I've Become Very Powerful - Chakras

Yeah I feel like all of our emotions and ideas tend to merge and come apart tons of times throughout our lives. It all seems the same, and then it all seems very different, over and over again.

It’s hard for men to get in touch with their feelings, whatever those may be, when the whole of society is telling you to be a man. I’ve seen guys just get beat up for having feelings. I’ve also seen a guy mid-cry deck another guy in the face for calling him a bitch – be that guy. That was an inspirational moment for me. I’ve never seen a man crying and fighting except in fucking naruto cause you know naruto was always crying and shit

Anyway I think my original point was that your personal truths are going to change all the time and you will always be developing upon your chakras with new information. Life and spirituality change you. I’ve let go of certain fears and developed weirdly specific fears throughout the last few months, and it’s hard to say whether they are just extensions of the same old feelings (which would be what many people would say) but it also seems like too easy of an explanation. Does it matter where the fear came from, anyway? I conquered my fear of the dark without knowing what caused it. These are all things I’ve asked myself while working on my chakras and myself.

It all just starts to look the same.



I have felt a palpable discomfort and pain in my chest area, feels like closer to the back of my chest. It is not a physical pain, it feels distinctly emotional/spiritual. It became more noticeable and distracting whenever I’d try slow breathing/meditating.

I did my usual introspection stuff, sitting in the feeling and investigating it. It was caused by fear. Fear that I’d lose control of my life, that something bad would happen and that I wouldn’t have the intellect or energy to deal with it. When fears/pain remain subconscious they seem to become this emotional-body pain. Now that I’ve faced it I feel so much better and the discomfort is gone. I knew I had these fears but I’ve had to acknowledge the scope of them.

I think release work like this makes us a better instrument for being psychic/doing magic.

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These two higher chakras are very important for us to experience truth and thus power. Even when the truth is ugly it must be faced.

throat third%20eye

Rational thought is very important when it comes to unraveling ourselves, our emotions and life situation. With the throat chakra (my personal weakest) I realised that I’ve also blocked it with the textbook cause: telling lies. And I want to discuss this “telling lies” in the way it actually works and not the stupid, oppressive, restrictive “do the right thing”.

This is blocked when we tell lies to ourselves. But not just that, when we tell lies to ourselves and believe them, and insist on operating in the world we constructed with these lies.

For me the lie was hating and blaming ‘the universe’ instead of not manifesting correctly. Now I can just hate the RHP :laughing: But seriously, by insisting to myself that reality was this way for me I got to indulge in righteous anger whilst skipping personal responsibility. But nobody should want to live in a story where we aren’t fully in control. And if we feel guilt at ever suffering despite being powerful, we must use rational thought to understand ourselves and the decisions we made as the person we were in those circumstances. Anyone who decides to do anything believes that they’re making the right decision based on their understanding.

Self-honesty, self-awareness and knowing when you’re projecting, knowing your emotions for what they are as you navigate life helps.

The third eye chakra when clear grants us the beautiful ability to “see” situations and react to them calmly and well. Before my chakra work I could have moments of weird or off decisions due to a lack of perceiving in that moment. But a clear “third eye” gives you a clear perspective of situations and I never worry about coming off badly or as weird because I can “see” what looks bad/weird. This has made me calm in all my decision making, made me more rational. A clear lens to see the world around us, which is what we want.

When you aren’t telling yourself things that aren’t true to appease yourself, when you have cleared your perception, you are actively living in and seeing the true world around us. And it is much easier to manipulate reality, yours and others, when you are in this place.



Woah… I think I’m done…


I think the energy unblocking has finally been accomplished. Man, I remember years ago I could barely even delve inside and I felt like I’d never be able to remove everything. And it took years but I think that now, finally, my energy body has been unblocked.

There were three last things and I’m still feeling the echos of them but they’ve been identified:

  • Removing the last of the Grief: When you find the truth of the LHP and the “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law” and can fully heal yourself, you never care how long it took you to find that truth because you’re so happy to find it at all. I’ve limited my heart chakra (mentioned above), everything to feel grief about and all the old patterns, I let them slip on by.

  • General Fear: This seemed to be just the normal human fear of losing control of my life.

  • Fear of Judgement: Fear there would be karma or some form of judgement for the curses I’ve been throwing lately. My logical mind doesn’t believe this is so. I couldn’t quite convince my deeper self but by acknowledging that fear it has helped with this block.

I should also point out that releasing the karmic situation I was going through, a soul mate and the lies concerning them is what has also helped me lately. I reckon I’ve had tricky past lives but now that every emotional blockage is finally dealt with I feel cleared.



Hey guys. My psychic powers have improved, I can feel my servitors better and I look healthier too.

