emotions? | aura photography : aura  clearing and healing

You know how people can become depressed, and sort of set up themselves to be depressed. and fall into this deep, deep hole of depression and never get out because it feels impossible, to the point where they have to try, try, try as hard as they can to even be motivated to do the slightest thing?

Imagine that times infinity, and then 2, and I want the opposite of that.

We build patterns that make us more alligned with something unconsciously. We all make ourselves our own worst enemy, but every negative thing you can do to yourself, you can do the opposite just as easily.

I’m going all in on making myself so engrossed and cemented in enlightenment that I feel like I am always, no matter what, at this vibration.

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upward spiral, baby!

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One Question,while scanning the photo,does the occult master knows that somebody has scanned him?



the only problem I notice is that I almost see through the illusion of reality. I am Totally present, I plan on staying physical, but what should I know about this state to live in it better and alter it?


I don’t think he would unless he’s checking for it, and since he’s a public figure and he releases the pictures willingly, I don’t think he would check/care