Magic and Musings from Astral Realm #56

I was unhappy with my lack of astral senses when it comes to magick. So I started investigating how to improve my magickal (astral) senses.
I came to this:

Been doing Robert Bruce’s Mastering Astral Dynamics for…50 freakin’ days now, and I figured it was time. I need to start keeping a record of this shit, and since I am terrible when it comes to writing stuff down on paper, I figured now was the time and this was the place.

Bruce suggests keeping a log while working through his course, but for the first 20-30 days, there wasn’t much to write about if I’m being perfectly honest.

Sure, pre-stimulating the various energy centers and learning some new breathing techniques was cool and all, but nothing worth mentioning happened other than the usual benefits one might get from a solid meditation routine.

But something started to change when I got to the energy bouncing and chakra stimulation. Something, a presence of some sort, started to wake up. A different entity living inside me almost. It’s there all of the time now, and I think it is my astral double that Bruce speaks of.

For the last two days, I have been doing the daily exercises which consist of:

Relaxation using various tensing techniques and progressions
Breath work for focus
Breath work (expanding and valving)
Energy center stimulation
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and/or energy raising
Trance work w/ 3rd eye trigger activation
Energy body loosening (spinning, etc…)
Exit training (where I am now)

It involves roughly 60 minutes per day at this point.

The last two days have been, simply put, outta control! The change and progress seems to have been born from the chakra work. There’s a point in the program where you start working w/ techniques that involve spinning your awareness quickly around and around within your body in order to loosen and free your astral double from from its bodily tethers so you can project. (There are many other techniques to achieve this that he has you practice- and you choose one you like to refine)

He has you learn a shit ton of techniques in the interest of finding what works for you.

My future entries will be much more concise- I promise.

So… last two days something has changed.

Both days, while doing the exit techniques, I have suddenly found myself half way out of my body!

My physical body was laying flat and relaxed on the bed, but I was sitting straight up. From my waste up, OUT of my body!

It’s some of the craziest shit I’ve ever experienced- and that includes ALOT of altered states of consciousness.

I am tired now, but with all of this preliminary explanation/ context outta the way, tomorrow I’ll be able to focus on recording more detailed/ specific aspects of the training.

I will also be including my magical adventures as the title suggests as well as dream work.!

Until then, thanks for reading, and…
I’ll see you “somewhere!”


Interesting ! I just bought his book on astral projection !!! Keep us posted on your progress!! :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::grin::grin::grin::slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 51: 4/22/21
30 minutes
Used the ‘brainwaves generator’ week 8 for exiting today. I did this at work in my office.

Despite cutting it short because of time, I still managed to loosen my energy body up and wiggle free briefly.

Why I am so jazzed about it is because, despite being more profound, yesterday was so unexpected and exhilarating, it happened by accident in a sense.

Today was on demand! And after all, being able to get out and get ‘astral’ at will is the goal here.

The exercises were the same except I used the pulley system…it’s where a machine wheel turns and yanks you out of your body
A little more with every turn. Til tomorrow!


Wow amazing progress! Keep sharing!

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Day 52:


  • (20 minutes) Relaxation using various tensing techniques and progressions
  • Chamber breathing with valve
  • Sword Banishing (Damon Brand)

PM (33 Minutes)
Relaxation using various tensing techniques and progressions
Breath work for focus
Breath work (expanding and valving + Cloud breathing- substituting incense)
Energy center stimulation
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and/or energy raising
Trance work w/ 3rd eye trigger activation
Energy body loosening- red balloon
Exit training (where I am now): Stretch & Pulley

  • Magic (directly after astral work to make getting into trance easier)

  • King Vine using DOM- since I got into trance pretty easy, I negated
    Winterfeld’s words of power.

  • Began using the sigil from the book - sigil started jumping and disappearing and I knew Vine was waiting

  • I was in my office with the blinds shut (around 3pm)

  • After the sigil started going nuts, a shadow moved in and made the room even darker-

  • Flash of light sharp blue light!

  • Raised gaze from the sigil to black obsidian mirror set just behind the book

  • My reflection turned to solid white and smoke started coming out of the sigil in the book (Vine’s done this before) it’s like dry ice smoke

  • My face disappeared in the mirror and…the LION appeared!
    I thanked him as usual and told him what was up. I have a relationship w/ him so I talk naturally and I keep it real.

  • More blue light’s - thanked him, made my offering- ended it…

  • Swung my pendulum over his sigil while still in a trance to confirm his presence and confirm what he told me- a definitive “yes…”

  • Did a 5 card “Fallen Angel Oracle” card spread and got some added clarification…

Here’s the draw:

The Cimeries and Haagenti cards in those positions are the first hints of a positive outcome I’ve gotten in along time (for a certain situation)

All in all- not a bad day!