It seems that now I am healing soul wounds. It means there’s even more work to be done :confused: The last thing I want to do is be pulled into some ongoing, never-ending loop. Maybe there was just a lot to do, or maybe I ought to be taking a different approach. It’s just confusing to feel done and then notice more stuff, but I’m going to see where this is taking me.

This remaining stuff seems to be concerning “grief”, “fear” and “acceptance”. And old soul wounds that I feel but are hard to figure out. But I’m going to keep at it and we’ll see what happens. Advice about this is welcomed.



Yay I had a breakthrough! So if you’ve read this far you know my most problem chakra is the throat


I felt an intense energetic block here and didn’t know how to release it. For all my textbook knowledge on this chakra I had no idea what could be causing it issues.

I will say that, now I am very good at scanning chakras of other people. I don’t even need a photo of them. However I was not good at picking up on the throat chakras of other people. They were usually left out in my sensing.

So, there I am at a loss and kind of frustrated about what to do with this chakra. It wasn’t until a day or two later, sitting in my Uni lecture hall, that I realised what the issue is (or at least something contributing a lot). The negative thought pattern I had came from Christianity and the RHP and it is the belief that our knowledge/discernment/wisdom is lesser or wrong than the “higher power”. I had been so frustrated and mad, seeing injustice from universal forces that are supposed to be representative of justice, seeing those ‘light’ spiritual paths fall short and make mistakes. And yet I still had difficulty removing myself from the thought-pattern that they must know better.

It was ingrained in me that I was being stubborn or rebelling. But when I start to accept, “hey I probably am right in what I’m doing and the path I’ve chosen”, instead of more anger or arrogance I feel calm. And honestly relief.

And from that I felt energy finally flow through my neck easier. I’m not sure how this relates to the throat chakra exactly, but the throat chakra seems to be about truth. And my truth is now about believing ‘I was right and they are wrong’ not because I didn’t get my way or am self-absorbed, but… come on… the LHP grants so much freedom and healing and I have just exploded forth in my spiritual progress. I actually am right, and either because of short-sightedness, faulty programming or flat-out malevolent ‘using followers as a power source’ that New Age pacifist crap is wrong.


Wow, could I ask for a chakra scan? I and working towards unblocking, and would like to know my trouble spots are.

Thank you.

Be blessed


For your insight, is there anything I can do for your services?


I received great insights on chakra blockages that I made a new post for here: Undoing a Chakra Blockage - Tutorial

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I am basically all-clear now, and the journey to get here was a lot different to what I’d expected.

So looking back on old posts I’m glad that I maintained an air of hypothesizing and experimentation :laughing: And I hope that instead of taking anything I said as gospel people only used it as suggestions for them to test and investigate themselves. I can read back and see where I was confused or where I was on track but not quite getting it.

Anyway the main point is that chakra blockages can show you issues in yourself that are all you, that you can fix. But my most serious blockages weren’t even me :neutral_face: But even so it took working through each various issue to get to the point where I could figure it out.

Spiritual oppression, the reptilian/sludge thing I had to get Murmur to take care of for me. I believe it was sent to me or incarnated with me by the RHP, which I now believe to be the ultimate shitty spiritual system of complete shittness. (Sorry to shit on anyone who believes in it, but I am going off my personal experiences, and man are they bad. Bad is in: this spiritual power has been trying to destroy me in any way they can since I escaped them and have been able to see them for what they are).

In conclusion, try to be sensitive to blocks and oppressions in your awareness. These bastards seem expert at ‘hiding’ themselves and ‘confusing’ you (which is why my throat chakra - truth - was going haywire!). Not every block you are going through is you. Especially if you’ve come from other spiritual paths, those old systems could be obstructing you as well. Cut cords, sever old connections, do banishments and whatever works for you to clear the way of your ascent and keep you safe!

Edit: looking back on some old posts, my prevalent spiritual/emotional pain was thoughtforms by the RHP to burden me! My fears and urgency was directly from the RHP to stop me! They are abhorrent.



Okay no I wasn’t quite right. My emotional-spiritual pain was caused by anxiety that I was dissasociating from, which is why I felt it was choking me. I WAS being spiritually oppressed in other ways but I was wrong to say most of it wasn’t my fault (coming from an internal place).

Anyway I am working to observe all the anxiety I’d “shut out” non-judgementally so that I’ll automatically apply the spiritual truths of power and healing I already know to it, and thus dissipate it.

Another realisation that has helped me is psychology. There are a few um… disorders/non-neurotypicality that when I read articles and traits about them really hit home. Similar to reading a horoscope and finding a lot is spot-on. This doesn’t worry me, it relieves me. And has helped me to understand why I have unhealthy patterns and certain weaknesses.

