My journal to talk about whatever

I’ve been solidifying a small gemstone from the astral for a few hours, on and off. It feels nice, since I can actually feel the stone’s vibration. IT feels healing, and that’s kind of interesting

My projects as of late have focused almost entirely on growth of power and knowledge. These experiments have had some insanely useful and positive results.

I don’t really have a problem learning new things without even knowing what they are, and I’ve been known to be able to completely change my mindset and beliefs in an instant. On top of all of the transformations I can put myself through, I think I’m starting to see some very real results.

Now that being said, I’m evolving into a next step. emotional ascension. I didn’t even know it was a thing until today, but it’s almost an energetic acceptance of maturity.

It’s basically immense emotional positivity and power. Imagine you being completely mature and powerful emotionally, loving and severe, the perfect blend of every emotion you could be.just as you can focus on omniscience, or how you could focus on great power, emotional power is just the same. What this means for me, is that I can take my healing on to a new level. This is insane development.

and how do I know it’s so important? As I finished up my first ritual related to this, I saw a flash of an old picture of Sam in my mind. Clear as day, I could see it physically. And it was always about healing, it was never about manifestation. The entire time my path to that result was always improving my own health, but I never knew what that meant

now I can’t really close my eyes. This is the truth. I’m only seconds away from a realization, and now I know just as well as I always could have that this was never about Sam

it was about my individual growth, and my discovery of self. This was a sacrifice that I would make any day.

I’ve done it.


It’s a waste of your time to spend it jacking off or watching indian guys build pools when you could be emotionally ascending. that’s fucking AWESOMEEEEE

You! You’re here for a purpose, HEAR ME OUT.

My mother has just informed me that we now have a cat named Odin. She is fiesty, and mom just couldn’t let her go.

Wonder why.

Jokes aside,I’m taking this as a confirmation that the bastard is opening the door. I’m really liking my workings with him so far, and they have brought me to places that killed my mindset so many times. He’s amazing lol

I wonder if I should call him Dad. Maybe one day

The universe is fucking CONSPIRING for me and Sam to end up in very close happened twice already and school hasn’t even technically started. First hour hasn’t at least.

It’s so weird…

Is that the actual name?

No but I made it up on the spot.

Thank you

Basically just ascent in the emotion space

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I feel way less terrible around Sam. I used to feel like crap all the time and now I feel reasonably stressed around him, nothing else. Which is amazing.

as usual, belial is challenging me to aim higher… well okay, Belial. You fucking BET

Just cleared all the old thots off my snapchat. They’re super cute and hot and all, but I just need to step away from makes in that light, and start developing a deeper love and just start living correctly. I want love. Eh. Belial said it’d be a lonely kinda day

I don’t feel so great today. Kinda lonely and shitty, and reiki isn’t fixing it. I dunno. I wish i could make sense of this. Someone tell me why today is so bad, please. I have no motivation to do much of anything and I feel just so emotionally over it. Please help.

I’m living like I’m in a fever dream. I keep seeing sam everywhere but he isn’t there. I dont know what would make him THIS MUCH on my mind. I need to divinate this.

Feeling better, here’s my CHURCH. Yeah; just made it in the aether modpack, it’s got pews, a red carpet, stained glass and everything, lol. Here’s my SIGIL

The only reason I decided to make a catholic based design of a church and then make it MY church is cause I was decided it’d be funny. The cathedral idea just came from the fact that this mod has pretty glass, and I love glass, so I made one as a joke. This is supposed to be the heaven dimension after all. Then I made a giant cloud sigil, my sigil, cause I was joking to myself (like a totally popular dude with many friends :sunglasses:) how I was sort of the god of this world, and why shouldn’t I have a church?

time to stop watching useless videos


heeee’s watchhiiiingg

belial on Little Caesars Pizza “I want to wipe it off the map, and I might actually do that.”

Note to self: do this later when you can


the alchemical symbol of the sun and transcendance.

Sit inside a 4 sided or poled thing and draw the symbol on each side facing towards you.

this will help immensely

so like for example

4 iron poles in the ground, in a rectangle (not connected with anything)

I always do that the rods.

But like you could get 4 sheets of cardboard.

you can stand up

and make a rectangle around you.

and draw on the centres of them ofc facing towards u (as they can’t really do anything else)"

“Blue moon,
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own”

Is what I thought when looking at this moon

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“and then suddenly appeared before me,
The only one my arms could hold.
I heard somebody whisper ‘Please adore me’
And when I looked the moon had turned to gold”

Well uh

As I sung this outside the moon DID turn to gold. Like before my eyes.

Well SHIT.