Leaving Norse Pantheon

Let’s start by saying I don’t want to leave this path. I am very close with these Gods and they are like family to me.

I’ve been working with a spiritual teacher for healing and she told me that I need to leave these other Pantheons in the past. That I’ve had my fun with them and should focus on what I’ve incarnated in (Hinduism)

Thing is Hinduism for the most part doesn’t feel right for me personally. The Aesir, Vanir and Jotunar have empowered me in so many ways. Cutting them off would be like losing a part of me. Fenrir helped me overcome Vedic Astrology, Freya has been a mother to me and shown me love even when she isn’t here, Loki has always been a friend, Jormugandr was always there when I had mental issues, Thor is a good older brother, Heimdall became a guardian of my home, Hel saved my life and my toe, Odin though he beat the shit outta me once also saved my life, that’s only the tip of the iceburg.

I spoke to Surtur and he told me that it’s fine if I leave but I must remember that it’s my choice. I do need the healing but to leave the Gods who are like family to me. Who treat me like their own? To be free of dogma.

I have a decent relationship with my ancestral Gods especially Ganesha but to describe the power and passion that the Norse Gods invoke in me. It’s like something else.

Anybody been in this situation? What did you do? I could ask Loki to masquerade them as Hindu Gods. Cause I know sure as Hel (pun intended) I’m not abandoning my friends.

Thanks for the advice in advance


I had to leave the Norse pantheon per Odin’s advice to pursue the Gaulish pantheon as well as the Irish and Scottish pantheons. It did suck but he let me know I can still go to them even if it’s not for “work” but simply to enjoy myself in their company.


I don’t think they will leave you even if you leave them, go to the Hindu gods and speak to them about this, I’m sure you can work with both pantheons, Ganesha is the Hindu god you want to connect with?

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The spirits come, go, return, stay and so on. Is natural to work with different spirits and pantheons cause you are in a continuous evolution so is an excellent thing, a sign of becoming.


Similar situation here. I was a heathen for over a decade because I started being pulled all over the board and finally settling on my own path. There was a lot of soul searching to be done and many conversations with Odin. In the end, this is what Odin told me:

“When you meet new members of your family you don’t lose your old family. When you move to new lands, you don’t forget the love ones you leave behind. But sometimes you must go. We will always be part of you, but you have new roads to wander.”


Odin gave me the same advice when it was my time to go, almost word for word. Reading what he told you brought shivers from the memory.


I am in this situation myself.

I am torn between Nordic Witchcraft and Demonic Magick (particularly my blend that has traditional witchcraft, hoodoo and some ceremonial magick mixed together).

My issue is that it feels hypocritical to practice something that takes from the very thing that demonized my ancestor’s spiritual practices. However, I was doing it far before I found the Nordic Pantheon.


My, my. That was quite soothing, actually.


Sounds like someone has an agenda. That’s not suspect for a religious person at all! :roll_eyes:

Trust yourself.

Soo, this ‘healer’ is holding healing work to ransom if you don’t follow their dogma?
That’s one hell of an egotistical thing to do.

I kicked them to the curb. With prejudice. I’ve got zero time for liars and manipulators especially when they’re pushing a religious dogmatic energy.

This person proved themselves low-vibrational, egotistical and untrustworthy by being manipulative and biased, so I don’t see how you could trust that they actually can heal either.
In any case, nobody can heal another, all they can do is set the energy to help the body to heal itself.
They are not the only person that can do that.

I would just add, I dislike the Hindu pantheon myself, and don’t find those entities worth any attention. The reason being, I read the stories. They read like a 80s TV soap, full of negative energy, jealousy and very human shenanigans. These are stories about people - very flawed people, not gods.


Out of curiosity, you say that about the Hindu Deities, what about the Norse? They also have a lot of human shenanigans too.

Some, but some are gods and some are just egregores or entities lesser than deity. But I have a very strict definition of deity that 99% of other people’s gods don’t meet.

