Making a scrying mirror from a frame with glass

Just giving some ideas



  • Black spray paint (cheap)
  • A frame with glass (cheap)
  • Box or old newspaper

I made one like this ages ago. Just a regular picture frame and some black spray paint on the back of the glass.

Also fond of a small bowl filled with black ink. I actually haven’t done scrying in well over a decade now. Might give it a go again.


Well for a while now I’m practicing and still training astral senses. I decided with a good push in the right direction, from a forum member, i will give it a go.


I would also suggest putting a spirit’s sigil between the back of the black mirror and the frame. Any spirit connected to divination, scrying, or lunar forces will work admirably for this purpose (Lilith, Mephistahl, Sastan, etc). You can charge it in the moonlight and keep it covered in a black cloth that is only removed when you wish to use it for scrying. It’s also helpful to engrave runes or appropriate symbols along the side of the mirror, and if you really want to get into it I’d suggest looking into fluid condensers & soaking the mirror in various combinations of relevant herbs.


Thanks for the tips @Nyxifer. The sigil I will do right away (Lucifer)

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It took me a few times to get the paint right. But you have to let the paint dry. Pick it up and look trough it, if it’s black enough and you don’t see through it.

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I have two questions.
1.Do I need a frame ?
2.I only painted one side of the glass,is it necessary to paint the other half too ?

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Nope a frame is not necessary. And paint it on one site. The back site, not the site that you use for scrying.

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Thanks for the info :slightly_smiling_face:

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How effective was this? My current black mirror is a ring with black onyx gemstone that Belial happened to choose himself. Of course I’d feel disrespectful if I used it for everyone and this seems like it can be done on an extreme budget

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Hey @Haplo, do you mean because it are cheap tools to make this?

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No, i mean I want to try this because I feel disrespectful using the black mirror I have specifically for Belial for anyone else

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It’s pretty effective. But it depends on yourself (state, gazing and grounding to make a good connection). In the beginning I lost my concentration. But there is a solution for everything: How to make a scrying mirror in a shoebox

At this moment i like to scry more with my eyes closed (third eye) i don’t need tools anymore.

But that doesn’t work for everyone.

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Ill give it a whirl then. Seems interesting

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Do you have any advise on keeping concentration?


Thanks for posting. You made me happy! Like a crystal ball only cheaper. I too made one years ago. It’s really great to see someone doing something practical. Lovely work Bro.


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