Day 53
Breath work (expanding and valving + Cloud breathing)
Energy center stimulation
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and/or energy raising
Trance work w/ 3rd eye trigger activation (feather in the wind(
Energy body loosening- red balloon
Exit training (where I am now): Rope pull up and down

Evocation: Dutchess Gremori (Good- she was there and accepted my request but I had a hard time feeling her energy- I might be desensitized after all of the Belial/ Vine work…
Pendulum confirmed her presence and acceptance - ordinarily I wouldn’t need this from the Dutchess, but since I was having a hard time feeling her tonight…
Tarot reading for my situation (pic below) things looking good- i mean Sitri in the 4 hole? C’mon

Not exactly- that Glasya Labolas up top in the 5 spot- brutal future ahead (if I don’t get my shit together…

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Day 54:
Sword Banishing
Master Protection Ritual tune-up (DB’s Mag. Protection)
Breath work (expanding and valving + incense cleansing)
Energy center stimulation (feet, hands)
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and/or energy raising
Trance work w/ 3rd eye trigger activation- see below
Energy body loosening- red balloon AND some spinning
Exit training (where I am now): see below

*Took a day off yesterday from training- still banished

*I struggled getting going- one thing I’ve realized, and I don’t know if this me or of others have experienced this- but my chakras close really quickly. I need to stimulate them every day- at least for the time being.

*After stimulating my chakras, my energy body expanded well out of my body. It’s like I got way fatter. When I moved my arm, My energy arms stayed in their position. That was cool.

*For trancework, I started with “feather in the wind” but outta nowhere, a vision came to me from my childhood. At a relative’s house, we use to jump off of a steep pier into a river. In the vision, I had just jumped and was dropping towards the river. So I went with it, and it worked pretty well.

*I’m probably gonna do an evocation tonight to take advantage of the Supermoon (Pink Moon) this month. The only 2 this year are April/May.

Bael has been on my radar for a few weeks- but there might be a surprise!

Manana friends!

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Sword Banishing

Day 55: 4.27.21

Breath work (incense cleansing, expanding & valving)
Energy center work (feet and hands)
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and raising
Trance work + third eye trigger (jumping off the pier again)
Energy body loosening (red balloon & spinning)
Exit practice: “reaching for the ladder to heaven”

Magick: Bael (The Frog King!)
I asked him to keep something hidden and to make me appear as something I’m not…he showed up- I am honored!
Til the morrow!

Sword Banishing
Day 56

Same as yesterday - nuthin’ new to report except that a few things I conjured up awhile back might be coming to fruition.

April 30 - I skipped astral training because I was too dam tired from a hard week at work.
The only thing I did today as far as magick goes is the banishing MP.

May 1st
Day 57

Evocation 1: Sitri
Had the house to myself so I called on Sitri to work on someone for me. Not for me per say- but to create an effect w/in my work place.
The sigil went nuts in all ways- disappeared, smoked, flashed, distorted- Caught a pretty good view of Sitri in in the obsidian mirror I use.

Evocation 2: Andromalius - I’m pretty sure he appeared as a human wearing a hat…one like Stevie Ray Vaughan. I didn’t see the customary snake wrapped around him that he’s known for. All the normal sigil action (see above) happened plus the face in the mirror. There were also a lot of noises and shadows. He’s definitely noisy…
See ya!

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I’ve never heard of this method can I ask how u learned? Is there a book? Currently I just started Robert Bruce’s book on astral travel.

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Robert Bruce’s Mastering Astral Projection 90 day course. It’s on Amazon.



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@ SoulJourney
It’s a full blown 90 day course. Try and get the companion CDs and make sure you download the free brainwaves generator. They’re key for success. Then pay attention to the details and move through a day at a time. It works!

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Breath work (Cloud breathing using incense, expanding & valving)
Energy center work (feet and hands)
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and raising
Trance work + third eye trigger
Energy body loosening (red balloon)
Exit technique: Point-Shift (breaking the bands) This was freakin cool-

-Evocation of the Marquis Andras-

  • Been doing my evocations right after the astral travel training
  • This is effective because I’m still in a semi trance state and it’s easier to fall back in
  • Crazy smoking & disappearing of the sigil.
  • Andras was looking right back at me through the mirror and nodded in agreement

On a side note: Andras was a new demon for me. This is great because I NEVER familiarize myself with the appearance of the demon as reported by others. That way I can use other magicians’ reports on appearance as confirmation. This passed the test again. I thought I saw a bird w/ red eyes at times resembling an owl- at other times a raven/ crow. When I looked up Andras- sure enough!
This is how I knew King Vine, Shax, Glasya Labolas, and others were present during past evocations.

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Wow! Ok! Thanks !

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Day 58: No Astral training, but I performed an evocation of the demon Valefar.

Day 59: May 5th, 2021

Breath work (Cloud breathing using incense, expanding & valving)
Energy center work (feet and hands)
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and raising
Trance work + third eye trigger
Energy body loosening (red balloon)
Exit training: point shift method
-For some reason, this exit strategy works for me. It involves imagining
you’re restrained by strong bands and struggling to break free. This
resonates w/me and I can feel the insanity of being confined by these
bands to my body. The effects are are enlightening to say the least.
Today I began pursuing vampiric meditation.

To Valefar- I’m not sure what’s real and what isn’t, but I’ll continue to pursue this.

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Day 60: May 7th
Breath work (Cloud breathing using incense, expanding & valving)
Energy center work (feet and hands)
Chakra stimulation
Energy bouncing and raising
Trance work + third eye trigger
Energy body loosening (red balloon)
Exit training: point shift method

Sometimes it is really hard to tell what is real and what isn’t. Especially cuz like I sometimes talk to them while on weed. So I asked for outside signs. So I’ve been seeing the numbers everywhere when I’m not on weed. That kind of helps me know if I’m on the right track. Until I get better at communication. Cuz I plan to be able to do all of it totally sober. Weed just makes it much easier to connect.

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