Magic and Musings from Astral Realm #56

A little something for being at the right place at the right time:

Yet another love and relationship spell.
Don’t let that stop you- you’ve come too far…

Been wanting to do this for awhile now but I needed some lab rats to make sure it works. It does. And yes, it worked for me.

Warning: this is for difficult targets of your love and affection with many obstacles in the way. If its casual sex you want, there are much easier ways to go about this.

First things first:

About my magic…I’m about results. In general, I get results. That’s what I care about. I used to care a great deal about evoking demons to full form.

I used to like to talk to demons and imagine them as my therapists. I used to talk to them as if we were friends. I find this interaction necessary on occasion, especially when I am unsure about a direction I need to go or a choice I need to make. But…that rarely happens anymore.

Why? Because I know what I want and who to call to get it. For those reasons, I mainly use petition spells. Again- I know what I want most of the time and it’s simply not up for debate. So I call them, tell em what I need, reward them when I get it- and we’re done.

Exceptions: I like to communicate w/ Belial, Gremori, and Vine. So I’ll often go for full evocation with them because I like them.

However, in general, I know what I want, and I consider the consequences. Then I put it out there.

This is what I did to make an improbable target fall head over heels for me. It has worked for others now too. All guys, but with a few tweaks- I think it could work for the ladies as well.

If nothing else, it’ll at least give a newish magician an idea about how to at least think about the whole idea of layering your magic.

Before I begin- what I’m about to outline is the product of both a mish mash of spells and workings found here (BALG frequenters will recognize bits and pieces), my research, my successes, and perhaps most importantly, my failures – as learning from your mistakes will all but guarantee you become a genius in this arena. Without further delay…

Phase 1

  1. Before any complex, layered spell, do yourself and everyone else involved a favor and use some form of divination. You need to know the situation you’re attempting to manipulate in real time and from as many angles as possible.

There’s no need to waste your time or a demon’s time for that matter asking for something that already IS.

If you like tarot, use it. If you like the pendulum, swing away.

Even if you think you know your target’s deal, do it just to confirm what you think you know.

My recommendation- swing a pendulum over Orobas’s seal. Here are directions. Follow them.

Believe me when I tell you I’ve fucked up some opportunities asking for the wrong stuff, and the blow back can be devastating.

Example questions: Does (target x) feel lust for me currently? Does (target x) have secret romantic feelings for me currently? Is (target x) happy in their current relationship?

No need to ask for lust or whatever if it’s already there. You’d be better off asking for something else….

  1. Call on Vine to tear down any walls or barriers of defense your target may have around them that could deter you from walking into his/her castle and taking over.

  2. Call on Belial and ask him to erase any limiting perceptions your target may have of you. This is so fucking important it’s unbelievable.

Belial WILL break the chains of the dreaded friend zone or any other fucking zone your target has you imprisoned in.

Ask him to make your target feel your power and instill a sense of awe in them. Truthfully, this simple request- if granted – will change your entire life.

*Summary of phase 1: Vine obliterates his/her defenses…Belial enters and introduces him/ her to their knew King: YOU….!

Phase 2

3A. Now, when making your requests of Belial and Vine- make sure to include 2-3 of your target’s FRIENDS (that’s right…I said ‘friends’.) You’ll see why in a minute.

  1. Next, you simply cannot put love magic in place without crossing paths with Sitri. For now, ask Sitri to enhance your sexual aura so that people are attracted to you as never before.

  2. For this next step, call on none other than…. Dantalion. Why? Dantalion’s been said to be the “King Paimon” of love. And we need that kind of influence at our disposal. Remember in step 3A I said to have Vine and Belial work their magic on 2-3 of your target’s FRIENDS too? Well…here’s the thing…women AND men are HIGHLY affected and influenced by what their friends think – in all areas of life. So…ask Dantalion to influence your target’s friends so that they find you sexually attractive and alluring. Just trust me on this. You don’t need to hook up with them, you just need them intrigued a little, ya know? They’ll be vulnerable and open to attack after the KINGS work them over!

  3. With steps 1-5 in place, it’s time to work on some face to face mojo! For this, call on the sexy Dutchess Gremori to fill your target with uncontrollable passion and lust the next time you make eye contact with your target.

The added bonus with Gremori is that she’s also the Queen of Thieves and forbidden relationships. So, if your target is someone else’s property, she’ll cajole them until he/she has no choice but to take the drastic step away from their current and towards their future…you!

*Summary of phase 2: Your target and his/her friends are rendered defenseless.

**In this moment of weakness and vulnerability, your target experiences a powerful feeling of lust for you (Gremori) at PRECISELY the same time as his/her friends mention how attractive you’ve become to them!(Thanks to Dantalion)

*In short, all indications are that you are suddenly some high hangin’ fruit and relationship material. She’s secretly saying to herself, (how could I have not seen this sooner?)

*Caveat…make sure you CONSCIOUSLY make eye contact w/ your target before you continue so Gremori can unlock that door of possibility. You don’t need anything to happen here- just the eye contact and the “thought” of something happening in your target.

Phase 3:

  1. It’s time to finish this thing. Here’s where you need to ask yourself, “what do I really want?" For me, it comes down to two demon Dukes with uniquely different skill sets:

                           Zepar v. Sallos.

Here’s my experience of the two…


  • if you truly want a long-term relationship filled with sex and lust and all the good shit - call on the crocodile Duke himself: Sallos. Ask him to move the relationship forward quickly w/ lust and passion. Sallos can also be used if you sense your target is on the brink of giving in to your seduction and just needs that final push.


  • If you want a dirty, power-driven, dark and obsessive, compulsive sex fest incapable of lasting more than 4-5 days, the Red Dragon is your demon. It’s important to understand this demon’s dynamic. Some love him. I, personally, have a dark side to me that enjoys this type of insanity. I also think it’s a wise man who knows this about himself. For this type of person, expectations and dreams of romance don’t crash down on top of their proverbial heads and grind them to dust.

  • There are others out there you may choose to turn to at this juncture: Asmodeus, Lucifer, Lilith, etc…it’s just about what you want. Know thy demon!

  • This is also the part where you may want to evoke to full manifestation if you can. There might be more/ other complications that have arisen since you began this thing, or you might want to go over your choices and get input from one of these two.

Phase 4

Please, think about the ancient powers you’ve called upon. I mean Belial for fuck’s sake. Do you really need to tinker with shit anymore?