Hey there!
So I recently signed up on this forum and i already talked about my experiences regarding moloch in my introduction thread so I will link it for everyone‘s better understanding: Introduction + Some guidance please - #3 by Moloch.is.God
Anyways, during the last few months I began to delve into ancient Semitic/Canaanite/Babylonian religions and I noticed that some of these gods brought up a specific feeling I can’t really explain. With Ishtar/Astarte I had this warm, loving feeling for example.
But no other god had that strong of a impact on me as MOLOCH or MOLECH or BAAL (I guess he’s a god of many names). He began to randomly pop up in my head (more specific the image of his idol where the people sacrificed their children to him) and I just can’t stop myself from thinking about him. Also I catch myself saying his name randomly sometimes.
So I would just like for some of you to explain to me:
Would it be dangerous to contact this god without any knowledge of magic?
Do y‘all have had similar experiences where a diety just occupied your mind?
Why does he want me? I’m a person who isn’t fond of violence and I would never sacrifice a child (But maybe MOLOCH know more about me than I do)
Yes, it would be dangerous. That is why the experienced members here tell people to meditate, practice energy-manipulation and all that good basic stuff.
That you’ll have to find out, no one knows the reason as to why he would call you. So good luck
Moloch doesn’t normally have a special interest on people except those who are rich, own a big company, are team leaders or work as a surgeon or doctor, chief-nurses in Hospitals or similar institutions especially abortion.
I’m not aware of Moloch and Ba’al being the same entity. Ba’al and Baalzebul/Beelzebub maybe.
Would it be dangerous to contact this god without any knowledge of magic?
Magick is a hands-on practice. How will you learn if you don’t try?
It could be dangerous, unlikely but not impossible - decide if you are too afraid to take a risk, and then then do it or don’t.
Do y‘all have had similar experiences where a diety just occupied your mind?
Several deities have come to me. It’s up to you if you want to answer.
There’s a big difference between agreeing to work with them, and just having a conversation though.
Be your own man, ask the deity your questions, then make up your own mind.
This is the way of the mage - do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law - love is the law, love under will. I.e. The nature of will is love. If you love your god, let your will be your guide.
Aka - what do you want to do? Do that.
Why does he want me? I’m a person who isn’t fond of violence and I would never sacrifice a child (But maybe MOLOCH know more about me than I do)
I could see the possible similarity between Moloch and Ba’al. Moloch was originally prounounced in Hebrew as Melekh, which means “king”, and his consort was believed to be Ashtoreth, who was also Ba’als. Moloch is also originally an Ammonite deity, not Canaanite. What we could be observing if a deity from one group of people being adopted into another group.
There is also debate about whether or not the child sacrifice to Moloch actually occurred. There is some believe that the phrase “Passing your son through the fires of Moloch” was a form of baptism/cleanse in the name of Moloch, not actual sacrifice, that was later demonized to try to steer people away from his worship. Later Greek writers could have embellished the “ritual” based off of a similiar practice with Cronus that they would be more familiar with.