This thread seems to have gone away from chakras and into introspection lately. I will report that I and other people now say my throat chakra is very healthy and open, so that’s good.


I am glad to hear, my you continue to be blessed my friend



The Crown chakra is probably more important than I gave it credit for.

7 Sahasrana

I think that most people when working on their chakras jump straight into focusing on the Third Eye and Crown chakra. Since those are the ones that have to do with psychic powers. But I have always been rather cautious and practical, so I spent a lot of time working on my lower chakras. Too much time, comparatively, so that probably wasn’t smart. After all the crown may be the most important chakra. Succupedia said that you need this one open to best be able to sense and work with the others.

A psychic friend told me a parasite might be blocking my crown chakra. Either way it wasn’t open like it was supposed to be. I meditated on it, cleaning the chakra the way you do: Feeling the spot atop your head and envisioning white light to burn it clean, then I imagined it opening like a flower, violet light widening upward like a cone. I experienced what I will call “cosmic energy” coming down and into me. This energy feels soothing and gives peace. In a sense I will compare this chakra to the root chakra, since they’re at opposite ends. The root helps you bring up grounding energy that makes you feel steady and centred. The crown is similarly rejuvenating in that it brings in a different kind of positive energy/feeling. It is a blissful sensation. Who doesn’t need more bliss?

I have more to report on the Throat chakra but I will save that for another time.



I finally got this chakra sorted. Finally, finally. I think if I go through with my plan to make individual posts for each chakra I will start with the Throat.


Another parasitic thoughtform may have been dwelling in my throat. I felt relief after going to Murmur again. I don’t believe the parasite was the cause of my Throat blockage but it was probably hanging out there cause it was my worst chakra. Okay, so… a few things seemed to be blocking this:

  • The major one is that I never had fantastic social skills. When I was a kid in primary school I was popular because I was friendly and nice. In high school teenagers started to get more judgey. I couldn’t relate to people in a “cool” way then, so instead I acted aloof, sullen, mysterious. I did become somewhat of a mystery to other kids, but the truth was I did it to avoid bullying and coming off as weird. I was only socially aware enough to know I had social problems, so shutting up and avoiding people who didn’t know me was all I could do. I did become Christian at age fourteen, but even before then my social skills were not great. Nowadays lots of people like me cause I am welcoming and charming, but I get moments of social anxiety and awkwardness. This actually made me project and dislike all other people. I mean, I’ve never had a friend I’ve clicked with. I’m self-aware enough to recognize that my disdain for others was partially my own discomfort with myself.

  • Also I had shut off my psychic receptivity and sensing of what is psychically around me. This is because in past lives the RHP scolded/punished me badly, and also I knew that the RHP wouldn’t approve of my decisions so I didn’t want to “switch on” my sensing only to be yelled at traumatically by this oppressive force. Now that I am relaxing into the LHP space where there is no judgment I am gradually learning to relax and allow myself to “feel” what’s around me. I was so put off by this that even being mindful of my surroundings would give me anxiety and I was always “rushing” even though I procrastinate, I just didn’t want to be still and risk “sensing/seeing/hearing something”. Even my outer vision was blurrier for this reason, me trying to block things out. The restlessness was me being avoidant. This means I couldn’t express myself safely too.

Before a week ago I had the constant sensation of my throat being constricted, and like someone was stepping on it. Now it is almost 100% better and I know what I got to do to get it there. Phew.


This has been a very interesting read.

With all that you have discovered along the way and at times re-evaluated where the issues were, would you now say that you would advise yourself in hindsight to start at the root chakra or the throat or the crown?

I know it’s the accepted way to start at the root and work upwards one at a time but what do you think of working from both ends in towards the heart or from the heart first then towards the root and crown.
This occurred to me because you indicated a few times your throat chakra was more of a problem than others, also that you say how you felt bliss from working the crown chakra.

So I wonder what if you had started right in the middle and did the heart first then the throat, then solar plexus etc.

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I’ve come to think that the place you should start at is different for every person. You got to start at your personal problem chakra. Generally when you do a chakra meditation you go root up to crown in a straight line. But when it comes to this correcting chakras stuff you should introspect and feel out where the energetic blockages are and work on that chakra. Cause then you’re working on the most significant blockage before addressing the other ones. If you don’t know where to start probably best to go root then up.


I am glad your throat chakra is getting better, and starting to shine. I wish the best for you brother.

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I want to contest you when you said that chants dont work (I dont have the experience to speak up on crystals or visualization)
Chants, especially those addressed to the dieties that rule over that particular chakra do work permanently but on subtle levels. They make you more sensitive and aware of the particular chakra we are addressing here.


Care to share?

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I have found demonic chants to work really well. In terms of chakra chants I just reckon solely relying on them to fix a chakra issue won’t work.