Same as the greek, and the roman, all the same, I believe these are all stories about actual people, handed down through aural traditions, conflated and blended into teaching stories connected to what Jung called archetypal energies.

So it maters what you connect to - the symbolically represented deity as a powerful manifestation of the tao, or an egregoric mask over that which all it’s little human foibles.

Even with egregoric entities, some people are worth spending your time with, and some aren’t. I have time for Freya, Baldur, Odin and the Jotun as representations of primal energy types. (That’s the closest I get to elemental magick.) I find qualities in these people I can respect.
But it depends what energy I want to pull into a working, and what I want to know.

I haven’t yet seen a Hindi deity I can feel respect for, probably least of all Kali who I’ve met one ask of in person (a sent astral attack). I don’t even like the energy she brings to people that work with her, I find her childish, empty headed and arrogant, and of course I beat her. No “god” should be able to be beaten by me - so she’s not a god in my book.

Horses for courses I suppose. Results are what matter in the end.


Thanks for the responses guys. Much appreciated.

Interesting because I left the Hindu and Greek Pantheons to work with the Norse. It was Rudra who sent me on that path. There company is some of the best imo.

Thor told me that they won’t leave my side. Freya isn’t going to say goodbye but he said even if I turn my back on the Norse Gods she wouldn’t leave me. I connect with Ganesha daily but rn something tells me to still work with Norse Gods.

I’ve worked with several already. Strangest bunch were the Egyptians who worked with me for a week then disappeared lol.

I like this quote a lot. To me the Norse Gods will always be the most like family. No disrespect intended to the others I work with.

He told me to get my healing and come back fresh and vital. I do sense that I’ll have to use tricks here and there but then again it’s not bad.

I mean always stick to the Pantheons that you feel most drawn to. I mean the concepts of Pantheons are man made for the most part hence why I work with different ones.

Yeah actually I do feel that this is to bring me more on the RHP and been on both paths, I prefer staying in the middle.

Since I’ve only learnt 3 runes in a magick sense and still have much to do, I think I should continue working with this Pantheon in secret.

I can’t tell tbh. She’s family so I guess my worry would be her telling my mother and them and things with them are on edge since I don’t follow the family dogma anymore.

The person is teaching me to heal myself, I should have said that in the beginning. It’s actually worked really well. Like real results. I do know that I’m not quitting on my Gods though. So maybe I’ll just play it like Loki?

That’s how I feel about the Hindu Plantery Gods (besides maybe 2 or 3) They are nice to your face but don’t hesitate to attack you from behind. My ritual to Fenrir and his Sons helped ward them off for good.

Interesting you mention this. I’ve always felt a primal energy from the children of Loki and my recent medidations with Surtur show me that some of these beings are more ancient and powerful than we think. Actually the Serpents Vasuki and Seshnag may be far more primal predating the current Hindu Pantheon.


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Use your intuition.


Well it tells me not to abandon this Pantheon.

If it is what you must do, then you can always return in the future. Medicine is for the sick! So once you are healthy and no longer need it, you can return to the Norse Pantheon
You might like what you find there and learn new things too. Afterwards you shouldn’t worry about combining things. I have no problem worshiping the Norse Gods while practicing Angelic Magick. It feels rather empowering in a way actually.


Odin told me the same thing.

I think it would be good to work with some Ancestral Gods. Might even branch out with the Asuras for a while.

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No one has the right to tell you to leave one path or another.
To be telling you that A) you’re playing with the Pantheon (with obvious bias) and B) Telling you that only the Hindi pantheon can bring about healing. Are two clear signs of manipulation.
Stick to your guns, I know how hard it can be to go against the grain in family, and it can be daunting to say the least. Stick to what you believe in.
Follow your path, it is the healing.

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ive always thought of mythology as a cultural means of personification of the mundane, it’s what brings the spirit and physical together.

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