My cat is missing and Im devastated. Can anyone help?

Does anyone have any suggestions for entities that could help me find my kitty, or perhaps if you have a sense of where/how he may be, could you let me know? I’d prefer he was indoor only for peace of mind and safety, but he is indoor/outdoor because he insists… He’s never gotten lost before, and always comes back home. I’ve had him since he was born, and I’ve just been crying all day at the thought of never seeing him again. His name is Teddy.


Omg im so sorry about your kitty. He is very beautiful. I know how you feel my dog Sampson ran away from home and he never came back. I would call the local shelter to see if they have or can look around. Im very sorry


I’m sorry :’( thank you

your welcome

To help you relax a little my black cat went MIA for 3 days and came home fine. With that being said I totally feel you with the worry.

Is it really cold out? Is the kitty really friendly? He
Might be inside someone’s garage or home even.


I’m so sorry sugar :frowning: does he have any favorite haunts you know of?

Yes, and I’ve checked all of them a couple of times. Started letting my neighbors know and asking them to look out for him. :frowning:

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Ugh, it was raining all day pretty heavy here. He’s a nice cat, but shy. Although I’m not sure how he’d behave around people if he felt scared or was in survival mode.


I just scried one of the photos, I think he’s alive, I saw him as being in a cardboard box but he doesn’t feel in danger, maybe someone sheltering him from the rain or something.

If I had to guess it’s a man in his late 40’s on with work-worn hands but that could be analytical overlay. i think the person who’s looking after him is kind, but i don’t know if they have a cat of their own.

i truly hope I’m correct. I don’t think they intend to try and keep him or anything so check the place someone would call with a found cat asap.


Prayers sent. I have four strays I feed daily. The little one looks just like Teddy. Just focus on his return and he will.


I so appreciate you looking into it :heart: I’ve been stalking the shelter’s found pets page, all the local facebook groups, etc. I’m going to put up flyers tomorrow, so hopefully whoever he’s with will see.

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That sounds like a plan. :+1:

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If he needed help he could have accepted. My black cat let a strange woman carry him to the door nebulae he knew he was safe and going home. He is the kind that hates everyone but me and the kid.

I am sure he is fine. Like what Lady Eva said I was feeling he was still alive too. Are there houses with decks or wooden porches that have space under them? I kinda see a deck wood color and a shade. Someone gave him shelter for sure. Maybe the neighbor that feeds all the stray cats… that’s a place to start looking.


Post on Facebook and ask for shares. That’s help me a Lot with the black cat when he got out. The more people that share the more eyes.


Thank you :pray:It’s like one big neighborhood full of various smaller apartment buildings. I’m gonna check Google earth to see which buildings have something like that, and be sure to post plenty of flyers in that area.


Hey @nbns no one should have to deal with burden of loved ones lost, be it an animal or a human.

You can do a petition spell on Bastet and angel of lost things.Here is a thread on this angel.

Here is how to do petition.

Hope you get your furball back.


I saw Wood, that was the clearest thing I saw, though im not 100 percent sure, also i saw some thunder, but again, not sure so don’t takevwhat i say as 100 percent fact, was there a thunderstorm lately?

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I appreciate the input! It rained all day here pretty intensely. I was sleeping most of the day so it’s possible that there was thunder I could’ve missed. It was definitely very dark and stormy either way.


i see, so my scry so far was correct, now, I also saw Woods, like trees and a forest, again, do not be alarmed, i may be wrong, and i do believe you will find him


Is there a forest nearby you? do you live in countryside?